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Deck of Cards


Potential Council next steps regarding DNS abuse  – TO MONITOR THIS and assess for ALAC input opportunities.


  • 7 Mar: Council issued letters to ALAC, GAC, SSAC and the DNS Abuse Institute (DNSAI) to seek input on the central question of what DNS abuse issues are best mitigated via policy development specifically, if any, as a mechanism to help determine the Council’s next steps on DNS abuse. More respondents may be approached at a later date.
  • 9 Feb: Small Team initial meeting. Updates to be provided at Council Meeting #2 of 2022.
  • 4 Feb: Council small team (comprising Thomas Rickert, Mark Datysgeld, Wisdom Donkor, Maxim Alzoba, Sebastien Ducos, Greg DiBiase, and Justine Chew) set to begin work on 9 Feb.


  • 28 Oct: A Council small team (comprising Thomas Rickert, Mark Datysgeld, Wisdom Donkor, Kristian Ormen, Maxim Alzoba, Sebastien Ducos) to draft potential GNSO Council next steps regarding DNS abuse. 


ICANN Org Discussion paper on Modifying gTLD Consensus Policies –  TO MONITOR THIS and assess for ALAC input opportunities.


  • 20 Jan: Council to approach ICANN Org on efficient way to address concerns raised in Discussion Paper.


  • 28 Oct: A Council small team (comprising John McElwaine, Maxim Alzoba, Stephanie Perrin, Antonia Chu, Thomas Rickert and possibly others) to review the Discussion Paper on Modifying gTLD Consensus Policies and develop a draft response. 

labelTransfer Policy Review PDP

Transfer Policy Review Policy Development Process (TPR-PDP)


  • 16 Dec: Council approved a Project Change Request (PCR) to update charter topics considered in Phase 1 of the TPR-PDP by moving the topic of NACK (rejection of transfer request) of an unauthorized transfer to Phase 1a scope from Phase 2.

labelIGO Curative Rights Protection EPDP

Specific Curative Rights Protection for IGOs EPDP


  • 16 Dec: Council approved a Project Change Request (PCR) to extend this EPDP WG's project timeline to 4 Apr 2022 to deliver its final report, while noting RrSG concerns around the EPDP moving out of the scope of its charter
  • 18 Nov: EPDP WG currently reviewing comments received on its 6 recommendations, for purposes of producing its Final Report. Project plan is expected to be extended from end 2021 to some time in Q1 of 2022
  • 24 Oct: Public Comment on the EPDP WG's Initial Report closed 

labelInternationalized Domain Names EPDP

Internationalized Domain Names EPDP


  • 20 Jan: Council to send letter to ICANN Board responding to the Board’s 20 Oct letter regarding the IDN Implementation Guidelines v4.0.


labelRegistration Data Accuracy Scoping Team

Registration Data Accuracy (RDA) Scoping Team

18 Nov 2021

  • Council received notice that the ICANN Board has selected two Board members to serve as liaisons to this Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team. They are Becky Burr and Harald Alvestrand (alternate).
  • Council has acknowledged the Registration Data Accuracy - Scoping Team (RDA_ST) Project Plan

labelTemp Spec for Registration Data / SSAD ODP

Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data / System for Standardized Access/Disclosure Operational Design Phase (SSAD ODP);  See: for more official info


  • 1 Feb: GNSO Council Chair invited GNSO SG/Cs, ALAC, GAC to nominate their EPDP Phase 2 representatives for a Council Small Team led by Sebastien Ducos to analyse the SSAD ODA to develop recommendations on next steps.  On 4 Feb, the ALAC Chair nominated Alan Greenberg (being one of the 2 ALAC EPDP Phase 2 representatives) for this Council Small Team.
  • 27 Jan: Council and ICANN Board Consultation on SSAD ODP
  • 18 Jan: SSAD ODP Project Update Webinar #5
  • 12 Jan: A follow up discussion is held for Council and and GNSO-appointed EPDP Phase 2 members to discuss next steps ahead of Council's meeting with the ICANN Board on 27 January on concerns around financial sustainability of the SSAD (wiki)
  • 5 Jan: A 4 Jan 2022 summary paper was circulated to Council members ahead of a 12 Jan call


labelSubsequent Procedures ODP

Subsequent Procedures Operational Design Phase (SubPro ODP);  See: for more official info



