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  Terri Agnew:Welcome to the At-Large Briefing call on Creating a Consumer Agenda at ICANN held on Thursday, 01 September 2016 at 22:30 UTC

  Terri Agnew:agenda wiki page:

  Carlton Samuels:Howdy all

  Terri Agnew:Welcome this call will begin in 35 minutes

  Carlton Samuels:I'm in London so iif I don't  get on now I shall be asleep in no time.  And I'm recovering from jet lag too

  Terri Agnew:Oh no, I wish we had at least some music to help keep you awake.

  Terri Agnew:At-Large Creating a Consumer Agenda at ICANN Workspace:

  Javier Rua-Jovet:Hi to all.   I'm the new guy (after ICANN57)!

  Wafa Dahmani:Hi all

  Wafa Dahmani:Hi Javier

  Javier Rua-Jovet:Hi!!

  Wafa Dahmani:congratulation and welcome

  Javier Rua-Jovet:Thanks!

  Carlton Samuels:Hi Javier, congratulations on your selction for ALAC

  Barrack Otieno:1.17 am in Nairobi

  Terri Agnew:Thanks for joining at such an early morning hour Barrack!

  Barrack Otieno:thanks Terry i am trying to stay awake :-)

  Javier Rua-Jovet:Thanks Carlton!

  Wafa Dahmani:Hi Barrack

  Barrack Otieno:Hello Wafa, how are you?

  Wafa Dahmani:fine what about you?

  Barrack Otieno:great thank you

  Barrack Otieno:working late into the night

  Wafa Dahmani:now it's 23.20 in Tunisia  i'm more lucky than you in term of time :)

  Barrack Otieno:great, will try and follow  the meeting for a while

  Wafa Dahmani:hardworking as usual Barrack

  Barrack Otieno:thank you Wafa

  Maureen Hilyard:Hi everyone

  Wafa Dahmani:Hi Maureen

  Holly Raiche:Greetings all

  Wafa Dahmani:Hi Holly

  Harold Arcos:Greetings all, Saludos a todos.

  Holly Raiche:Hi Terri - I did request a dial out?? Tks

  Terri Agnew:Hi Holly, yes, the op will be calling shortly

  Alfredo Calderon:Hello to all!

  Heidi Ullrich:Hi All! Welcome, Javier, incoming NomCom Selected ALAC member from North America.

  Alberto Soto:Hello everyone, hola a todos!!

  Aída Noblia:Hola a todos

  Eve Edelson:Hi all

  Gunela Astbrink:Hi everyone

  Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong:Hello all

  Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong:Bonsoir à tous

  Glenn McKnight:Hi all.

  Javier Rua-Jovet:Thanks Heidi!

  Holly Raiche:Et bonsoir

  Glenn McKnight:Did they ever  hire the  Consumer  Trust  person ?

  Holly Raiche:Is there such a thing as a Consumer Trust person?

  Glenn McKnight:Yes,  Icann was to hire  someone.  They   were looking for  help to  do the job  description

  Glenn McKnight:It was a promise by Fadi


  Glenn McKnight:I  will phone him

  Holly Raiche:Yep - but I'm still smiling

  Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong:Si Possible un dial-out sur la canal Francais au 0023566274284 Merci

  Harold Arcos:

  Ariel Liang:page 2 - bolded text

  Ariel Liang:paragraph 2

  Glenn McKnight:I left him  a phone message

  Evan:My own issue with "consumer"  is that it connotes a transaction

  Glenn McKnight:Diplo  Foundation  aka  Internet Governance  recent book has a section on consumer - user section

  Gunela Astbrink:There's also the term 'end-user'

  Glenn McKnight:I like the  term  end user

  Garth Graham:I agree with using the term users

  Glenn McKnight:@Gunella  great minds  think  alike

  Humberto:me too

  Eve Edelson:I assume applicants for gTLD would not be covered by this whether speaking of consumers or users?

  Evan:That "consumer"  means "purchaser", and end users who do not buy domains are not consuming domains

  Javier Rua-Jovet:"User" is easilly understood.

  Glenn McKnight:Everyoine is  a  consumer  but  different  then  End users\

  Barrack Otieno:Correct Glen

  Humberto:i agree with Alberto as well

  Barrack Otieno:End Users have specific requirements

  Holly Raiche:I frankly don't care about the term - my fear is that we argue about the term and don't get on with the real issues -

  Glenn McKnight:Consumer has  legal  implications.   End users  doens't  mean a financial transaction

  Wolf Ludwig:Plus 1 Holly

  Glenn McKnight:no sound

  Wafa Dahmani:+1 Holly

  Terri Agnew:@Evan, we are no longer to hear you

  Glenn McKnight:only  someone  laughing

  Glenn McKnight:only  someone  laughing\

  Louis Houle:Hi everyone. Bonjour!

  Louis Houle:Sorry to be late. Traffic jam....


