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Glossary of Defined Terms and Meanings  used in the RoP's (as an appendix and complemented by the ICANN Web based tool)


Section B:



1.      ALAC Member Requirements and Responsibilities:

1.1.       Agree to abide by these Rules of Procedure and other requirements as may be agreed to by the ALAC from time to time.

1.2.       Serve on behalf of the ALAC and the At-Large Community by acting for the good of the entire Community.

1.3.       Submit a Statement of Interest (SoI) in a format agreed to by the ALAC, and to keep that SoI up to date. Certain positions and responsibilities may require additional information to that included in the standard ALAC SoI.

1.4.       Attend all formal ALAC meetings, and to the extent that such participation from time to time may not be possible, provide advance notice of the planned absence where practical.

1.5.       Prepare for and actively participate in all ALAC discussions, including face-to-face meetings, teleconferences, e-mail lists, wikis and other means of interaction as agreed to by the ALAC.

1.6.       Take part in all ALAC consensus decisions and votes except for those which require attendance at a meeting where the Member is not present.

1.7.       Play a leadership role in representing the interests of Internet users within ICANN.

1.8.       Actively participate in ALAC WGs, and preferably in WGs sponsored by other ICANN bodies as well. Unless otherwise specified, such participation is as an individual and not formally representing the ALAC. Preferably, the ALAC member will also take a leadership position within one or more of the WGs in which they participate.

1.9.       Should a situation arise where a person can no longer reasonably (currently and ongoing) carry out the obligations of a role, that person is obliged to either resign or otherwise ensure that the ALAC and At-Large is well-served.

1.10.   Responsibilities of ALAC Members are more fully discussed in the Position Description for ALAC Members, Liaisons and Appointees. <<Note: current title: Position Description for ALAC Members and ALAC Liaisons.>>

2.      ALAC Chair Requirements and Responsibilities

2.1.       The Chair must be an ALAC member.

2.2.       A person nominated to be Chair does not need to be in the ALAC at the time of nomination but must have an expectation of being in the ALAC after the next AGM.

2.3.       Should the person elected Chair not be an ALAC member after the AGM, a new election will be conducted.

2.4.       A chair is elected for one year term automatically extended to two each time the person remains to be an ALAC member for the second year. The first priority for the ALAC is to select the best person to be Chair.

2.5.       All actions attributed to the Chair in these RoP may be delegated by the Chair to any other ALAC Member.

2.6.       It is expected that a Chair will delegate specific responsibilities (sometimes referred to as “portfolios”) to other ALAC Leadership Team Members (ALTM), other ALAC Members and/or Liaisons based on skills, interests and workload.

2.7.       All such delegations are subject to the agreement of the delegate and should be a matter of public record.

2.8.       The duties of Chair include:

2.8.1.         Presides over ALAC meetings.

2.8.2.          Has the authority to determine the procedures to be followed where standard operating procedures do not cover a specific situation,

2.8.3.         Verifies the respect of the RoP, Bylaws and other norms applicable to the ALAC.

2.8.4.         Determines meeting agendas in advance in conjunction with the ALTM and Staff.

2.8.5.         Be the prime liaison with Staff.

2.8.6.         Represents the ALAC and At-Large in meetings and in written communication where there is no specific appointment. This responsibility notwithstanding, the Chair is obliged to consult with the ALAC Members, the ALT and the ALAC and/or other segments of At-Large as appropriate.

2.8.7.         Ensures that timelines and deadlines for the work of the Committee are set and met.

2.8.8.         Facilitates and encourages participation of all ALAC members in At-Large Community activities and taking appropriate actions when the participation and contributions of ALAC Members and appointees do not meet.

2.9.       As a member of the ALAC Leadership Team (ALT), the Chair is subject to the same obligations as all ALT Members.

2.10.   Should the Chair be incapable of carrying out the duties and obligations of the office, including that of delegating responsibilities to another ALAC Member, another ALAC member will be deemed to be the Chair until such time as the original Chair can resume their duties or the ALAC can select a replacement. The replacement chair will be, in order of precedence:

2.10.1.     The Vice Chair, if there is only one.

2.10.2.     One of the Vice-Chairs, by mutual agreement of the Vice-Chairs, or barring such agreement, by random selection with the random selection carried out by Staff

2.10.3.     Any other ALT Member by mutual agreement of the ALT Members, or barring such agreement, by random selection with the random selection carried out by Staff

3.      ALAC Leadership Team Requirements and Responsibilities

3.1.       The ALAC Leadership Team (ALT) supports and collaborates with the Chair in the overall administration and management of the ALAC.

