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Third Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT3) Draft Report
Executive Summary TBDALAC Advice to the ICANN Board on ISOC/PIR Issue (submitted to the ICANN Board on 31 January 2020)
Executive Summary TBC:

The ALAC noted the proposed sale of PIR to Ethos Capital has, understandably, created quite a stir, prompting commentary from many perspectives within the ICANN community, and applauds the efforts by the ICANN Board to clarify and make transparent, as much as possible, the process regarding the deal and to take the time to encourage the best possible result.

The ALAC Advice to the ICANN Board suggested (8) recommendations: (1) The Registry for .ORG must be organized as either a charitable non-profit [501c(3) in the US] or a “Benefit Corporation” (B Corporation); (2) One-third of the Registry Corporate Board must be representatives of charitable nonprofits; (3) One Board member selected by the ALAC; (4) The Registry for .ORG must enshrine in its bylaws that the principal focus of the domain is nonprofits and individuals and not commercial interests; (5) The Registry must enshrine in its bylaws a commitment to free speech and a resistance to takedown demands with a political basis; (6) The Registry must provide 6 months prior written notice to its registrants of any increase in wholesale price of their domain names registration renewal fees and the option of a 20-year renewal thereof at the pre-increase price; (7) The Registry Agreement must enshrine PIR prohibited practices such a bulk sales to commercial registrars; and (8) The Registry Agreement must establish a “DNS Abuse Ceiling”.

ALAC Advice to ICANN Board on DNS Abuse (submitted to the ICANN Board on 24 December 2019)

Prior to ICANN66, At-Large and other community groups within ICANN identified the issue, released several reports on the topic of DNS Abuse. In advance of ICANN66, At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) led by Co-Chairs Jonathan Zuck and Olivier Crépin-Leblond discussed recent DNS Abuse research and how DNS Abuse impacts the Internet end user community, including the erosion of trust and security. During ICANN66, At-Large organized a policy session on “DNS Abuse – End User Concerns”, with a panel presentation. Jonathan Zuck and Joanna Kulesza, ALAC Member, moderated the session and summarized how At-Large can enhance Internet end user protection against DNS Abuse. The ALAC drafted ALAC Advice on the topic during ICANN66, and finalized the draft in subsequent CPWG meetings. The ALAC Advice on DNS Abuse was submitted to the ICANN Board on 24 December 2019.

ALAC Advice
The ALAC made a series of (8) recommendations to the ICANN Board. The ALAC emphasized that community dialogue cannot delay or defer ICANN’s commitments or operations related to DNS Abuse. Their recommendations speak to the insufficiency of the status quo, and stressed their recommendations that no new round will be approved without substantial changes in the area of DNS Abuse. Please read the full advice here.

Public Comment for Decision 

Proposed Amendment 3 to the .COM Registry Agreement 14 February 2020
Second Security, Stability, and Resiliency (SSR2) Review Team Draft Report 04 March 2020
Initial Report of the Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data Team – PHASE 2  

Current Statements (ALAC Advice, Comment or Correspondence)


Public Comment Name


Public Comment Close








(to be submitted ASAP)










Ricardo Holmquist

Marita Moll (contributing to Multistakeholder portion of the Public Comment)

ATRT review has produced a considerable amount of work in little time and this is laudable. Nevertheless, from an end-user perspective, ATRT should consider deliberating the following questions: (1) How can ICANN better address conflicts of interest? The ICANN community is relatively small, with relatively few actors involved in the process. Conflicts of interest, perceived or real, can impact negatively on ICANN’s standing; (2) How can transparency be increased? (3) How can ICANN ensure that in cases where issues persist, processes are initiated to correct trajectory? (For example, if multiple reviews identify the same issue or if they find implementation to be lacking, how can this be fast-tracked transparently and effectively?) (4) Might it be necessary to “silo off” or ring-fence certain functions, including reviews, compliance, and other types of community oversight? (5) How can ICANN improve their responsiveness to community and review team questions and affairs, and what policies should be created to ensure these are dealt with? The ALAC also suggested taking several noted options into consideration, emphasizing from an end user perspective, more, not less, accountability and transparency is required from the ICANN community and org. 