  • 20 Dec;  ICANN org announces that ICANN GDS has informed ICANN Board that it is beginning this ODP in January 2022.
  • 16 Dec:  Council mainly considered the process for SubPro ODP interactions between the GNSO ODP Liaison and the ICANN Org's SubPro ODP Team - Councillors are meant to take suggested responses of the GSNO ODP Liaison to SubPro ODP Team's preliminary questions (Question Set #1) back to their respective SG/C for feedback to enable finalization and timeous relay of agreed responses to the SubPro ODP Team. ICANN Org has a public archive of engagement on the topic.
  • 1 Dec: GNSO SubPro ODP Liaison update #3 - First call with GDS (ICANN's SubPro ODP Team)
  • 22 Nov: GNSO SubPro ODP Liaison update #2ICANN Org is still in internal project organization mode although GDD has posed a first set of questions to the GNSO ODP Liaison, Jeff Neuman. Formal kick-off of the ODP only expected at end of Nov 2021, thereafter proceeds for an approximate 10 months.
  • 17 Nov: GNSO SubPro ODP Liaison update #1




2022 Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec 

2021 Oct | Nov | Dec 

Link to past years' reports

January 2022 - December 2022 Reports


labelSubsequent Procedures 2022

Additional Subsequent Procedures Work


  • 10 Mar (CG):  Further to the 7 Mar correspondence, the Board forwarded ICANN Org's framework paper for the dialogue on Closed Generics.
  • 9 Mar: Based on GNSO SubPro ODP Liaison update - Question set #2, Council discussed options for the way forward to deal with a number of areas possibly considered as incomplete in terms policy-development: including on Applicant Support, SPIRT, challenges and appeals. But Council has yet to determine the mechanism to adopt.
  • 7 Mar (CG): ICANN Board wrote to the GAC and Council requesting for facilitated dialogue on way forward with Closed Generics (CG).


Directory of Reports

2022 Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec 

2021 Oct | Nov | Dec 

Link to past years' reports

January 2022 - December 2022 Reports



Deck of Cards


GNSO Council Meeting #4 of 2022 held on 14 Apr 2022 

Full Agenda  |  Motions  

  • TBD

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

  • TBD


Meeting Details; non-Council members are welcome to observe the meeting

GNSO Council meeting held 14 Apr 2022 at 13:00 UTC 

GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #3 OF 2022        (go up to Directory) 

Deck of Cards


GNSO Council Meeting #3 of 2022 held on 9 Mar 2022 during ICANN73, over 2 parts, and including a Council Wrap-up Session on 10 Mar 2022

Full Agenda  |  Motions  

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
  • Item 4: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Nominating Committee Outreach Subcommittee Outreach
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Small Team Reviewing the System for Standardized Access/Disclosure (SSAD) Operational Design Assessment / Debrief From Meeting With the ICANN Board
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on the SubPro ODP / Debrief From Meeting With the ICANN Board
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - DNS Abuse Small Team
  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Dialogue With ICANN’s Global Domains and Strategy (GDS) Department
  • Item 9: Any other business
    • Question - "How does ICANN ensure the openness (including accessibility) of the Internet in conflict situations and how does ICANN manage the impact on the security and stability of the Internet?"

Council Wrap-up

  • Item 1: Welcome
  • Item 2 / 8: PDP 3.1/PDP 4.0: improving engagement with the Board; improving engagement with GDS; modifying Consensus Policies - pulling the threads together
  • Item 3: Additional SubPro Work
  • Item 4: Continuation - Question - "How does ICANN ensure the openness (including accessibility) of the Internet in conflict situations and how does ICANN manage the impact on the security and stability of the Internet?"
  • Item 5: AOB
Deck of Cards

GNSO Council Meeting #3 of 2022 held on 9 Mar 2022 during ICANN73, over 2 parts, and including a Council Wrap-up Session on 10 Mar 2022

Full Agenda  |  Motions  

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
  • Item 4: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Nominating Committee Outreach Subcommittee Outreach
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Small Team Reviewing the System for Standardized Access/Disclosure (SSAD) Operational Design Assessment / Debrief From Meeting With the ICANN Board
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on the SubPro ODP / Debrief From Meeting With the ICANN Board
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - DNS Abuse Small Team
  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Dialogue With ICANN’s Global Domains and Strategy (GDS) Department
  • Item 9: Any other business

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 20 January 2022 were posted on 03 February 2022.

    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 17 February 2022 were posted on 07 March 2022.