3.2.       All ALT Members must be ALAC Members.

3.3.       A person nominated to for an ALT position does not need to be in the ALAC at the time of nomination but must have an expectation of being in the ALAC after the next AGM.

3.4.       Should a person selected as an ALT Member is not an ALAC member after the AGM, a new selection will be conducted.

3.5.       ALT Members are expected to participate in all ALT meetings, both face-to-face and teleconferences, and to the extent that such participation from time to time may not be possible, provide advance notice of the planned absence where practical.

3.6.       ALT Members agree to be available to meet the time commitments associated with their position as agreed to be the ALAC. <<Capture for adjunct document – Chair: 20-25 hours per week. More in a bad week, perhaps 1/2 in very good week. on call, available and able to attend meetings 24/7. often to do 7-9 hours straight, per day.>>

3.7.       ALAC Members occupying the role of Vice-Chair agree to take on a heavier workload then the untitled ALT Members.

4.      ALAC Liaison Requirements and Responsibilities

4.1.       The ALAC may from time to time appoint Liaisons to formally represent the ALAC to various bodies within or outside of ALAC from now on named the Target Group (TG).

4.2.       Liaisons need not be ALAC members but they will normally be current or past ALAC members, or otherwise familiar with ALAC/At-Large and the TG to whom they will Liaison.

4.3.       Liaisons are responsible for communicating ALAC positions to the TG, and for reporting on TG activities, meetings and actions that may be of interest to the ALAC, to the extent that confidentiality rules of the TG allow.

4.4.       Liaisons shall generally have the same responsibilities as ALAC Members, with the following exceptions

4.4.1.         Liaisons do not participate in ALAC consensus decisions or votes unless they are ALAC members.

4.4.2.         Liaisons may be relieved of the responsibility to attend all ALAC meetings by decision of the ALAC.

4.4.3.         Liaisons have no requirements to participate in ALAC and other WGs other than those related to the TG unless they are ALAC members. That notwithstanding, Liaisons are encouraged and expected to be active participants in the activities of the TG.

4.5.       Liaisons have an obligation to ensure that it is clear whether they are speaking on behalf of themselves, the org that sent them (if any) or the ALAC. Moreover, Liaisons must, to the best of their ability, fairly represent positions of the ALAC where they exist.

4.6.       When representing the ALAC, Liaisons have an obligation to solicit ALAC and At-Large views on the matter where practical and possible. Liaisons should be picked knowing that in many instances such consultation may not be possible or practical and thus the ALAC needs to select people who understand the philosophies of ALA and At-Large.

4.7.       Liaisons shall accept, while acting in their capacity on behalf of the ALAC, to put the collective views of the ALAC in front of their own, to the extent that such views are known.

4.7.1.         When the personal views are in conflict with ALAC views, the Liaison must make clear which position is which.

4.7.2.         To the extent that such ALAC views are not known, personal views should not be misrepresented as ALAC views.

4.8.       Liaisons may serve in this capacity to only one TG at a time.

4.9.       Liaisons appointments are from the period of the end of one AGM to the end of the following AGM unless otherwise specified by the ALAC at the time of the appointment.

4.10.   Any appointment where the TG has internal participation qualifications is conditional on acceptance by the TG.

4.11.   To the extent possible and practical, the TG should make their requirements known ahead of time.

5.      ALAC Non-Liaison Appointee Requirements and Responsibilities

5.1.       The ALAC may from time to time appoint individuals to represent the ALAC or to act on behalf of the ALAC to various bodies within or outside of ICANN.

5.2.       Non-Liaison Appointees do not need to be ALAC members but must have sufficient knowledge of ALAC/At-Large and other the group or subject related to their appointment so as to be able to properly represent the ALAC/At-Large.

5.3.       Except as agreed to by the ALAC, the responsibilities and obligations of Non-Liaison Appointees are the generally same as those of Liaisons.

6.      Terms

6.1.       All appointments except the ALAC Chair begin at the conclusion of one AGM and continue until the conclusion of the following AGM, unless the ALAC specifically identifies a different time-frame.

6.2.       The term of the Chair starts at the conclusion of an AGM and runs for one or two consecutive ICANN years conditional on the Chair being an ALAC member during the second year.

