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Recording: EN,  FR, ES 

Chat:   EN   





Standing Agenda Items

1.  Adoption of agenda; call for Any Other Business or other amendments – Olivier Crepin-Leblond (3 minutes)

2.  Roll call and apologies – Staff (2 minutes)


3.  Review of the


Action Items


from the 28 May 2013 ALAC MeetingOlivier Crepin-Leblond (


15 minutes)

4.  Review of current ALS applications – Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Staff (10 minutes)


a. Recently Certified At-Large Structuresi. (178) Internet Society Canada Chapter [PDF, 354 KB]received ALS applications

  1. Euro Individuals Association - Undergoing Due Diligence
  2. Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN)- Undergoing Due Diligence

b. Organizations that are Currently undergoing the Accreditation Process


See:  At-Large Structure Applications and Certification Process

c. De-certification 

  1. (20) Application for "At-Large Structure" (ALS) Designation Internet Users Network (Tokyo) (APRALO)
  2. (133) Internet Society Pakistan Chapter (APRALO)
  • Vote scheduled to start shortly. ExCom to discuss question of the vote:

5.  Reports – Olivier Crepin-Leblond (5 minutes)


a. Recently adopted ALAC Statements, Documents or Groups:i. Trademark Clearinghouse and IDN Variants

  1. Proposed Final 2013 RAA – Adopted: 12Y, 0N, 0A
  2. FY14 Draft Operating Plan and Budget – Adopted: 14Y, 0N, 0A
  3. New gTLD Board Committee Consideration of GAC Safeguard Advice – Adopted: 13Y, 0N, 0A

b. Statements or Endorsements currently being developed, reviewed or voted on by the ALAC

i. FY14 Draft Operating Plan and Budget – Tijani Ben Jemaa drafting a Statement

ii. At-Large ALAC Statement to the Board Regarding Security and Stability Implications of New gTLDs  – ALAC voting on the drafted Statement

iii. New gTLD Board Committee Consideration of GAC Safeguard Advice - Alan Greenberg and Olivier Crepin-Leblond to draft a Statement

iv. Proposed Final 2013 RAA – ALAC voting on the drafted Statement

v. Questions to the Community on Accountability and Transparency within ICANN  – ALAC considering drafting a Statement


  1. Implementation of IDN Variant Top Level Domains – ALAC voting
  2. Draft Final Report on Universal Acceptance of IDN TLDs – Rinalia Abdul Rahim to confirm if a Statement is necessary
  3. Proposed Renewal of .ORG gTLD Registry Agreement –  Olivier Crepin-Leblond  to confirm if a Statement is necessary
  4. Initial Report on Protection of IGO and INGO Identifiers in All gTLDs – Evan Leibovitch and Alan Greenberg to draft a Statement
  5. Consultation on the Source of Policies & User Instructions for Internet Number Resource Requests – Lutz Donnerhacke to draft a Statement
  6. Thick Whois Initial Report – GNSO Policy Development Process – Alan Greenberg to draft a Statement
  7. Proposed Renewal of .INFO gTLD Registry Agreement –  Olivier Crepin-Leblond  to confirm if a Statement is necessary
  8. Proposed Renewal of .BIZ gTLD Registry Agreement –  Olivier Crepin-Leblond  to confirm if a Statement is necessary
  9. Statement on WCIT Outcomes – Olivier Crepin-Leblond drafting a Statement

c. Currently Open Public Comments 

i. Proposed Modification of GNSO PDP Manual to Address the Suspension of a PDP - No Statement 

ii. Locking of a Domain Name Subject to UDRP Proceedings – Initial Report - No Statement

iii. Consultation on Root Zone KSK Rollover - No Statement


  1. GNSO Structures Charter Amendment Process – No Statement.

d. Introduction to new At-Large Policy Development Early Engagement Workspace - Oliver Crepin-Leblond and Matt Ashtiani)

See: At-Large Policy Development Early Engagementiv. Revised Proposal of the ACDR to Serve as a UDRP Dispute Resolution Service Provider - No Statement

7. ALS De-Certification - Olivier Crepin-Leblond (15 minutes)


b. (133) Internet Society Pakistan Chapter (APRALO)

8. Consensus Call on the Naming of Members of the At-Large Objections Follow-Up Group - Olivier Crepin-Leblond (10 minutes)

See: At-Large Objections Follow-Up Group Workspace

a. Proposal 1: Do you agree with the proposal that Seth Reiss act as the Chair if the ALAC Objections Follow-up Group?

b. Proposal 2: Do you agree with the proposal that Rinalia Abdul Rahim be a member in the Objections Follow-up Group?

Items for Discussion

9. Discussion of GNSO Work on Policy and Implementation in the ICANN Context - Olivier Crepin-Leblond (10 minutes)

10. Revised ALAC ROPs: Schedule for Additional Documents - Alan Greenberg, Cheryl Langdon-Orr (10 minutes)

11. RALO Selections 2013 - Earlier results requested - Olivier Crepin-Leblond and Cheryl Langdon-Orr (10 minutes)

Items for Discussion

 See: At-Large ALAC and RALO Elections, Selections and Appointments 2013 Workspace

12. Update from Selected At-Large Working Groups - WG Chairs (10 minutes)