  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
    • Reappointment of Becky Burr to seat 13 on the ICANN Board. The CPH has reappointed Becky Burr for Seat 13 on the ICANN Board of Directors. This agenda item is intended to acknowledge the selection and confirm that the notification process as outlined in Section 7.25 of the ICANN Bylaws will be completed subsequently.
    • Motion to extend the GNSO Framework for Continuous Improvement Pilot Project by adding implementation of specific WS2 items.
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Small Team Reviewing the System for Standardized Access/Disclosure (SSAD) Operational Design Assessment / Debrief From Meeting With the ICANN Board
    • Council will receive an update on the status of the small team set up to review the ODA in detail, focusing on:
      • Whether the ODA has correctly interpreted the intent of the SSAD recommendations in the proposed implementation;
      • Whether the ODA has overlooked any key aspects of the SSAD recommendations that should be factored in by the ICANN Board when it considers the recommendations;
      • Its view on the concerns identified by the ICANN Board and potential options that could be considered, either in the form of changes to the proposed implementation or the policy recommendations themselves, to address these concerns(note, these are expected to be high level suggestions at this stage);
      • Any other aspects that help inform the Council’s deliberations and consultation with the ICANN Board.
    • Council will also hold a debrief from the 08 March meeting with the ICANN Board.
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on the SubPro ODP / Debrief From Meeting With the ICANN Board
    • Council will receive an update from the liaison, as well as hold a debrief from the meeting with the ICANN Board
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - DNS Abuse Small Team
    • Council will receive an update from the small team on its efforts
  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Dialogue With ICANN’s Global Domains and Strategy (GDS) Department
    • Council will receive a high-level update on GNSO-related work being performed by GDS, as well as look ahead to work on the horizon, including the impact on resources. The dialogue is also expected to include discussion on how the shared portfolio of work can be executed more effectively and efficiently.


Records of 9 and 10 Mar 2022 Meetings at ICANN73

9 Mar 202210 Mar 2022 Council Wrap-up
  • Audio Recording
  • Zoom Recording
  • Transcript
  • Minutes 

Meeting Details; non-Council members are welcome to observe the meeting

GNSO Council meeting held 9 Mar 2022 at 16:30 UTC

08:30 Los Angeles; 11:30 Washington DC; 16:30 London; 17:30 Paris; 19:30 Moscow; (Thursday) 03:30 Melbourne

Make sure all have registered for ICANN73

Participation Links

Zoom participation links will be published 24 hours before the session starts. For more information on how to participate, visit: | Meeting ID# 12639

GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #2 OF 2022       (go up to Directory) 


Deck of Cards


GNSO Council Meeting #2 of 2022 held on 17 Feb 2022

Full Agenda  |  Motions  

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
  • Item 4: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on the Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvement (CCOICI) Pilot 
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on GNSO Council Implementation of Workstream 2 (WS2)
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - ICANN73 Planning
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Next Steps for Strategic Planning Session Action Items

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 16 December 2021 were posted on 03 January 2022.
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 20 January 2022 were posted on 03 February 2022.
  • Item 4: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on the Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvement (CCOICI) Pilot 
    • Council will receive an update on the CCOICI and consider any potential next steps Slide deck
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on GNSO Council Implementation of Workstream 2 (WS2)
    • Council will receive and discuss an update on the GNSO Council’s Implementation of WS2 by ICANN org staff Slide deck
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - ICANN73 Planning
    • With ICANN73 approaching, the GNSO Council will discuss its upcoming meetings, which includes a public Council meeting, a wrap-up meeting, and several bilateral meetings. The Council will first receive a brief update from GNSO Support staff, then proceed to prepare for its discussions with the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC), the ICANN Board, and the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC).
      • GAC - Anticipated topics are likely to include the Operational Design Phase (ODP) for the System for Systemized Access/Disclosure (SSAD, DNS abuse, and the ODP for New gTLD Subsequent Procedures (SubPro).
      • ICANN Board - The GNSO Council will have suggested topic(s) by 17 February, The Board has suggested the following topics:
        • What are your key priorities for ICANN work in 2022, how do these priorities help achieve ICANN’s common objectives as expressed in the FY 2021-2025 Strategic Plan, and how do you see Community, Board and org moving forward together on a way to achieve these?
        • If any, what suggestions would you have to enhance ICANN’s effectiveness and efficiency with regards to the process of implementation after adoption of a PDP or Review recommendations?
      • ALAC - Anticipated topics are the ODP on the SSAD, ODP on SubPro, DNS abuse, and modifying consensus policy. Full list of topics submitted by ALAC
    • 8.1 – EPDP Phase 2 small team update
    • 8.2 – DNS abuse small team update
    • 8.3 – SubPro ODP Update 14 Feb update. (SubPro ODP Timeline
    • 8.4 - GNSO Chair 2022 Election Timeline
    • 8.5 - GNSO council Representative WS2 Community Coordination Group - Olga Cavalli


Records of 17 Feb 2022 Meeting

GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #1 OF 2022       (go up to Directory)

Deck of Cards


GNSO Council Meeting #1 of 2022 held on 20 Jan 2022

Full Agenda  |  Motions  

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda - None
  • Item 4: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Recurring Update on the SubPro ODP
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - System for Standardized Access/Disclosure (SSAD) Operational Design Phase, Next Steps and Preparation for Consultation with the ICANN Board
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Next Steps for Strategic Planning Session Action Items

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

Action by ALAC Liaison

  •  7.1 - To liaise with ALAC Leadership and Council Leadership on format and topics for a joint GNSO Council meeting with ALAC at ICANN73 (and future meetings)

    7.5 - See TAB under 'POST GNSO COUNCIL MEETING DEVELOPMENTS' section for easier tracking. 


