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Deck of Cards


GNSO Council Meeting #4 of 2022 held on 14 Apr 2022 

Full Agenda   

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda - None
  • Item 4: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Small Team Reviewing the System for Standardized Access/Disclosure (SSAD) Operational Design Assessment Preliminary Draft Report
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Overview of the EPDP on Specific Curative Rights Protection for IGOs Final Report
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - DNS Abuse Small Team Update
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Closed Generics Small Team Update
  • Item 8: Any other business
    • 8.1: ICANN74 update and planning
    • 8.2: Council expertise survey reminder

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 17 February 2022 were posted on 07 March 2022.

    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 09 March 2022 were posted on 24 March 2022 .

  • Item 4: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Small Team Reviewing the System for Standardized Access/Disclosure (SSAD) Operational Design Assessment Preliminary Draft Report
    • The small team delivered its preliminary report to Council on 4 April 2022.
    • Council will discuss the small team’s preliminary report and discuss next steps, including providing an update to the ICANN Board on the status of work and expected timing
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Overview of the EPDP on Specific Curative Rights Protection for IGOs Final Report
    • This EPDP Team reached full consensus on its five recommendations and delivered its Final Report on 4 April 2022
    • Council will receive an overview of the five recommendations contained in the EPDP Team’s Final Report.  Presentation

    • While the Council will not be voting on the Final Report during this meeting, a draft motion was also shared on 4 April 2022, which continues a recent practice of the Council reviewing and discussing PDP/EPDP final reports in detail prior to voting on them, generally at the subsequent meeting.

  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - DNS Abuse Small Team Update
    • Council sent outreach letters to the ALAC, GAC, SSAC, and the DNS Abuse Institute, with input due on 4 April 2022 (after an extension was granted).

    • The small team has worked to more precisely understand its work, developing and discussing a draft work plan. The work is broken into several phases, starting with the aforementioned outreach to the community, understanding the current landscape of DNS abuse, considering which elements of DNS abuse appear inadequately mitigated AND are in scope for GNSO policy making (if any), then making recommendations on next steps to the Council.

    • The small team will provide an update on its efforts and explain expected next steps.  

  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Closed Generics Small Team Update
    • On 6 March 2022, the ICANN Board sent a letter to both the GNSO and the GAC, inviting them to “explore a mutually agreeable way forward, for which the Board could facilitate a dialogue to formulate a workable framework to identify and handle closed generic applications for the immediate next round of new gTLDs.” ICANN org's draft Framing Paper to support the potential collaboration between the GNSO and the GAC followed so after.
    • Council established a small team to consider both the letter and framework, to determine next steps, relying on an assignment form to help make clear the narrow ask of the small team (i.e., whether the GNSO Council is open to working with the GAC to seek to develop a framework on closed generics). All of the more substantive steps, both to  determine the parameters and modalities for a potential GNSO/GAC joint group, as well as seeking to establish a framework for closed generics, are out of scope for this small team.
    • Council will received an update on the small team's work.


Records of 14 Apr 2022 Meeting


Special Summary Report of 20 14 Apr 2022 Meeting to ALT-PLUS

For brevity, I will just highlight a few things here.


For some of the issues, you can glean a wider perspective


from GNSO Council Apr 2022 Matters of Interest


 and the meeting records


from GNSO Council Apr 2022 Meeting Records.

(1) GNSO Council reaction to its Small Team for Reviewing SSAD's Preliminary Report

(2) EPDP on Specific Curative Rights Protection for IGOs Final Report

(3) GNSO Council reaction to its DNS Abuse Small Team Update


  • Council SSAD ODA small team lead Sebastien Ducos spoke to the small team's preliminary report and essentially asked Council for support to provide ICANN Board with an update (in response to concerns as to the SSAD's financial sustainability) and to pursue further work on the recommended "proof of concept" referred to in the said report.

NB. Alan Greenberg has presented on the preliminary report to CPWG on 6 Apr.   

2. EPDP on Specific Curative Rights Protection for IGOs Final Report

  • Council received a presentation of the 5 recommendations from this EPDP's Chair, Chris Disspain, which he noted as having had full consensus within the EPDP (ALAC included). As per normal practice, Council will only vote on a motion to the recommendations at Council's May 2022 meeting (i.e. the meeting following which a motion on a final report is submitted).

NB. Yrjo Lansipuro and I had presented on the substance of the Final Report to CPWG on 23 Mar, and Yrjo has provided updates re its consensus designation thereafter.

3. DNS Abuse

  • Council DNS Abuse small team co-lead Mark Datysgeld spoke to the team's draft work plan comprising several phases, starting with outreach to the community, to understand the current landscape of DNS abuse, considering which elements of DNS abuse appear inadequately mitigated AND are in scope for GNSO policy making (if any), and ultimately to make recommendations on next steps to the Council.
  • Small team has received initial inputs from ALAC, GAC, SSAC and DNSAI; followed by BC, and is currently awaiting submissions from other SG/Cs.

NB. In other words, there is nowhere near any concrete output yet.

4. Closed Generics

  • To be clear, the GNSO Council Small Team on Closed Generics wasn't charged with substantive content-specific tasks, but instead it had only been charged with recommending whether GNSO should accept the Board's invitation to dialogue with the GAC. Also, there were remarks on the unrepresentative nature of the small team even though it was open to any councilor to volunteer for.
  • The small team has had one meeting so far, which was spent attempting to resolve NCSG's objection to the Board-proposed GNSO-GAC Dialogue mechanism based on several grounds, inter alia - 
    • unconventional and not provided for within GNSO processes or the ICANN Bylaws, 
    • sets precedent for opening settled PDP for re-litigation, 
    • gives GAC undue influence over Closed Generics (or any matter under the remit of GNSO per the Bylaws).
  • Council discussed NCSG's objection and informally resolved to ask the small team to continue its work, on the assumption that Council will accept the Board's invitation to dialogue with GAC and specifically, in particular on how Council should approach the dialogue.

NB. Do note that (a) GAC has accepted the Board's invitation to dialogue with GNSO and Manal's letter to Maarten of 10 Mar 2022 clearly welcomed ALAC's participation in a consultation process on Closed Generics; (b) Philippe had also suggested that the small team may wish to consider the feasibility of ALAC's participation in the dialogue.

5. ICANN74 planning

  • I raised the question whether there might be an ALAC-GNSO Council bilateral at ICANN74; due to brevity in length of ICANN74 and associated challenges of insufficient resources (suitable time, room and staff support) it is now thought that a meeting between the Leaderships of ALAC and GNSO Council would be a better approach to continue any intersessional work between the 2 groups.
(4) GNSO Council reaction to its Closed Generics Small Team Update

ALAC-GNSO COUNCIL MEETING AT ICANN73 (MAR 2022)        (go up to Directory) 
