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  Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the ALAC Monthly Meeting on Tuesday 22 May 2012 at 1400 UTC
  Gisella Gruber-White:Agenda:
  Heidi Ullrich:Welcome All!
  Jean-Jacques S.:Hello!
  Ron Sherwood:hi, everyone
  sergio salinas porto:hi all!
  Gisella Gruber-White:Ola Sergio!
  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Hi!
  sergio salinas porto:hola gisella!!!! good mornig/afternoon/night
  sergio salinas porto:hi rinalia
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Hi all...
  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:hola Sergio!
  Heidi Ullrich:Please could you all mute your AC speakers if you are not using them?
  Heidi Ullrich:Alan, please see my message
  Jean-Jacques S.:The operator has not called me yet, +33954544012.
  Gisella Gruber-White:@ JJ - we are calling you now
  eduardo diaz:hello all. just to say hello for a moment. i wll join again in an hour
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yup
  Fatima Cambronero:hi everyone
  sergio salinas porto:hola/hi Fatima
  Fatima Cambronero:hola Sergio
  Gisella Gruber-White:Please state your names when speaking for the interpreters AND transcript
  Jean-Jacques S.:I'm now online.
  Heidi Ullrich:Action items from 17 April ALAC Meeting:
  Wolf Ludwig:Sorry for being late -- will dial in now.
  Carlton Samuels:Morning everybody
  Alan Greenberg:Was off the teleconference fora while. If I was called on, I am here now.
  Carlton Samuels:Greetings
  Silvia Vivanco:correct
  Silvia Vivanco:I heard my voice with echo too
  Evan Leibovitch:Hi Carlton
  Evan Leibovitch:Slight echo on Olivier's voice. Not too annoying... in fact it gives this meeting the air of a 50's rock & roll concert
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro 2:The Adobe has an echo so I will go back to the cell
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Hand UP  OCL short intervention...
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro 2:Got in to Fiji a few hours ago [ can still hear an echo from adobe] can Natalie please call me again
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:Audio is clearer now
  Gisella Gruber-White:Hi Sala - do you still require dial-out?
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:Not anymore Gisella, the audio from the Adobe is clear, thanks
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Yes  that would be great for us to use Alan  great  presentation indeed :-)
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:Thanks Alan
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:Alan, have people from RALOs requested you to give them briefing since Costa Rica?
  Matt Ashtiani:
  Matt Ashtiani:At-Large Policy Development Page
  Heidi Ullrich:Please refresh the ALAC agenda, the At-Large Policy Development link now leads to the Policy Development page.
  Alan Greenberg:@Sala Nope - Nobody loves me. Or from my point of view, everyone lves me since they have not given me ay more work!
  Matt Ashtiani:Proposed Revised Process for Handling Requests for Removal of Cross-Ownership Restrictions on Operators of Existing gTLDs -
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:I'd yake Alans advice on this  but  NOT too motivated to respond
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:this is a process issue
  Natalia Enciso:Hello everyone. Sorry for being late. At was at Court.
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Welcome Natalia
  Heidi Ullrich:apologies
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:deafening!
  sergio salinas porto:hi natalia! welcome!
  Natalia Enciso:Need dial-out, please.
  Gisella Gruber-White:@ All, apologies - Rinalia disconnected
  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:That;s OK.  Phone battery died, but I can hear on audio bridge.  
  Matt Ashtiani:WHOIS Policy Review Team Final Report -
  Heidi Ullrich:Carlton is on the AC
  Carlton Samuels:Defer and call em on 876 632-3232
  Heidi Ullrich:ok
  Carlton Samuels:Defer the item until I'm called
  Matt Ashtiani:DRAFT Statement of ICANN's Role and Remit in Security, Stability and Resiliency of the Internet's Unique Identifier Systems -
  sergio salinas porto:dial out for natalia pleasse, natalia dropped
  Natalia Enciso:back on the call, thanks
  Evan Leibovitch:+1 Carlton
  Evan Leibovitch:So no move to endorse the RT report here?