6.3.       Should the Chair not be an ALAC member during the second year of the term, the ALAC will use its normal Chair election procedure to select a new Chair as per the normal Chair selection process.

6.4.       If any person leaves an appointed position prior to the normal end of their term, the person appointed as a replacement will serve only for the remainder of the incumbent’s term.

7.      Performance and Metrics

7.1.       The ALAC can function effectively only if all ALAC Members and appointees meet the obligations of their positions.

7.2.       The ability of the ALAC to represent the interest of Internet users depends on strong participation from all ICANN regions.

7.3.       The ALAC and At-Large receive very significant funding from ICANN, both for travel and other activities, and the ALAC’s ability to justify such expense is conditional on all ALAC Members making regular and significant contributions to the ALAC, At-Large and ICANN.

7.4.       Satisfactory performance is a complex concept including both objective and subjective issues.

7.5.       A variety of metrics will be maintained related to quantifiable performance aspects to ensure that all ALAC Members and appointees are aware of their performance, and to support the Chair in the responsibility of monitoring such performance. Such metrics will include, but are not limited to:

7.5.1.         Meeting attendance including sending prior notice if attendance not possible.

7.5.2.         Attendance will be based on individual ALAC sessions for those present at ICANN meetings.

7.5.3.         Participation in the decisions and votes of the ALAC

7.5.4.         Participation and roles played on ALAC working groups as well as those of other bodies within ICANN.

7.6.       The metrics for all Members and appointees will be publicly available.

7.7.       The ALAC may set thresholds which the Chair or RALOs could use to monitor performance.

7.8.       The ALAC has the right to withdraw the appointment of ALAC appointees. <<Recall presumably to be covered by ESADT.>>

7.9.       The Chair is empowered to take action as agreed to by the ALAC. Any such actions must be done with due consideration to cultural differences throughout At-Large and to the extent possible in a discreet and sensitive manner.

7.10.   Such actions shall include but not be limited to:

7.10.1.     Discussion of issue with the ALAC Member or appointee.

7.10.2.     Use of the ICANN Ombudsman for mediation.

7.10.3.     Discussion with the RALO leadership if the ALAC Member is a RALO appointee

7.10.4.     Withdrawal of travel funding, in conjunction with the appropriate ICANN budget manager(s).

7.10.5.     Although resignations are far preferable to the ALAC taking formal action, should the situation warrant it, the ALAC may vote to remove an ALAC Member.           The Member must be given an opportunity to explain to the ALAC why they should not be removed.           Should such a vote be necessary, it will be carried out with a secret ballot of all ALAC members except the one in question.           For a vote of removal to be successful, at least 2/3 of the ALAC Members eligible to vote must vote for removal.

7.11.   Actions taken do not need to be done in sequence and none of those listed above are mandatory unless specified as so by the ALAC.

7.12.     All actions of the ALAC, ALAC Members, or the ALAC Chair are always subject to referral to the ICANN ombudsman.


Section C: Process - Meetings and Administration

1.      ALAC Meetings

1.1.       ALAC meetings may be face-to-face or teleconferences. Most face-to-face meetings also have teleconference capabilities for those who cannot attend in person.

1.2.       Classification of ALAC meeting

1.2.1.         Regular Meetings               Scheduled at times as agreed upon by the ALAC.               Requires advance notice of at least one (1) week.               By explicit action of the ALAC, notice may be waived.               Requires Quorum to begin.               For face-to-face meetings (typically held in conjunction with ICANN meetings), a meeting can be temporarily halted and reconvened at a later time by agreement of the ALAC. Upon re-convening, Quorum is once again required to begin.

1.2.2.         Annual General Meeting (AGM)               A Regular meeting held in conjunction with the ICANN Annual General Meeting

1.2.3.         Urgent Meetings               May be called by the ALAC Chair at any time, possibly on short notice.               Requires Quorum to begin.               The only Motion that a Urgent Meeting can approve is to give the Urgent Meeting the same rights as a Regular Meeting. If such a decision by Consensus is not unanimous, a formal vote must be taken.

1.2.4.         Special Meetings               May be called at the request of any four (4) ALAC members.               Requires a minimum notice of of one (1) week.               Requires Quorum to begin               Once convened, has the same status as a Regular meeting.

