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ICANN-50 ATLAS II Thematic Group No. 5
Introduction Table of Contents
The At-Large community has grown from 88 ALSes to over 160 since the 2009 ATLAS 1 summit in Mexico City. It has become one of the largest communities within ICANN, comprised of a diverse group of organisations across all regions with various end user interests and backgrounds. The challenges of the At-Large Community Engagement in ICANN remains an important issue after five years.
Thematic Group 5 identified several problem areas and made recommendations for ways to improve and increase engagement and trust of the At-Large and its processes.
Members of the Thematic Group 5 are shown at the Appendix at the end of this document.
Reduce Volunteer Burnout.
ICANN should fund annual face to face RALOs meetings potentially at ICANN regional offices or in relation with local/regional Internet Governance events.
RALOs should make it mandatory for its ALSes to attend at least one meeting (online or offline) per year. In this process, the moderators should actively invite observers to join the table or group, at meetings or online and should improve the process of how Observers are being heard.
The At-Large Community (in collaboration with ICANN) should better prepare observers to better use the tools used by ICANN and At-Large for its online conferencing calls. (currently Adobe Connect). Suggestions include to simplify participation in the teleconferences, by typing relevant information in the chat window, including how to mute your microphone, and the link for the one-page introductory document for Adobe Connect.
The At-Large Community should consider to evaluate alternate communications platforms for co-operative online work sessions.
ICANN should continue the development of Beginner Guides, and ensure these are part of the ATLAS and ICANN Beginner’s Kit.
Thematic Group 5 Members