Overall, the ALAC supports the suggested changes to the ICANN Public Comment, public input as well as the accountability indicators. We believe those changes would make the Public Comments more effective and show better transparency. We strongly believe that a wide, open and inclusive process should be maintained in policy development process especially with input representing the multistakeholder environment. Policy development must be transparent, efficient and should not be biased or skewed towards a group.

ALAC Advice to the ICANN Board on ISOC/PIR Issue (submitted to the ICANN Board on 31 January 2020)
Executive Summary TBC:

The ALAC noted the proposed sale of PIR to Ethos Capital has, understandably, created quite a stir, prompting commentary from many perspectives within the ICANN community, and applauds the efforts by the ICANN Board to clarify and make transparent, as much as possible, the process regarding the deal and to take the time to encourage the best possible result.

The ALAC Advice to the ICANN Board suggested (8) recommendations: (1) The Registry for .ORG must be organized as either a charitable non-profit [501c(3) in the US] or a “Benefit Corporation” (B Corporation); (2) One-third of the Registry Corporate Board must be representatives of charitable nonprofits; (3) One Board member selected by the ALAC; (4) The Registry for .ORG must enshrine in its bylaws that the principal focus of the domain is nonprofits and individuals and not commercial interests; (5) The Registry must enshrine in its bylaws a commitment to free speech and a resistance to takedown demands with a political basis; (6) The Registry must provide 6 months prior written notice to its registrants of any increase in wholesale price of their domain names registration renewal fees and the option of a 20-year renewal thereof at the pre-increase price; (7) The Registry Agreement must enshrine PIR prohibited practices such a bulk sales to commercial registrars; and (8) The Registry Agreement must establish a “DNS Abuse Ceiling”.

ALAC Advice to ICANN Board on DNS Abuse (submitted to the ICANN Board on 24 December 2019)

Prior to ICANN66, At-Large and other community groups within ICANN identified the issue, released several reports on the topic of DNS Abuse. In advance of ICANN66, At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) led by Co-Chairs Jonathan Zuck and Olivier Crépin-Leblond discussed recent DNS Abuse research and how DNS Abuse impacts the Internet end user community, including the erosion of trust and security. During ICANN66, At-Large organized a policy session on “DNS Abuse – End User Concerns”, with a panel presentation. Jonathan Zuck and Joanna Kulesza, ALAC Member, moderated the session and summarized how At-Large can enhance Internet end user protection against DNS Abuse. The ALAC drafted ALAC Advice on the topic during ICANN66, and finalized the draft in subsequent CPWG meetings. The ALAC Advice on DNS Abuse was submitted to the ICANN Board on 24 December 2019.

ALAC Advice
The ALAC made a series of (8) recommendations to the ICANN Board. The ALAC emphasized that community dialogue cannot delay or defer ICANN’s commitments or operations related to DNS Abuse. Their recommendations speak to the insufficiency of the status quo, and stressed their recommendations that no new round will be approved without substantial changes in the area of DNS Abuse. Please read the full advice here.

Public Comment for Decision 

Proposed Amendment 3 to the .COM Registry Agreement 14 February 2020
Second Security, Stability, and Resiliency (SSR2) Review Team Draft Report 04 March 2020
Initial Report of the Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data Team – PHASE 2  

Current Statements (ALAC Advice, Comment or Correspondence)

Public Comment Name

Public Comment Close




(to be submitted ASAP)




Ricardo Holmquist

Marita Moll (contributing to Multistakeholder portion of the Public Comment)

7. At-Large Policy Platform and Gender Diversity - Jonathan Zuck (10 minutes)  

8. Any other business (AOB) - Olivier Crepin-Leblond and all (3 minutes)

9. Next Meeting - Olivier Crepin-Leblond and staff (2 minutes)

Español (ES)

1. Bienvenida y asistencia - staff (2 minutos)

2. Adopcion de la Agenda, revision de los Acciones a partir del 05 de febrero - Olivier Crepin-Leblond (3 minutos)

3. Actualizacion de la Fase de EPDP - Hadia Elminiawi  y Alan Greenberg (15 minutos) 

4. Actualizaciones de SubPro - Justine Chew y Pequeño equipo (10 minutos)

Ver: SubPro Updates Workspace para actualizaciones de temas / temas bajo deliberación por los procedimientos posteriores PDP WG