Records of 20 Jan 2022 Meeting


Deck of Cards


GNSO Council Meeting #12 of 2021 held on 16 Dec 2021

Full Agenda  |  Motions  

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda 
  • Item 4: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - System for Standardized Access/Disclosure (SSAD) Operational Design Phase and Next Steps
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on the SubPro ODP
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - GNSO Council ODP Input Review Process
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - ICANN73 Planning and Evolving Council Planning for ICANN Meetings
  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on Council Consideration of the ICANN Board’s Letter Regarding the IDN Implementation Guidelines v4.0

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meetings part I and part II on 27 October 2021 were posted on 12 November 2021.
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 18 November 2021 were posted on 03 December 2021.

  • Item 3: Consent Agenda 
    • 3.1 - Motion to confirm Transfer Policy Review PDP (TPR_P1) Project Change Request
    • 3.4 - Confirmation of the Recommendations Report to the ICANN Board regarding adoption of recommendations 1-4 contained in the Final Report from the EPDP Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data – Phase 2A

Removed from Consent Agenda and added to Main Agenda instead

  • 3.2 - Motion to confirm Specific Curative Rights Protections for Intergovernmental Organizations EPDP (EPDP_SCRP_IGO) Project Change Request  
  • Item 4: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - System for Standardized Access/Disclosure (SSAD) Operational Design Phase and Next Steps
    • Council will discuss the proposed approach and schedule and seek to ensure that the upcoming conversations around the SSAD ODP are constructive and effective.
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on the SubPro ODP
    • Council will receive and discuss an update on SubPro ODP

Action by ALAC Liaison

  •  To monitor for developments. See TAB under 'POST GNSO COUNCIL MEETING DEVELOPMENTS' section for easier tracking. 
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - GNSO Council ODP Input Review Process

No further action needed

  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - ICANN73 Planning and Evolving Council Planning for ICANN Meetings

Action by ALAC Liaison

  •  To draw ALAC's attention to Council's interest in (re-)initiating a joint GNSO Council meeting with ALAC at ICANN73 and likely, future ICANN meetings. 
  •  To liaise with ALAC Leadership and Council Leadership on format and topics for such joint meeting(s).
  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on Council Consideration of the ICANN Board’s Letter Regarding the IDN Implementation Guidelines v4.0
    • Council agreed that the RySG would consider and recommend the best manner to proceed and respond to the letter from the ICANN Board.
    • Council will receive an update from RySG Councilors. Presentation.

Action by ALAC Liaison

  •  To review Council's response to the ICANN Board when draft becomes available, for implications to IDNs.
    • 9.3 - Update on the Consideration of the ICANN Board’s Letter on EPDP Phase 1, Rec. 12 
      • Council small team was established to consider the ICANN Board’s letter regarding EPDP Phase, Rec. 12 and have prepared clarifications/questions to be submitted to Becky Burr ahead of a clarification call.

No further action needed


Records of 16 Dec 2021 Meeting

GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #11 OF 2021         (go up to Directory)


Deck of Cards


GNSO Council Meeting #10 of 2021 held on 27 Oct 2021 during ICANN 72, over 2 parts, and including a Council Wrap-up Session on 27 Oct 2021:

Part 1 Full Agenda  |  Motions  

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
  • Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE - EPDP Phase 2A Final Report
  • Item 5: COUNCIL VOTE - Revised GNSO Councilor Job Description for the Nominating Committee
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - GDS Update on the Framework for the Policy Status Report Framework on the UDRP
    • Items 7.1 to 7.4 moved to Council Wrap-up
    • 7.5 Farewell and thanks to outgoing Councilors: Carlton Samuels, Osvaldo Novoa, Pam Little, Tatiana Tropina, Tom Dale as well as to outgoing ALAC Liaison to the GNSO: Cheryl Langdon-Orr.

