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NARALO Toronto Events

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Summary Minutes and Action Items



1. Welcome and Roll Call  - Staff (2 mins)

2. Review and Adoption of the Agenda - Garth (2 min)

3. Discussion of NARALO Toronto Event Activities  - All (30 mins)

a. NARALO RALO Anniversary/Outreach Event

i. Sponsorship update

ii. Invitations to Keynote and other Speakers

iii. Multi-media for the Outreach event - Update

iv. RALO certificates - Update

b. NARALO Capacity Building Meetings

i. Discussion of session agendas - topics and speakers

ii. Date and topic for Chris LaHatte's session - Update from Garth

c. NARALO Table Top Display in ICANN Village

i. ICANN information booth can be used - What technical requirements are needed?

3. Update on Promotional Items - All/Staff (15 min)

a. Lapel pins

b. NARALO banner

c. Invitation postcards

d. Meeting Guide text

4. Planning the Logistics - Update from Staff -  Staff (5 min)

a. Review of NARALO Toronto Events Budget Spreadsheet

b. Final numbers and ALSes represented

c. Update from Constituency Travel

5. Next Steps



1. Heidi confirmed that Fahdi will give the welcome speech

2. The Sponsors have confirmed participation


AI for Staff: Get a Bio, to send out to the membership.


3. Budget


AI:  Heidi to clarify whether the budget provided is in Euro/dollars.


AI: Staff to supply to OCL with a list of  [....]


Al: Provide information to Garh.


Capacity Building: We are still waiting to hear back from Staff on the Agenda.


Glenn: People duplicating the same thing. It is important to ensure the speakers know what they are talking about.


Discussion on Inter-Ralo dispute resolution

We will have the Ombudsman, Garth will coordinate with Chris in the near future what we are going to discuss.


NARALO Table top display


Multimedia and Slide show

Matt has sent an email out on this.

Heidi made some suggestions.


Update on Promotional Items


We are finalizing the Banners and pins. Janice and Filiz have agreed to put postcards at the moment of registration.

Meeting Guide Text: Heidi working with Lynn on that.


Number of Brochures and availability

Heidi to follow up or reorder.


Glenn: Has placed a copy of the slideshow.


4. Planning the Logistics - Update from Staff -  Staff (5 min)


5.  Evan - Invitation to his house

Budget less of 50$


Specific of the Budget



Matt has put a document with numbers from Constituency Travel

5500 left but 6 have not booked

2 have not replied to consituency travel

Joan has not replied- Glenn will ask Joan

Robert Guerra has  not been in contact

Staff to give Garth contact information

Garth to follow up with people who have not confirmed travel


Eduardo: Checking with Robert Guerra if he will be there or not

Robert is based in Toronto

Checking if he needs perdiem = no


Heidi: About the speaking order for outreach event, moving OCL session so he speaks after the sponsors.


Heidi re coordination, who is going to  be coordinating speakers. This is already done.  Removing coordination column.


We have photos from capacity building events, etc.





 AI for Staff: Get a Bio, to send out to the membership.

AI:  Heidi to clarify whether the budget provided is in Euro/dollars.


AI: Staff to supply to OCL with a list of  [....]


Al: Provide information to Garh.