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 Julia Charvolen:Welcome everyone to the RALO Secretariats meeting on Friday 08 November at 1900 UTC
  Julia Charvolen:Agenda:
  Heidi Ullrich:Hi All!
  Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:hello everybody, today from Spanish channel
  Julia Charvolen:For Sapnish interpretation please dial 1738
  Julia Charvolen:Spanish interpretation
  Siranush Vardanyan:hello everyone
  Maureen Hilyard:Hi everyone.. not good Holly..
  Maureen Hilyard:I was dropping out occasionally this morning on Adobe..
  Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:ok Maureen
  Silvia Vivanco:Hello Maureen and Siranush
  Maureen Hilyard:Hi Silvia.. my issue is probably related to low bandwidth
  Silvia Vivanco:Sylvia and Silvia are on the ES channel
  Silvia Vivanco:Maureen yes re AC and bandwidth
  Yuliya Morenets_Euralo:Hello
  Silvia Vivanco:Hello Yuliya! welcome
  Yuliya Morenets_Euralo::) I don't have sound, is it normal?
  Yuliya Morenets_Euralo:yes
  Yuliya Morenets_Euralo:great, tnx
  Maureen Hilyard:yes
  Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:ok
  Fatimata SEYE SYLLA:hello All
  Silvia Vivanco:Welcome Fatimata!
  Silvia Vivanco:All RALOs are to look at the ALS application form so as to ensure that it is accessible and easier to use. Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Garth Bruen, Holly Raiche, Glenn McKnight, Aziz Hilali, and Wolf Ludwig will work on this task.
  Silvia Vivanco:Please say your name and the person speaking in EN is not clear
  Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:who's speaking
  Silvia Vivanco:who took the floor?
  Siranush Vardanyan:Holly is speaking now
  Silvia Vivanco:No Dev, we have not received that form you are referring to
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Indeed, Garth sent it to me for testing
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:I'll try to find it
  Darlene Thompson:I'm so sorry for being late, peeps!
  Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:hi darlene
  Silvia Vivanco:Welcome Darlene!
  Julia Charvolen:Darlene thompson joined the phone bridge
  Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:ok
  Heidi Ullrich:@Sylvia, notice the green color / ;)
  Maureen Hilyard:Looking good!
  Heidi Ullrich:in honor of LACRALO in BA !
  Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:tks!!!!!!!!!!!
  Heidi Ullrich:One area that needs more text is the role of the ALSes in the MSM
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Looks lovely
  Heidi Ullrich:the Multi-stakeholder model will be increasing in importance this next year
  Heidi Ullrich:This guide will replace the ALS starter kit
  Heidi Ullrich:and adds more info
  Siranush Vardanyan:lovely desing, looks great
  Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:lovely, and very friendly
  Maureen Hilyard:Brilliant
  Heidi Ullrich:You are the first group to see it !
  Fatimata SEYE SYLLA:Great, excellent
  Siranush Vardanyan:excellen work done
  Fatimata SEYE SYLLA:thanks Olivier
  Siranush Vardanyan:excellent
  Julia Charvolen:Sylvia you are muted
  Fatimata SEYE SYLLA:bravo Matt
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Re: ALS application form in PDF ; here's the work by Garth on this :
  Maureen Hilyard:yes we can hear you
  Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:go ahead
  Julia Charvolen:Please mute your microphones, if you are not speaking, thank you
  Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:lol
  Fatimata SEYE SYLLA:thanks Heidi
  Heidi Ullrich:The guide is currently in draft form only in EN. Once it is finalized, it will be translated into the 5 UN languages.
  Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:go ahead dev
  Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:great, tks
  Yuliya Morenets_Euralo:agree with Wolf, I found this kind of information as well
  Yuliya Morenets_Euralo:btw, some information on our ALS is still online, quite sensitive information
  Yuliya Morenets_Euralo:and actually I would like also this information to be removed
  Yuliya Morenets_Euralo:definitely Wolf!
  Yuliya Morenets_Euralo:we can have only partly disclosed information
  Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:yuliya go ahead
  Yuliya Morenets_Euralo:do u hear me?
  Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:no
  Julia Charvolen:we do not hear you
  Wolf Ludwig:You have the floor, Yuliya!
  Siranush Vardanyan:no
  Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:*7
  Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:unmute
  Yuliya Morenets_Euralo:I'm only with adobe
  Yuliya Morenets_Euralo:so maybe better to connect on phone as well
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:then you need to turn your microphone on
  Julia Charvolen:we will dial out you Yuliya
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:click on the telephone at the top and allow it to control your micvrophone
  Julia Charvolen:Dialing
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Perhaps the way forward, would be 1) identify the parts of the ALS application form which will be publicly posted 2) the parts of the form that are considered confidential or private information would be redacted when the ALS form is posted publicly
  Silvia Vivanco:I have noted Dev's ideas as AI
  Yuliya Morenets_Euralo:Julia, could u call me on phone?