  Holly Raiche:That is NEVEER Evan just being polite - he ALWAYS has things to say

  Wafa Dahmani:lost again

  Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong:consumer vs ''Consumer of Internet' vs end user consumer

  Evan:please call me at +41 76 779 0574

  Ariel Liang:On it - re notes

  Evan:The point I was trying to make: The term "Consumer"  is already in use within ICANN, and if we redefine it for our use it will just cause confusion.

  Evan:The existing definition -- user, for instance, in the CCCT review team -- defines it as registrants AND end users

  Terri Agnew:@Evan, calling

  Holly Raiche:I think you are talking about an impact statement - great idea

  Louis Houle:@ Evan: Which is the good term to use! Consumer is confusing and to narrow in some ways!

  VANDA:sorry  running late, but i am here

  Garth Graham:Sometimes an an impact statement is called an equity statement.

  Holly Raiche:Agree with Alan - Who speaks for registrants - agree with OCL - they are a subset

  Evan:In the mind of some in ICANN, every end user is simply a potential registrant who hasn't been sold a domain yet :-P

  Wolf Ludwig:My problem is, if I get out and talk to Internet-affine people about "consumers" they laugh at me! "Users" is more common and appropriate while "end-"users is confussing again -- proviking questions like what's the difference between a middle or an end user?

  Holly Raiche:Good question Wolf

  Holly Raiche:@ Wolk - maybe a beter question - do we represent registrants as a subset of user

  Evan:Arguably "middle" user is an ISP. End user connotes the final link in the chain between content provider and content viewer

  Holly Raiche:Sorry  - Wolf

  Holly Raiche:@ Evan - I don't think we want to stick up for ISPs

  VANDA:guess we all agree there is conflicts in this arrange

  Evan:Further confusing the situation is that there is another ICANN constituency -- the Non-Commercial USERS Constiturncy -- that is already a part of the GNSO

  Harold Arcos:Indeed Vanda

  Wolf Ludwig:Don't worry -- we just need to explain different *user" levels to people (simply and stupid) while the "consumer" term still sounds like ages back ...

  VANDA:already agreed there is conflicts in this arrange  - i posted in the middle of the users comments

  Holly Raiche:@ OCL - I hope you said we DO want the reviews complete FIRST - good commenr

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Yes, I did. It all came from our straw poll in the gTLD WG

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:and this was recorded & minuted.

  Holly Raiche:Is that a task for US

  Evan:We face a staggering problem -- our ability to bring forth a consumer agenda iin compliance s severely constrained by the RAA. Anything that hurts consumers that is outside the scope of the RAA is beynd ICANN's ability to enforce.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Holly: 1. *do not start the process of a subsequent round until all necessary reviews have been completed* and their reports and recommendations have been fully considered by the ICANN community and Board. This includes not just the Subsequent Procedures PDP referenced in Chairman Crocker’s letter but also the RPM Review PDP and the Consumer Choice, Competition and Trust Review mandated by the Affirmation of Commitments.

  Garth Graham:Sometimes an impact statement is called an equity statement. That makes it a statement about who benefits and who pays before the fact, allowing for a situational measure of what the result of the action was after the fact.

  Holly Raiche:@ Garth - I like the term

  VANDA: yes, the ignorance about ICANN here for isntance is huge, we need to go deeply with the information to start

  Holly Raiche:It should be well and truly in ICANN's remit - and we should be part of it

  Gunela Astbrink:@Evan - agreed

  Andrew Molivurae:@ Evan I agree

  VANDA:@ agree with Holly.   I am doing an study about new gTLD in LAC region and first question you know what ICANN is... nobory really knows and who is reponsible for any issue related to ICANN x Internet

  Evan:If it's done it's very well hidden

  Holly Raiche:If ICANN staff are - where is it being done - why weren't we involved - and we should be involved in any case

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:perhaps an action item to find out if it exists?

  Heidi Ullrich:Beginner's Guides:

  Evan:What about contravening OICs?


  Holly Raiche:OCL - the action item should go further - so Heidi - maybe for Hyderabad - we should have a discussion about what is there - or not

  Eve Edelson:@ Vanda - most of my IT colleagues seem to be at best, dimly aware of role of ICANN - their view is strictly technical

  Heidi Ullrich:@Holly, I believe staff could assist in the development of a BG to Consumer Issues. We also have a couple of Consumer Groups as ALSes. Perhaps a sub-group of the Public Interest WG could assist...

  VANDA:realted to this item we will have next Sept 14 a discussion here in SP about this item

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Heidi - yes the Beginner's guides. I thought that Rob or something in Policy was going to freshen some up, especially the one on domain names?

  Eve Edelson:@ Heidi - thanks, yes, I should point my colleagues there

  Holly Raiche:@ Vanda - I'd love to heoutcomes of th discussion

  Evan:Sigh. We've been asking for this as longas I've been involved in At-Large

  VANDA:yes i am without  mic now...

