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|T|M|F|1321385058465|1321385619289|matt.ashtiani|Wrap-Up Session: Rod Beckstrom to request that Communications Staff to provide Wolf Ludwig with material on the new gTLD program in German.|
|T|M|F|          |1321385613171|matt.ashtiani|APRALO Monthly Meeting: Matt Ashtiani is to set up an At-Large Workspace for all of the IDN Variant Public Comments with links to each of the individual case studies.|
|T|M|F|          |1321385618436|matt.ashtiani|Wrap-Up Session: Wolf Ludwig to send the following link to the relevant parties:|
|T|M|F|          |1321385615031|matt.ashtiani|ALAC and Regional Leadership Working Session 1: Matt Ashtiani to send members in Dakar a Hashtag to use Twitter for reports.|


At-Large Meeting with ICANN Board

    • Staff to send the Board of ICANN a package of the ALAC's views on the various Whois issues.
    • Staff to create a wiki workspace for the collection of At-Large views on the CEO search, the comments will be synthesized and the results sent to the Board. 
    • The ALAC is to liaise with members of the Board to discuss outreach.
  • At-Large Meeting with the GAC
    • The ALAC and GAC should create a joint WG to draft a joint statement on Conflicts of Interests (he GAC is to confirm at a later date if this is in fact an Action Item). 
  • At-Large Meeting with Compliance
    • Regarding the Non Lawyer’s Guide to the RAA, the ALAC requests this guide be upgraded in terms of simplified language. 
    • FAQs on Compliance are to be compiled and posted by Compliance. 
    • Regarding re-seller complaints, a list of the most common complaints should be prepared by Compliance along with with suggested ways to avoid/correct them. 
  • ALAC: Policy Discussion - Part I
    • Development of ALAC Metrics
      • ALAC to request that the NomCom start a process for recalling their selectees. 
      • The ALAC is to create a WG to establish a set of metrics to be designed and to evaluate performance of ALAC members. Cheryl Langdon-Orr is to be the Chair of the WG.
      • A Liaison to the aforementioned WG is to be appointed during next ALAC Meeting
    • ICANN Academy
      • The ALAC is to create an ad-hoc WG to develop an ICANN Academy, expanding on the draft ICANN Academy proposal.
  • ALAC: Policy Discussion - Part II
    • Rule of Procedure
      • The ALAC is to create an Ad-Hoc Rules of Procedure Working Group.
    • Geographic Regions Review Draft Final Report
      • Rob Hoggarth is to check the English and Spanish translations of the Falkland Islands/Malvinas issue.
  • At-Large Regional Leadership Meeting
    • Silvia Vivanco is to organize a Secretariat Call to discuss the creation of criteria for inactive/non-quorate ALSes.
  • ALAC Meeting with the NCSG
    • ALAC/At-Large is to increase liaising with Global Partnership on consumer/end user issues.
    • The ALAC and NCSG are to consider the creation of a joint workspace.
  • Wrap-Up Session
    • ICANN CEO, Rod Beckstrom, meeting with the ALAC 
      • Gisella Gruber to send a link to the ALAC of the Roadshow Events Calendar
      • Relevant Staff are to send notice of ICANN events taking place in the various regions to the local ALSes within those regions.
      • Staff and Edmon are to coordinate the revitalization of the IDN WG.
    • Any Other Business
      • A call for the new ALAC dotmobi Liaison is to be made by mod-November and should include the duties of this position. ALAC is to appoint the dotmobi Liaison on their November call. 
      • The ExCom is to develop 3-5 questions for an Expression of Interests for the search for the dotmobi Liaison.
      • Olivier Crépin-Leblond is to send a note to the Chairman of the ICANN Board that the At-Large representatives were, for the second time, put into poor hotel accommodations. This note is to be copied to Constituency Travel and to the Meetings Team.
