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Zoom Recording: EN

Transcript: EN

Chat: EN


Dial out Participants:  (to be updated)

EN: Amrita Choudhury, Shreedeep Ryamajhi, Hong Xue, Gopal Tadepalli, Justine Chew, Ananya Singh, Adarsh Bu, Udeep Baral, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Gunela Astbrink, Abhishek Gautam, Ali AlMeshal, 

Apologies: Aris  Aris Ignacio, Holly Raiche

Staff: Gisella Gruber, Athena Foo, Siranush Vardanyan, Yeşim Sağlam

Call Management: Yeşim  Yeşim Sağlam



  1. Roll call & General Housekeeping by Staff (3 mins)

  2. Welcome - Amrita Choudhury, APRALO Chair (3 mins)

  3. Update on the changes in the APRALO Leadership - Amrita (10 mins)

  4. UA Day Preparation: Discussion with Sarmad Hussain, Senior Director IDN & UA Programs  -(20 mins)

    1. Call for Proposals, Universal Acceptance (UA) Day - 28 March 2024
    2. Universal Acceptance (UA) Day 2024 Event Proposal Form
  5. Discussion on the Outreach and Engagement Plan - APRALO Leadership and GSE Staff (10mins) (

  6. Spotlight: Let's hear the ICANN78 Fellows (20mins)

    1. Sarai Faleupolu Tevita - Samoa (p41)

    2. Vesmira Harutyunyan - Republic of Armenia (p47)

    3. Naima Awan - Pakistan (p29)

    4. Edwin Sandys - Fiji (p10)

  7. AOB - (10min)

    1. Update from the APRALO RoP WG

    2. Update from APRALO Policy Forum

      1. ICANN78 Read-out

      2. Upcoming Events

  8. Feedback

  9. Meeting adjourned