1.3.       Meeting Rules

1.3.1.         ALAC meetings are run based on the following authorities in decreasing priority               ICANN Bylaws               These ALAC Rules of Procedure               Decisions of the ALAC               Robert`s Rules of Order, 11th Edition               Rulings of the Chair

1.4.       Agenda

1.4.1.         All meetings should have an agenda, preferably published ahead of time identifying the topics to be covered in the meeting as well as the projected time to be allowed for each item.

1.4.2.         A meeting may have a “Consent Agenda” which will include Motions which are deemed to not require further discussion and will be adopted by consensus or vote as a single item.               Items within the consent agenda will be deemed to have been moved by the Chair and seconded by a Vice-Chair as identified in the Consent Agenda.               Any ALAC Member may request that a specific item be removed from the Consent Agenda be removed and dealt with independently.

1.5.       Quorum

1.5.1.         For a meeting to be quorate, more than 50% of the currently sitting Members of the ALAC must be present, either in person, telephonically, or by other means explicitly approved by the ALAC.

1.5.2.         The quorum for a vote to proceed has not yet been fixed. Following are the current version, followed by an alternative that was suggested with (so far) no objections). The issue is whether regional representation needs to be ensured on any vote.               For a vote or decision to be valid which will be completed at a meeting, the meeting must be quorate at the time of the decision. <<This option is our current procedure.>>               Keep the current vote Quorum definition, but add that if all regions are not present, a vote must be used instead of Consensus and that vote must be carried over unless the Chair deems the issue too urgent to do this. <<This would eliminate the effective veto, but ensure that all regions have an opportunity to participate in virtually all ALAC decisions.

1.6.       Open Meetings, Speaking Rights and Speaking Order

1.6.1.         Unless otherwise decided by the ALAC to address a specific sensitive issue, all ALAC meetings are open.

1.6.2.         Speaking priority is given to ALAC Members, Liaisons and Appointees, but time permitting, others may be granted speaking rights at the discretion of the Chair.

1.6.3.         Participants who wish to speak should indicate their intention using whatever method is appropriate given the meeting details.

1.6.4.         The Chair shall have sole control over the speaking order and may time-limit interventions.

1.7.       Motions

1.7.1.         Any formal action of the ALAC will be in the form of a Motion. Such formal action may be initiated at an ALAC meeting or electronically.

1.7.2.         Motions may be made by any ALAC Member.

1.7.3.         To the extent possible and practical, Motions should be made and circulated well in advance of the meeting.

1.7.4.         All Motions must be seconded by another ALAC Member.

1.7.5.         The Chair shall allow sufficient time for discussion, which may take place at a meeting or electronically, prior to the ALAC taking a decision.

1.7.6.         Prior to reaching a decision, an amendment to the Motion may be suggested by any Member.               If the Members who put and seconded the original Motion deem the amendment to be “friendly”, it will become part of the Motion being considered.               If a motion is not considered to be friendly, a decision of the ALAC is required as to whether the amendment is incorporated or rejected.

1.8.       Points of Order

1.8.1.         A point of order is an interruption of a meeting which must be addressed before the meeting may proceed. There are two general types of Points of Order with respect to ALAC meetings.               A situation where a Member believes that the ALAC Rules are not being followed and requests a ruling of the Chair.               A situation where continuation of the meeting is impractical due technical or other problem. Examples of such problems include the lack of technical infrastructure and the failure of audio-visual aides.

1.8.2.         The Chair shall rule if anything needs to be done to correct the situation.

1.9.       Procedural Motions

1.9.1.         A procedural motion is a motion to do the following (in order of precedence):               Suspend the meeting;               Adjourn the meeting;               Close debate on an issue and initiate the decision process (consensus or vote)

1.9.2.         A procedural motion may be made by any ALAC Member and does not need to be seconded.

1.9.3.         Once a procedural motion is made, it must immediately be decided by either consensus or vote.

1.9.4.         If multiple procedural motions are made, they must be addressed in the order specified in this section.

1.10.   Decisions of the ALAC

1.10.1.     With several exceptions noted here, all decisions of the ALAC should preferably made by Consensus.

1.10.2.     When attempting to judge Consensus, the Chair will ask if there any objections to the Motion or amendment being adopted. If the call for objections is made electronically, sufficient time should be allowed for Members to voice their objection.

1.10.3.     Whether Consensus has been reached is a ruling of the Chair.           As a “rule of thumb”, Consensus is unanimity minus no more than three for the full ALAC and proportionally smaller for a smaller group.