5. Actualizaciones de comentarios sobre políticas - Jonathan Zuck, Evin Erdoğdu y todos (25 minutos)

Presentation TBD

Recientemente Ratificados por el ALAC 

Proposed Dates for ICANN Public Meetings 2024-2028 and Revised Dates in 2022
Executive Summary TBC:

The ALAC noted that ICANN has been striving to be more inclusive in an effort to engage more volunteers with diverse backgrounds. ICANN acknowledges the difficulty in getting new people to join and engage within ICANN and to increase the diversity of participants. The Multistakeholder Model Work Plan takes note of the importance to ICANN to develop pathways to enable effective participation. One of the more practical ways for ICANN to facilitate participation is for ICANN Org, to be more aware of and to avoid clashing with important holidays and religious days observed by volunteers who work countless hours to improve ICANN’s multistakeholder advisory work. By avoiding these dates as much as possible it is showing all  volunteers that ICANN ORG understands their concerns and does its best to avoid conflicts. 

The ALAC At-Large believe it will be helpful to understand the rationale for moving the October meetings up by two (2) weeks, and made several other suggestions regarding ICANN meeting dates in 2022 and from 2024-2028.

Third Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT3) Draft Report
Executive Summary TBC:

The ALAC noted the ATRT review has produced a considerable amount of work in little time and this is laudable. Nevertheless, from an end-user perspective, ATRT should consider deliberating the following questions: (1) How can ICANN better address conflicts of interest? The ICANN community is relatively small, with relatively few actors involved in the process. Conflicts of interest, perceived or real, can impact negatively on ICANN’s standing; (2) How can transparency be increased? (3) How can ICANN ensure that in cases where issues persist, processes are initiated to correct trajectory? (For example, if multiple reviews identify the same issue or if they find implementation to be lacking, how can this be fast-tracked transparently and effectively?) (4) Might it be necessary to “silo off” or ring-fence certain functions, including reviews, compliance, and other types of community oversight? (5) How can ICANN improve their responsiveness to community and review team questions and affairs, and what policies should be created to ensure these are dealt with? The ALAC also suggested taking several noted options into consideration, emphasizing from an end user perspective, more, not less, accountability and transparency is required from the ICANN community and org. 

Overall, the ALAC supports the suggested changes to the ICANN Public Comment, public input as well as the accountability indicators. We believe those changes would make the Public Comments more effective and show better transparency. We strongly believe that a wide, open and inclusive process should be maintained in policy development process especially with input representing the multistakeholder environment. Policy development must be transparent, efficient and should not be biased or skewed towards a group.

ALAC Advice to the ICANN Board on ISOC/PIR Issue (presentado a la Junta de ICANN el 31 de enero de 2020)
Executive Summary TBC:

The ALAC noted the proposed sale of PIR to Ethos Capital has, understandably, created quite a stir, prompting commentary from many perspectives within the ICANN community, and applauds the efforts by the ICANN Board to clarify and make transparent, as much as possible, the process regarding the deal and to take the time to encourage the best possible result.

The ALAC Advice to the ICANN Board suggested (8) recommendations: (1) The Registry for .ORG must be organized as either a charitable non-profit [501c(3) in the US] or a “Benefit Corporation” (B Corporation); (2) One-third of the Registry Corporate Board must be representatives of charitable nonprofits; (3) One Board member selected by the ALAC; (4) The Registry for .ORG must enshrine in its bylaws that the principal focus of the domain is nonprofits and individuals and not commercial interests; (5) The Registry must enshrine in its bylaws a commitment to free speech and a resistance to takedown demands with a political basis; (6) The Registry must provide 6 months prior written notice to its registrants of any increase in wholesale price of their domain names registration renewal fees and the option of a 20-year renewal thereof at the pre-increase price; (7) The Registry Agreement must enshrine PIR prohibited practices such a bulk sales to commercial registrars; and (8) The Registry Agreement must establish a “DNS Abuse Ceiling”.

Para debate (AI de la semana pasada): el papel de la comunidad empoderada en la cuestión ISOC / PIR

ALAC Advice to ICANN Board on DNS Abuse (presentado a la Junta de ICANN el 24 de diciembre de 2019)

Prior to ICANN66, At-Large and other community groups within ICANN identified the issue, released several reports on the topic of DNS Abuse. In advance of ICANN66, At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) led by Co-Chairs Jonathan Zuck and Olivier Crépin-Leblond discussed recent DNS Abuse research and how DNS Abuse impacts the Internet end user community, including the erosion of trust and security. During ICANN66, At-Large organized a policy session on “DNS Abuse – End User Concerns”, with a panel presentation. Jonathan Zuck and Joanna Kulesza, ALAC Member, moderated the session and summarized how At-Large can enhance Internet end user protection against DNS Abuse. The ALAC drafted ALAC Advice on the topic during ICANN66, and finalized the draft in subsequent CPWG meetings. The ALAC Advice on DNS Abuse was submitted to the ICANN Board on 24 December 2019.