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:That is crazy and I agree with Carlton that ordinary internet users should be able to access Whois information
  Evan Leibovitch:(ie in this mtg?)
  Gisella Gruber-White:@ Sala - we can't hear you
  Gisella Gruber-White:Sala is on Adobe Connect only
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Sala -- can you use the audio on Adobe Conect?
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:+++  to what AG and CS  have said  from me
  Carlton Samuels:@Alan: +1 I will use your words in the Statement I will pen
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:Please clear my status, my machine seems to be grief
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:OCL my audio does not seem to be capturing my voice
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Evan -- if you are ready to draft a statement of endorsement which includes all the points which Carlton spoke about, we could endorse the RT report here. But it's probably better to do it in writing.
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:no rush on this
  Evan Leibovitch:OK. Didn't know if a statement was required soon
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:closes 10th June
  Evan Leibovitch:That's not TOO much time, especially if there is to be a bigpulse vote
  Carlton Samuels:@Alan on Registry privacy implementation: The hemi ALAC Statement actually endorsed privacy provision from any party under certain conditions
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yup
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:and THICK is the way for all new gTLDs
  Wolf Ludwig:@Gisella: I think Sandra got stuck (traffic or s.t.?) for the call. Can you add her name under Apologies -- and my name among participants? Thanks!
  Carlton Samuels:In that Statement we advised an official privacy provider policy position so long as the provider accepts strict liability.
  Carlton Samuels:I will work with you to draft the Statement
  Matt Ashtiani:DRAFT - ICANN Language Services Policy and Procedures -
  Gisella Gruber-White:@ Wolf - your name has been added to my list and the wiki page will reflect this (unable to type in the summary pod as Matt is taking notes - and Sandra's apology will be noted. Thank you!
  Heidi Ullrich:Please refresh your agendas as the open policy statement section has been updated.  
  Carlton Samuels:@CLO on Language Services: +1
  Heidi Ullrich:Christina Rodriguez has been invited to speak with the ALAC and Regional Leaders on Tuesday in Prague.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:It is fundemental to ALL but the zNARALO region   but considering the ES  speaker percentages there  ;-)
  Evan Leibovitch:Even NARALO has three language components.
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:but the regions with the most need for a strong language policy are LACRALO and AFRALO
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:end I gather  EN  is becoming a minority  language  in population terms  oin the future ;-)]
  Gisella Gruber-White:Avri Doria has joined the call
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:APRALO has the GREQATEST  language diversoty  remember
  Evan Leibovitch:Not AP? (considering CJK and Arabic)?
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Yes  AP  gets  1st place
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:for language diversity
  Carlton Samuels:@CLO on language diversity: Definitely AP!
  Heidi Ullrich:Cheryl, would you like staff to reserve a small room for you or is a table in a cafe ok for the drafting?
  Heidi Ullrich:in Prague, that is...
  Carlton Samuels:@Alan: Yes, It is decided
  Heidi Ullrich:Revised Vision statement:
  Carlton Samuels:FYI - ICANN’s vision: One world. One Internet.
  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:I'm curious as to why the statement is referred to as vision statement instead of mission statement.  Vision being a desired end state.
  Carlton Samuels:FYI - ICANN’s mission:  coordinate, at the overall level, the global Internet’s systems of unique identifiers; and  ensure the stable and secure operation of the Internet’s unique identifier systems.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:64% of  the worlds  languages are used in the AP region  see
  Jean-Jacques S.:Rinalia +1
  avri:Catalyze include the essential element of the catalyst not being affected by the change
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:we had debated  that as well but we had wanted it succint
  Carlton Samuels:@Avri:  +1, finally, someone who remebrs our basic [bio]chemistry!
  Carlton Samuels:LOL
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:from memory - initiate was in the unlikely unforeseeable event that there would be a need to interject or to initiate advocacy as far as the at large positionor interests
  avri:did you all try motivate?