1.10.4.     Any ALAC member may request that a formal vote be taken instead of  the Chair judging whether Consensus has been reached. If such a vote is requested, the Chair may decide whether to hold the vote immediately or after additional discussion.

1.10.5.     If a Member cannot be present for a vote, either cast in person or electronically, that vote may be cast by another Member according to rules governing Proxies

1.10.6.     Any vote related personnel, whether in an election, appointment, recall or disciplinary action shall be held by secret ballot and how each Member votes shall not be revealed.

1.10.7.     For any vote not held by secret ballot, how each ALAC member votes shall be recorded in the records of the meeting.

1.10.8.     All ALAC Members will be given an opportunity to request that the meeting record indicate the rationale for their vote. Members who abstain shall explicitly be asked if they wish such a record to be made.

1.10.9.     For decision made by Consensus, any Member who does not support the Consensus position may request that their disagreement be noted in the records of the meeting.

1.10.10. If a formal vote is taken where the outcome is not needed immediately for a time-sensitive reason, the Chair may decide to keep the vote open for no more than three days to allow votes of those not at the meeting to be registered. Those votes may be registered via e-mail, telephone with Staff, or via a specialized web-based voting system

1.10.11. Votes carried out outside of formal meetings may be carried out using any method approved by the ALAC which may include:       Specialized web-based voting systems,       E-mail       Telephone

1.10.12. A formal vote is deemed to be successful if at least five delegates cast a non-abstaining vote, and if the number of votes in favour is higher than the number of votes against. For votes that explicitly require a super-majority or a two/thirds vote, the number of votes in favour must be at least twice the number of votes against.

1.10.13. If a formal vote is taken which results in a tie, the Chair may:       Cast a second vote to eliminate the tie       Call for additional discussion and then decision       Immediately call for a new vote       If the vote was part of a nomination and selection process, re-open the entire process

1.10.14. Votes must be used in lieu of Consensus for:       Election of the ALAC Chair       Election of the At-Large Board Member       Approval or removal of an ALS       Any vote that must be held by secret ballot

1.10.15. If any part of the present section of the Rules of Procedure are contradicted by the sections governing the election of the ALAC Chair or the At-Large Board Member, the latter sections must be followed.

1.11.   Proxy Voting

1.11.1.     If a Member will be unable to participate in a vote at a given meeting, another Member (Proxy Holder) may hold a proxy to cast that vote on behalf of the first Member (Proxy Giver).

1.11.2.     If the details of a vote are known ahead of time, the Proxy Giver may instruct the Proxy Holder how to vote and the Proxy Holder is honour bound to follow those instructions. Such a Proxy is known as a Directed Proxy. If no specific instructions are given (an Undirected Proxy) the Proxy Holder may vote as he/she wishes.

1.11.3.     An Undirected Proxy may be given to cover some or all votes to be held in a given meeting.

1.11.4.     A Member may receive Proxies from no more than two other Members.

1.11.5.     If a Proxy Holder is not at the specified meeting, the Proxy shall be given to the Chair of the meeting who may hold an unlimited number of such “2nd order” Proxies.           A Proxy Giver may specify that the Proxy not go to the meeting Chair in the case of absence of the Proxy Holder.

1.11.6.     Proxies, whether Directed or Undirected, do not alter the rules surrounding disclosure of how a Member votes. In the case of a secret ballot, the Proxy Holder is honour bound not to publicly reveal the contents of the cast Proxy vote.

1.11.7.     The ALAC will from time-to-time publish the details of how a Proxy is to be issued.

1.12.   Records of ALAC Meetings

1.12.1.     Records of ALAC meetings, whether in the form of formal “minutes” or less formal notes or meeting summaries, shall at a minimum include:           Type of meeting, date, location (if face-to-face) and start and stop times           Attendance including how a person joined (for instance in person or via teleconference)           Agenda, as amended during the meeting if applicable           Decisions taken including method (vote or Consensus), record of how Members voted if a vote, and records of any abstentions or other remarks requested by Members           Links to any media associated with meeting (such as recordings, presentations)           Any of the above may be omitted by decision of the ALAC if inclusion would violate confidentiality in any particular case.

1.12.2.     Records of meeting must be made available to Members by the earlier of a) 30 days from the date of the meeting (or last date if the meeting spanned more than one day); or b) the posting of the final agenda for the following meeting.