  Julia Charvolen:yes Yuliya we are dialing out to you
  Wolf Ludwig:Why not keeping the whole process somehow confidential or internal from submission to certification? Why this application form needs to be available publicly?
  Julia Charvolen:Yuliya joined the phone bridge
  Julia Charvolen:Yuliya you are on
  Yuliya Morenets_Euralo:Itanks for this and apologize
  Wolf Ludwig:Other associations I know keep such application procedures *and details" also internal and inform about the outcome afterwards.
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Thanks Maureen
  Wolf Ludwig:We should discuss this in BA¨
  Silvia Vivanco:ALL see Maureen's questions posted on the comments section of this Agenda :
  Silvia Vivanco:She has asked questions to all the RALOs
  Maureen Hilyard:thank you that would be great.. love  to make contact with everyone
  Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:lacralo policy page
  Yuliya Morenets_Euralo:Once again, agree with you Wolf!
  Silvia Vivanco:@ All, if the Cross RALO space is not going to be used then staff will delete it
  Yuliya Morenets_Euralo:so we can maybe ask staff to help us with having a kind of breif paper every month
  Yuliya Morenets_Euralo:based on monthly reports
  Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:yes
  Wolf Ludwig:IMO, it's useful as it is but we won't invest more work on this -- besides some updates from time to time.
  Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:ok Darlene, got it
  Fatimata SEYE SYLLA:yes, one will participate if needed only
  Darlene Thompson:Eliminate - staff has enough to do.
  Wolf Ludwig:If Staff has capacities for this?
  Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:agree with darlene
  Heidi Ullrich:@Wolf, not really..
  Heidi Ullrich:+1 Holly!
  Wolf Ludwig:Sounds reasonable and pragmatic, Holly!
  Siranush Vardanyan:+1 Holly as well
  Darlene Thompson:+1 Holly
  Fatimata SEYE SYLLA:+1 Holly
  Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:+1
  Yuliya Morenets_Euralo:agree as well, it was rhetoric
  Julia Charvolen:Yuliya we are dialing out to you
  Darlene Thompson:I have another ICANN meeting to go to but I'll stay here
  Julia Charvolen:Yuliya is back on the phone bridge
  Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:please see the video about that Dev is talking about
  Darlene Thompson:WELL DONE, Dev.
  Julia Charvolen:Holly we are dialing out to you
  Siranush Vardanyan:I also have updates related to Agenda item 6, so as I am in adobe, I can post updates from APRALO here and Silvia agreed to read it out for all. So, Sylvia, if the time comes to Agenda item 6, give me just two minutes
  Wolf Ludwig:No comment on point 7 but on point 9.
  Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:ok Siranush
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:okay, sorry I was wondering it was related to the CROPP ;-)
  Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:siranush write now
  Siranush Vardanyan:ok
  Siranush Vardanyan:As you may all know the new WG within APRALO has been established, APRALO ROP Working Group, chaired by Cheryl, with several members volunteered to be involved in it. This WG already in the process of finalizing the ROP WG Charter, and in a couple of days I will receive from the pen holder of his group the final draft of the Charter in accordance with the last adopted ALAC ROP procedures. The draft version will be shared with all ALSs in APRALO for their final input with the deadline given prior to BA meeting.
  Siranush Vardanyan:In Buenos Aires APRALO members are planning to discuss the final comments received from the ALSs during our monthly meeting on Wednesday 20th.. As an appointed Liaison of this WG I am going to share then this Charter with you all, meaning with the secretariat to see what has been done by APRALO. This can serve as an example for all RALOs to create their own ROP Charter. The link to this WG wiki page is posted in today’s agenda. APRALO intends to adopt this ROP during the ICANN #49 Meeting in Singapore. That is all for now.
  Darlene Thompson:I TOTALLY agree with Olivier
  Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:totally agree with olivier
  Wolf Ludwig:Don't laugh but I have NOTHING green! ;-)
  Fatimata SEYE SYLLA:thank you All.  Bye
  Siranush Vardanyan:Green day  in BA, looking forward to it :)
  Darlene Thompson:Thank you all!
  Wolf Ludwig:Except my green soul ;-)
  Yuliya Morenets_Euralo:Bye
  Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:lol
  Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:tks all
  Siranush Vardanyan:bye all