  Evan Leibovitch:I was always taught in Business 101 was "Vision Statement is how you'd like the world to have improved if you do what you plan" and Mission Statement is "what you plan to do to attain the vision statement"
  Alan Greenberg:@EVan. Now my brain hurts!
  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Evan is correct.
  Evan Leibovitch:These days I tend to think that we are judged by what we do, as opposed to what we aspire to do.
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:I can propose it
  Carlton Samuels:It is the RESULTS that matter, always!  For the record, I shall abstain in this vote
  Evan Leibovitch:I am abstaining too
  Wolf Ludwig:Sorry -- I have to leave for other "business" or jobs -- wish you a good continuation and good bye!
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:[Credit goes to all those that participated in Costa Rica in terms of developing this and special mention to Yjro, Garth, etc
  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:I'm abstaining.
  Evan Leibovitch:Use the turtle to abstain
  Carlton Samuels:I am abstai ning
  avri:shouldn't the vision thing be something that can be accepted unanimously?
  avri:we have a misision a majority agree with, is an intersting way to put it.
  Wolf Ludwig:Controversial visions are more exciting, Avri ;-)
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:perhaps if you sent it via email/online
  sergio salinas porto:natalia dropped"!
  Natalia Enciso:Need a dial-out again, please
  Matt Ashtiani 2:@natalia - we are dialing you now
  Evan Leibovitch:If it makes a difference to passage I can change my vote to in favour.. I just don't think it's needed or useful.
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:good point Cheryl
  sergio salinas porto:yes @cheryl abstention is quorum
  Heidi Ullrich:only 7 votes...
  Heidi Ullrich:that is not quorum
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:I disagreee we need a vision statement
  avri:while i understand needing a vision, but shouldn't you have a common vision that all of those who have a vote can beleive in?
  Carlton Samuels:I posted the ICANN visionb Statement for that purpose!
  avri:you can alwasy send it back to the drawing board.
  Carlton Samuels:And I was sooooo happy that Rinalia picked up on it!
  Jean-Jacques S.:Cheryl +1
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:8 is quorum  and is the required threshold  for a vote to pass
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:+1 CLO
  Carlton Samuels:The question is, does or should the ALAC have a differnet vision than ICANN?
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:yes of course
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:unlike  ICANN  abstention votes  count  for quorum  but NOT  to  be  NO vote  they are counted as abstention
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:I vote
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:yes
  Carlton Samuels:I think of this like a rowing team.....when any oarsman even has a click of a difference, that boat founders!
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:still not  a pass
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr: sop it faqils
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:fails
  avri:6 out of how many possible alac votes?
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:15  Avri  we must have 8 or greater for  YES
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:ok can we not send it to those who have not voted but count our votes
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr: 8 is a;sp quorum
  Carlton Samuels:Whitdraw the motion and defer the vote
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:of those who have already voted
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:ok
  avri:6/15 - 40% of ALAC supports its vision.
  Evan Leibovitch:So just do the Bigpulse within 24hr
  Carlton Samuels:@CLO: Yes, even to withdraw the motion defer to online vote
  Carlton Samuels:@CLO: Take a bow, O Queen of Procedure!
  Carlton Samuels:lol
  Heidi Ullrich:Draft ALAC/At-Large Improvements Final Report - Final Report:
  Carlton Samuels:Sorry, I was not muted...and my office is very windy today
  Evan Leibovitch:NB: I have an absolute hard stop at the top of the hour.
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:noted
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:+1 JJ
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:and annex the full report
  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:+1 JJS.
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:news to me too
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:shocking in fact
  Heidi Ullrich:Review Group Workspace:
  Evan Leibovitch:not yet NARALO
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:hmm
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:cool
  Evan Leibovitch:Ah, OK, I did not know about the pool results
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:Do any of them have commercial interests?
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:that would affect their role?
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:No direct or indirect links
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:I think ALAC should give the criteria and then use that as the test
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:RALOs should apply the consistent test/standard
  avri:should someone actually read all the SOI of those slected before voting.  just a thought from someone who is conflicted.