1.12.3.     Records of meetings are deemed to be accepted 14 days after they are first distributed, or 14 days after the last correction is requested by a Member.

2. Amendment of the Rules of Procedure

2.1.1.         A Motion to amend the Rules of Procedure must be made at least 21 calendar days prior to the meeting.

2.1.2.         The text of the changes must be provided at the time the Motion is made.

2.1.3.         Amendments are allowed, but any suggested amendments should preferably be made well in advance of the meeting.

2.1.4.         Approval of the modified Rules of Procedure requires a supermajority vote of the ALAC.

3. ALAC Work Methods

3.1.       The ALAC will use a variety of work methods to accomplish its goals. These will include:

3.1.1.         Face-to-face meetings

3.1.2.         Teleconferences

3.1.3.         E-mail

3.1.4.         Wikis

3.1.5.         Other methods that are deemed by the ALAC to be appropriate and generally accessible to its Member, Appointees, and members of the At-Large Community.

3.2.       E-mail

3.2.1.         E-mail is a prime technology used by the ALAC.

3.2.2.         The ALAC and At-Large will have a variety of E-mail mailing lists to allow easy communications amongst ALAC Members, Appointees, WG members RALOs, and members of At-Large.

3.2.3.         To ensure that these lists are used properly and have the correct membership lists, the ALAC will from time-to-time publish a guide to its mailing lists.

3.2.4.         Most At-Large mailing lists are archived and viewable by the public. The ALAC guide to mailing lists will identify which lists are public and which are not.

3.2.5.         Communication by electronic mail shall be considered equivalent to any communication otherwise required to be in writing. The ALAC shall take such steps as it deems appropriate under the circumstances to assure itself that communications by electronic mail are authentic.

3.3.       Work Teams

3.3.1.         Much of the work of the ALAC will be carried out through Work Teams (WT). Examples of WTs include but are not limited to:               ALAC Sub-committees, standing or ad hoc               Drafting Teams               Working Groups

3.3.2.         The ALAC Charters all such WTs, specifying intent of the group, expected outcomes if applicable, general or specific WT composition and membership

3.4.       All ALAC meetings are conducted in English. To the extent possible and practical, and subject to ICANN funding and sufficient demand, simultaneous translation from and into other languages may be provided. WT meetings are generally conducted only in English, but consideration may be given to interpretation subject to the same guidelines as for ALAC meetings.<<This reflects our current practice and allows us to change as the ICANN translation and interpretation policy evolves.>>

4. At-Large Structures

4.1.       The ALAC shall, subject to review by the RALOs and the ICANN Board, set procedures to certify and decertify At-Large Structures.

4.2.       Detailed procedures are set forth in the At-Large document “At-Large Framework Formation” ( at these Rules of Procedure were last modified).

4.3.       The “At-Large Framework Formation” shall be deemed to be an integral part of these Rules of Procedure.

B1:  High level 'commitment and expectations' Statement  

B2: Specific requirements:

  • Attendance at Meetings (Virtual and Face to Face)
    • Requirements to poll and Vote
  • Leadership Roles
    • internal to ALAC 
    • external to ALAC
  • Conflict of Interest policy and associated requirements (such as need to post a Statement of Interest and to operate under Continuous Disclosure)

B3: Representation of ALAC and At-Large by:

  • ALAC Members
  • Liaisons of the ALAC
  • Appointments of the ALAC

Bx: Other as discussed / decided by DT



C1: General conduct of Meetings

  • Expectations of Meetings of the ALAC 
    • Openness and Records to be kept (including Policy on Accountability and Transparency)
    • Management of Ordinary Meetings 
      • Quorum
      • Role of the Chair
      • Agenda setting
      • Business  General, Specific, Extraordinary and Other
      • Role of any support Staff / Secretariat
    • Annual General Meeting Business to be conducted (including transition of Members incoming and outgoing)
    • Representation
      • Right to Speak/Present
      • Right to call for a poll or vote
      • Recall and reconsiderations
      • Quorum / thresholds
    • Motions and Resolutions
      • Formal Advice and Statements of the ALAC
    • Primary use of Consensus
      • Definition(s) of Consensus / degrees of agreement
      • Minority opinion(s) 
    • Voting 
    • When is it required
    • Right / Requirement to vote/poll
    • Quorum / thresholds
    • Records and Publication of outcomes

Cx: Other as discussed / decided by DT