Part 2 Full Agenda

  • Item 1. Seating of the 2021 / 2022 Council
  • Item 2. Election of the Chair
  • Item 3. Election of GNSO Council Vice Chair 2021-2022
  • Item 4. Any Other Business

Council Wrap-up 

  • 1/7.1 Seek vice-chair for Standing Committee on ICANN Budget & Operating Plan, to prepare for a chair succession plan for the FY24 cycle.
  • 2/7.2 Acknowledgment of the Project Plan for the EPDP on Internationalized Domain Names.
  • 3/7.3 Potential next steps for the Board response to the Council's letter regarding its "Request for Continued Deferral of IDN Implementation Guidelines v4.0".
  • 4/7.4 Suggestion to assign a Council liaison to Accuracy Scoping Team.
  • 5/ Response to the GAC Communique
  • 6/ Discussion paper on Modifying gTLD Consensus Policies
  • 7/ Board letter regarding EPDP Phase 1 Recommendation 12 
  • 8/ Potential Council next steps regarding DNS abuse

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

Under Part 1 Agenda

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 19 August 2021 were posted on 04 September 2021
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 23 September 2021 were posted on 08 October 2021.

  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
    • Jeff Neuman was appointed as (GNSO Council liaison to the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Operational Design Phase and re-appointed as GNSO liaison to the Governmental Advisory Committee 
  • Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE - EPDP Phase 2A Final Report
    • Council approved the EPDP Phase 2A Final Report and recommends to the ICANN Board of Directors the adoption of the EPDP Phase 2A recommendations #1 – 4 by way of resolution passed by a unanimity of the CPH Councillors and a 61.54% majority of NCPH Councillors, meeting the GNSO Supermajority requirement**
    • There were five objections to the motion:
      - Carlton Samuels, Non Contracted Party House (NCPH) NomCom Appointee (NCA): statement
      - John McElwaine and Susan Payne (temporary alternate for Flip Petillion), IPC: statement
      - Marie Pattullo and Mark Datysgeld, Business Constituency (BC): statement
    • GNSO Staff Support Team to develop GNSO Council Recommendations Report to the ICANN Board for Council review

** A "GNSO Supermajority" shall mean: (A) two-thirds (2/3) of the Council members of each House, or (B) three-fourths (3/4) of the Council members of one House and a majority of the Council members of the other House.

Action by ALAC Liaison

  •  On 28 Oct 2021: Notify ALAC Chair Maureen Hilyard, CPWG Co-Chairs Olivier Crepin-Leblond and Jonathan Zuck, and ALAC Representatives to the EPDP on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data Alan Greenberg and Hadia Elminiawi on result of Council vote on EPDP Phase 2A Final Report
  •  Monitor onward CPWG deliberations (from 3 Nov to 31 Dec) for reactions -- no further action pending. TAB created under 'POST GNSO COUNCIL MEETING DEVELOPMENTS' section for easier tracking.

Under Part 2 Agenda

  • Items 2 and 3: Leadership of GNSO Council 2021-2022
    • Chair: Philippe Fouquart, Non Contracted Party House
    • Vice Chair, Non-Contracted Party House: Tomslin Samme-Nlar
    • Vice Chair, Contracted Party House: Sebastien Ducos

Under Council Wrap-up

  • 2/7.2 Acknowledgment of the Project Plan for the EPDP on Internationalized Domain Names.
    • (Would have been just an acknowledgment)
  • 3/7.3 Potential next steps for the Board response to the Council's letter regarding its "Request for Continued Deferral of IDN Implementation Guidelines v4.0".
    • CPH Councilors to provide suggestions on the next steps regarding the Board Letter on IDN Implementation Guidelines 4.0.  Ongoing.
  • 4/7.4 Suggestion to assign a Council liaison to Accuracy Scoping Team.
    • GNSO Council has appointed Olga Cavalli as Liaison to the Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team
  • 6/ Discussion paper on Modifying gTLD Consensus Policies
    • Council leadership to notify ICANN org that a small team has formed to develop a response but that additional time may be needed.
  • 8/ Potential Council next steps regarding DNS abuse
    • Council Small Team (Thomas Rickert, Mark Datysgeld, Wisdom Donkor, Kristian Ormen, Maxim Alzoba, Sebastien Ducos) to draft potential GNSO Council next steps regarding DNS abuse.

Action by ALAC Liaison

  •  Item 3/7.3 - Monitor for developments. Issue carried forward to Council's Nov 2021 Meeting.
  •  Items 6 and 8 - Monitor for developments. TABS created under 'POST GNSO COUNCIL MEETING DEVELOPMENTS' section for easier tracking.


Records of 27 Oct 2021 Meeting at ICANN72

27 Oct 2021 Part 127 Oct 2021 Part 2 (Council Wrap-up)