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:I propose a Motion that the ALAC gives a special criteria for this purpose because of the nature of this role
  Jean-Jacques S.:To Olivier: on Improvements, could you ask Staff to take up my suggestion as an Action Item? Thanks.
  Matt Ashtiani 2:At-Large New gTLD Review Group Statements of Interest Workspace -
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:I propose we defer the vote
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:due diligence precedes ratification
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:I think that our RALO members should hold the role but nothing should stop ALAC from facilitating a pool of experts
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:who are not members of At Large
  avri:can't each of the alac voters do their own degree of due dilligence before voting.
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:[I hear you but my comments are on record but certainly something we can improve in terms of rules and procedures etc
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:for future matters
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:It is a constant challenge  Sala => sadley
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro::)
  Matt Ashtiani 2:AFRALO: Aziz Hilai, Fatimata Seye SyllaAPRALO: Fouad Bajwa, Kenny HuangEURALO: Adela Danciu, Rudi VansnickLACRALO: Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Marcelo TelezNARALO: Garth Bruen, Eduardo Diaz
  Jean-Jacques S.:As you wish, Olivier, I move or second the motion.
  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Second.
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:thanks
  Heidi Ullrich:The motion carries
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:Congratulations to these people...
  Matt Ashtiani 2:14 May 2012 - all RALO candidates need to have their SOI/COI published16 May 2012 - RALOs who need to conduct a Bigpulse vote can do so, closing 21 May 201218 May 2012 - volunteers to be chosen by the ALAC need to have their SOI/COI published22 May 2012 - ALAC monthly call ratifies the candidates recommended by the RALOs23 May 2012 - ALAC conducts a Bigpulse vote to choose the third candidates29 May 2012 - vote results published
  Matt Ashtiani 2:
  Heidi Ullrich:Carlton Samuels has been nominated for the LACRALO ALAC selected member
  Heidi Ullrich:JJS, the AI is noted
  Heidi Ullrich:AI: OCL to prepare a letter to the Chairman of the Board as suggested by JJS.
  Jean-Jacques S.:thanks
  Heidi Ullrich:Link to White Paper:
  Evan Leibovitch:I'm still on the call but only for a few more minutes
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:Yes I recall clearly
  Evan Leibovitch:need to leave AC now
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:ok
  avri:as a member of WG, at least i think I am, i do feel that our comments have been taken into account.
  Jean-Jacques S.:Thank you Avri!
  sergio salinas porto:I'm sorry, but I retire, I give classes my students.Greetings to all
  sergio salinas porto:bye
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:JJS do you want to develop it before Prague as in open for comments today within At Large
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:I hope this will be an At Large comment period
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:after this is robustly developed then we can take it outside
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:but I like the work done on it so far
  avri:why not submit to a full ICANN community comment period and get the widest possible feedback.
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:translations takes 4 days
  Carlton Samuels:Might I just suggest a statement of interest rather than a vote BEFRE Prague!
  Carlton Samuels:Solicit a consensus view here and now, I mean!
  Heidi Ullrich:Sala, the  time needed for translation time depends on the length of the document.
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:I can see the rationale JJS - you want to be able to confidently exert certain positions at the ICANN meeting ; I agree Heidi -
  Jean-Jacques S.:Carlton +1
  Carlton Samuels:@Alan: All of the major elements of the FCWG paper have been aired before now you know
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:Rinalia/Edmon and I can take this to the APRALO and immediately invite feedback etc
  Heidi Ullrich:@Alan, there is a public meeting of the FCWG on Wednesday 8-9
  Carlton Samuels:@JJS: Which is why the public meeting was scheduled!  
  Alan Greenberg:Thanks Heidi
  Carlton Samuels:@OCL: Consensus on timetable of Actions, not on content!
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:we can ratify prior to Prague via a special meeting before Prague and agree with OCL
  avri:BTW< while you may not be able to meet the document publication date for Prague, if you start a Public Comment period just before Prague, the document will be published.
