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 2 - Review of any Outstanding Action Items2014.01.20  (5 mins)

      •  CLO to send draft ROPs to the ROP review WG list and will put it in a doc format, in addition to a google doc for collaboration by any WG Mmeber. 
      •  Staff to post document  on the WIKI.
      •   Deadline to have the Final Draft ready after incorporation of any ageed and discussed changed and to sent to the full APRALO list for comment is the 8th of March. To allow for final approval of new AP- RoPs during Singapore Meeting. 
      •  All WG Members to review draft in full and comment by next meeting on March 6th to allow for finalisation of Drafting during the call.
      •  Silvia Vivanco to follow up with ICANN Legal on the issue of  APRALO change of name.- Awaiting respons

