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MR 1.02

ALAC Leadership Team (ALT) Meeting

Adobe Connect:


  1. Welcome to New ALT and Aim of Meeting (8:30-8:45)
  2. Discussion with Steve Crocker, ICANN Board Chair (8:45-9:15)- TBC
  3. Discussion with David Olive, Senior Vice President, Policy Development Support (9:15-9:45)
  4. Identification of Key Issues for ALT (9:45-10:30)

Moderator(s): Alan Greenberg, ALAC Chair

Lead/Notes: HU




Hall 1

RALO Development Session - Part 1

This RALO Development Session is only for ongoing and incoming RALO Leaders.

Agenda - TBC

  1. Welcome and Introduction (9:00-9:15)
  2. Identification of common challenges and opportunities (9:15-10:30)

Moderator(s): Olivier Crepin-Leblond

Lead/Notes: SV


10:30-11:00Coffee Break   


Hall 1

RALO Development Session - Part 2

This RALO Development Session is only for ongoing and incoming RALO Leaders.

Agenda - TBC

  1. Identification of Best Practice of RALO Leadership Activities (11:00-11:40) 
  2. Moving toward effective interaction with RALO/ALAC leadership teams (11:40-12:10)
  3. Moving toward developing a cohesive Cross-RALO team (12:10-12:45)

Moderator(s): Olivier Crepin-Leblond

Lead: SV



Logistics: GG

12:15-13:45General Lunch Break   


HALL Hall 1

ALAC Development Session - Part 2

This ALAC Development Session is only for ongoing and incoming ALAC members, liaisons and others invited by the ALAC Chair.

Format: Fishbowl technique


  1.  Ice Breaker
  2. RDS


  1. Cheryl Langdon-Orr
  2. TBD

Lead: HU

Notes: SV


Logistics: GG

The Development Session will also serve as a team-building exercise to increase collaboration and to work more effectively as a virtual global team inter-sessionally.

The activity will also include sessions on professional skills development and teambuilding. This latter activity will increase the ability of all ALAC members to develop critical skills needed to more effectively participate in meetings and work in a multi-cultural environment.

  1. Ice Breaker - Introduce today's activities; looking at the Fishbowl technique see Fishbowl discussions ; getting to know each other; breaking down cultural and other barriers;
  2. RDS - A 'Fishbowl' discussion on an important ICANN Policy issue. the Exercise is intended to improve understanding and effectveness of the ALAC Members communications effectveness and increase awareness of diversity of views, the motivation for such diversity and their individual 'styles' whilst exploring a 'real case issue'...
15:00-15:15Coffee Break   


HALL Hall 1

ALAC Development Session - Part 2


This ALAC Development Session is only for ongoing and incoming ALAC members, liaisons and others invited by the ALAC Chair.

Format: Fishbowl technique


  1. Moving toward effective meetings
  2. How to work effectively within the WGs
  3. Develop more effective use of mailing lists, collaborative tools and wikis
  4. Moving toward developing a cohesive team


  1. TBD
  2. TBD
  3. TBD
  4. TBD

Lead: HU

Notes: SV


  1. Moving towarrd effective Meetings - Using some case studies, shared experiences and role play, we will explore how this ALAC can increase participation and their effectiveness in their meetings. Specifically focussing on our 'better listening skills', communication choices and best practice meeting management skills. We will explore how in both Meeting Effectiveness and Team Coheasiveness a few pilars caan be identified for each group. these include buut is not limited to 'Open Communication', 'Respect' and 'Involvement'.
  2. How to work effectively within the WGs - All ALAC members are expected to part of at least 2 WGs; and one assumes undertake some Leadership Positions; Using some case studies, shared experiences and role play, we will explore how this ALAC can increase participation and their effectiveness in their WG (or similar) activities within ICANN.
  3. Develop more effective use of mailing lists, collaborative tools and wikis - Using some case studies, shared experiences and role play, we will explore how this ALAC can increase participation and their effectiveness in their use of and possible development of new tools for collaboration and communication.
  4. Moving toward developing a cohesive team - Research has shown that "...optimum results, teams ought to include deep-level diversity as part of the process for achieving cohesiveness." 1 Further that "Cohesive groups tend to have the following characteristics: they have a collective identity; they experience a moral bond and a desire to remain part of the group; they share a sense of purpose, working together on a meaningful task or cause; and they establish a structured pattern of communication." 2 Amongst other things in this session we will look at how to identify and analyse the 'surface' and deep-level diversity of this ALAC and explore how some mutual understanding and agreements on the ALAC's Role, Vision and 'primary purpose' can aid effectiveness efficiencies and outcomes. In addition to discovering how a high level of 'esprit de corps' might be engendered and nurtured.
17:00 - 18:30

Wrap-Up Cocktail