  Natalia Enciso:I have to leave now. Goodbye!
  Carlton Samuels:@Avri: Exactly!
  Carlton Samuels:@Alan: Yessir, +!!
  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:+1 Alan.
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:yes we can give a consolidated draft after RALO input for Public Comment
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:I agree on the basis that the RALO gives input first
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:no draft by the 14th
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:Tip for those wanting translations - use short simple sentences and avoid complex sentence structures.
  Carlton Samuels:Chair I shall have to leave in 5 mins
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Mine have all been covered on the Agenda
  Jean-Jacques S.:Thank you all for supporting the suggested way forward on the R3 draft.
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:You have my undivided attention as it is 4.24am here and the rest of Fiji is sleeping
  Maureen Hilyard:Ditto
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:JJS/Evan/Rinalia et al - awesome work so far, I look forward to seeing how it will evolve
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:tell me abiout it ladies and my NEXT  ICANN WG call (with OCL as well)  is in  2.5 hrs time ( sigh)
  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Heidi, there are 2 Future Challenges Workshops in the Prague schedule (1 open and 1 closed)?  Is this correct?
  Carlton Samuels:I have registered for the poloicy seminar and for the 1900 UTC event!
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:Heidi grateful if you could please email me the link
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:I'm inthe later ine
  Heidi Ullrich:Top 10:
  Heidi Ullrich:from 2008...
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Rinalia: yes, there are 2 FCWG meetings indeed. This is correct
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yup after Prague os fine
  Heidi Ullrich:one FCWG is public and other is just for the FCWG/At-Large members
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:post Prague as things evolve
  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Thanks.  
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:I agree CLO
  Maureen Hilyard:+ Cheryl
  Carlton Samuels:@CLO: In addition to define a timetable, design a framework
  Carlton Samuels:I have to go folks.  Thanks for company
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:lol i can imagine it's winter in the southern hemisphere
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:   Don't rub it in  Sala ;-)
  Carlton Samuels:@Alan:  I will send a qucik draft of WHOIS RT Final Report to you by about 3p EDT
  Heidi Ullrich:Re updating At-Large Website, we now have 11 volunteers. Still need volunteers from AFRALO.
  Heidi Ullrich:The interviews will begin this week.
  Maureen Hilyard:@CLO.. its warm in Rarotonga too..
  Carlton Samuels:@Heidi: Lance Hinds has agreed to be volunteer
  Carlton Samuels:from LACRALO
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Stop it  Pacofoc :-)
  Heidi Ullrich:The Technology Taskforce will lead the community work with staff.
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:lol CLO; thanks Carlton looking forward to the final report
  Heidi Ullrich:@Carlton, we have noted him.
  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Take it, Cheryl!
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:Gunela is also an advocate for w2C
  Maureen Hilyard:Agreed
  Jean-Jacques S.:Cheryl +1.
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:I meant w3c
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:awesome combination'
  Maureen Hilyard:Great choices for APRALO
  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:CMR?
  Heidi Ullrich:We now havew 12 volunteers! However, we still need volunteers from AFRALO.
  Heidi Ullrich:FR interpretation has stopped.
  avri:It was also a JAS suggestion that the staff accepted, that JAS members particpate in training and setting up the program.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Good point Avri
  avri:i have not passed it on to the ALAC
  avri:i have NOW
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr::-)
  avri:TAS has reopenned
  Matt Ashtiani 2:Update on the TLD Application System (TAS) from ICANN COO Akram Atallah -
  Matt Ashtiani 2:
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:Apologies from me for being absent for a while/ am back in Fiji now and will respond through the wikis
  avri:i am available if anyone wants the gory details out of band on CMR
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Bye all  thanks  OCL  :-)  talk in a few more hors  then
  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:"gory" - new word!
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:Thanks Avri
  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Thanks everyone!
  Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro:Goodbye
  Maureen Hilyard:Bye all Great meeting
  Gisella Gruber-White:JJS - I am here if you need for test
  Heidi Ullrich:Bye