  Glenn McKnight:Howard Deane of  the Consumer Council of  Canada was to submitted something

  VANDA:will be publish the result of study for sure

  Evan:Can someone please send out information that ICANN IS NOT THE INTERNET. To read current media reports and comments by politicians such as US Senator Ted Cruz, one would think that the IANA transittion represents "handing over the Internet". It is all our interests for the public to undetstand that ICANN oversees but a small part of the Internet -- names and numbers

  Holly Raiche:@ Alan - I think the point is that the information isn't reasonably easy to find

  VANDA:item 5 has different organizations doing all of that , security groups have done intrusions

  Holly Raiche:@ Vanda - true enough, but how easy is it to find tha information

  VANDA:of course it is not in one page, but the focus could be colect all that is done

  Eve Edelson:Apologies all, work requires me to step away

  VANDA:@ evan.... you right. here the few that know something about ICANn has this wrong concept

  Eve Edelson:Evan you are right, I have to go, but  misleading sound bytes need a sound bytey response

  Alan Greenberg:

  VANDA:you righ Alan...kkkk

  Alejandro Pisanty:There's tons of materials out there, not only by ICANN. Look at Andrew Sullivan's recent writings too. Our organizations have to come together for once and realize that bickering about ICANN cannot be our only business. How about ALAC leadership writing up something that we can all spread around?

  Holly Raiche:It's all about easy to find, simple information that needs to be upfront - on the home page

  Holly Raiche:@ Alejandro - agree.   I think that is what we are asking for

  VANDA:@holly + Alex - exactly

  Holly Raiche:Andrew is such good value

  Carlton Samuels:Lost audio for a bit

  Harold Arcos:The ignorance on Governance Internet is general around world. The differences In case of politicians is they takes decisions or get interference to take them.

  Holly Raiche:@ Carlton - pity - Alex said what he said in the chat - very well as always

  VANDA:local ICANN engagement and myself we  are writing some few articles to explain several issues regarding ICANN, domains, and TLDs and make agreemnts to have it published in portuguese.

  Gunela Astbrink:Totally agree with Alejandro. This discussion makes it clear that easy to understand information needs to be a first step for creating the consumer agenda. There sure is a gap in knowledge between the average Internet end-user and the 'expert' At-Large members

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Let's please check with ICANN what's going on. Check with Policy dept & check with GSE as well. Let's not reinvent the wheel. Perhaps step 1 is to list already everything that's in the process of being built as we speak.

  Holly Raiche:An action item for ALT - to organise a team to work on the document

  Holly Raiche:Also - maybe ask on this call for volunteers?

  Gunela Astbrink:@OCL - definitely the first step. No need to reinvent the wheel

  Garth Graham:If, “The Corporation shall operate for the benefit of the Internet community as a whole," then the things suggested for measurement in Sec 5 provide for an overview of use.  If actions proposed by ICANN contained a statement of intentions related to who benefits and who pays, then what got measured and reported regarding the results of actions would, over time evolve what an overview needed to include.

  Holly Raiche:@ Garth - I think that is basically the question Garth Bruen is asking

  VANDA:dispute is about mediation more than  judiciary process.

  Garth Graham:I don't agree that this is a communications issue.  It's really an accountability issue.

  Evan:We have articles such as appearing on very well-read websites. where can someone go at ICANN to get the actual facts on this in plain language?

  Glenn McKnight:The  staffer  works for  Trump from Breitart

  Glenn McKnight:The  staffer  works for  Trump from Breitart

  Heidi Ullrich:@Evan, I will send your link and request to IcANN Communications.

  ron da Silva:

  Carlton Samuels:@Evan: I'm not so sure it all matters.  The constituency that Breitart represents is not given to reason.  And they will not read or see the counter

  Evan:The direct readers of Breitbart may be beyond help. But there are more benign media that take such things at face value. Facebook;s trending algorythms, for instance.

  Holly Raiche:And we have all ready about Facebook's algorythms

  Holly Raiche:Sorry - read about...

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Before we close, let me remind you of the New gTLD Marketplace initiative:   --- this has a potential to really serve end users so we should be helping out with this as much as we could

  Evan:You're all missing the point. The issue is being proactive and understanding the languge of a public audience, not to be responsive to any particular meme

  VANDA:thank you all, quite interesting points!

  Javier Rua-Jovet:Goodbye to all.

  Carlton Samuels:Bye all

  Alberto Soto:Thanks!! Bye bye!!!

  Heidi Ullrich:Thank you, all.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:....and we have a Statement about the New gTLD Marketplace Health Index:

  Kasek Galgal:Bye all


  Aída Noblia:bye all



  Maritza Aguero:thank you

  Gunela Astbrink:Thanks, bye

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:thanks all

  Aída Noblia:thnks

  Maureen Hilyard:Thanks all

  Harold Arcos:Thanks bye all


  Andrew Molivurae:thanks all bye

  Winthrop Yu:Thank you!

  Wafa Dahmani:thank you bye bye