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Workplan activities

Current status



Jonathan Zuck

Olivier Crepin-Leblond

Joanna Kulesza

Carlos Guitierrez 

- CPWG Charter

-  Policy Course

- Position Development Workflow

- Workgroup Participation Framework &  Consensus Tools

- Human Rights (NCSG collaboration) 

- EPDP (GAC collaboration)

Operations, Finance & Budget


Ricardo Holmquist

Holly Raiche

-  ICANN operational, finance and budget activities

- At-Large operational, finance and budge activities

- Additional Budget Requests

Capacity Building

Joanna Kulesza

Hadia Elminiawi

Abdulkarim Olyede

Ali AlMeshal

Adam Peake

Dave Kissoondoyal 

RALO Chairs

- ICANN Learn Program to complete

  • Welcome to our World - At-Large
  • ICANN Policy Development - Guide for At-Large Participants

- 2021 Webinar Programme & Expert Survey

- Ambassador Mentoring Program

-  Academic Engagement

- Resource Database

- Targeted local CB initiatives

Outreach and


Social Media

Daniel Nanghaka

Jonathan Zuck

Regional liaisons

Adam Peake

Joanna Kulesza

Lilian Ivette De Luque Bruges (ICANN70)

- Coordination - O&E strategy implementation

- Educational campaigns (eg DNS abuse)

- Regional O&E outreach plans implementation

- GSE regional outreach plans implementation

- coordination with the CBWG

- coordination with the SMWG



Maureen Hilyard

Alan Greenberg

Roberto Gaetano

Cheryl Langdon-Orr

Yrjo Lansipuro

- At-Large Leadership Development

- Communication strategy implementation

- At-Large Review (ALS and UIM Mobilisation, Metrics)

- Relationship building with other ICANN sections esp GAC and NCSG


10. ALAC


ALS MOBILISATION FINAL REPORT - The schedule of events.

           a) ALAC


and RALOs will have until Weds 23.59utc to feed back any last minute comments on the content of the report 

          b) The Chair of the ALS Mobilisation Working Party to make a final statement will make any relevant changes to the report, and return it to the ALAC before they voteChair

                - Progress details. First meeting in 2020, 13 January. Last meeting 21 September. Report issued 21 October (during ICANN69 - 4 weeks ago). ALAC vote 23 November,c) The ALAC Chair will distribute the final report to the ALAC members and will initiate an ALAC vote

          cd) The ALAC will vote on the acceptance and endorsement of the ALAC ALS MOBILSATION FINAL REPORT (15 mins)without any of the Bylaw changes)

          e) Any changes to the Bylaws will take place after consultation with Legal

 11. Update from the ICANN Registrant Rights Program - Issues and Challenges Impacting Domain Name Registrants Report SeriesVolume 4 - Brian Gutterman, Program Manager, Registrant Services (15 minutes)

12. FY22 Additional Budget Request Schedule and Next Steps - Maureen Hilyard and Heidi Ullrich, Staff (3 minutes)