ALAC Advice
The ALAC made a series of (8) recommendations to the ICANN Board. The ALAC emphasized that community dialogue cannot delay or defer ICANN’s commitments or operations related to DNS Abuse. Their recommendations speak to the insufficiency of the status quo, and stressed their recommendations that no new round will be approved without substantial changes in the area of DNS Abuse. Please read the full advice here.

Comentarios Publicos para decision

Proposed Amendment 3 to the .COM Registry Agreement 14 febrero 2020
Second Security, Stability, and Resiliency (SSR2) Review Team Draft Report 04 marzo 2020
Initial Report of the Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data Team – PHASE 2 23 marzo 2020

Declaracion actual (Consejo del ALAC, Comentario o Correspondencia)

Nombre del Comentario Público

Comentarios del Público Cerrar



Proposed Final Report of the New gTLD Auction Proceeds Cross Community Working Group 

Vea el borrador final para ser votado por el ALAC en el espacio de trabajo de At-Large:

View file
nameALAC Statement on Proposed Final Report-20200208-ag.pdf



(para enviar lo antes posible)

Maureen Hilyard

Alan Greenberg

Judith Hellerstein 

Draft FY21-25 Operating & Financial Plan and Draft FY21 Operating Plan & Budget

See Google Doc for comment - ALAC Statement on the ICANN Public Comment

Ver Google Doc para comentarios - solo en relación con el modelo de múltiples partes interesadas

View file
nameIssue Brief MSM.pdf



Ricardo Holmquist

Marita Moll (contribuyendo a la porción de múltiples partes interesadas del comentario público)

6. Plataforma de políticas de At-Large y diversidad de género - Jonathan Zuck (10 minutos)

7. Otros temas (AOB) - Olivier Crepin-Leblond y todos (3 minutos)

8. Próxima reunion - Olivier Crepin-Leblond y staff (2 minutos) 

Français (FR) 

1. Accueil et appel nominal - personnel (2 minutes)

2. Adoption de l'ordre du jour, examen des points d'action à partir du 05 février - Olivier Crepin-Leblond (3 minutes)

3. Mise à jour EPDP Phase II - Hadia Elminiawi et Alan Greenberg (15 minutes)

4. Mises à jour SubPro - Justine Chew et petite équipe (10 minutes)

Voir: Espace de travail des mises à jour de SubPro pour les mises à jour des problèmes / rubriques sous délibération par le groupe de travail PDP sur les procédures ultérieures

5. Mises à jour des commentaires sur la politique - Jonathan Zuck, Evin Erdoğdu et tous (25 minutes)

Presentation TBD

Récemment ratifié par l'ALAC

Proposed Dates for ICANN Public Meetings 2024-2028 and Revised Dates in 2022
Executive Summary TBC:

The ALAC noted that ICANN has been striving to be more inclusive in an effort to engage more volunteers with diverse backgrounds. ICANN acknowledges the difficulty in getting new people to join and engage within ICANN and to increase the diversity of participants. The Multistakeholder Model Work Plan takes note of the importance to ICANN to develop pathways to enable effective participation. One of the more practical ways for ICANN to facilitate participation is for ICANN Org, to be more aware of and to avoid clashing with important holidays and religious days observed by volunteers who work countless hours to improve ICANN’s multistakeholder advisory work. By avoiding these dates as much as possible it is showing all  volunteers that ICANN ORG understands their concerns and does its best to avoid conflicts. 

The ALAC At-Large believe it will be helpful to understand the rationale for moving the October meetings up by two (2) weeks, and made several other suggestions regarding ICANN meeting dates in 2022 and from 2024-2028.

Third Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT3) Draft Report
Executive Summary TBC:

The ALAC noted the ATRT review has produced a considerable amount of work in little time and this is laudable. Nevertheless, from an end-user perspective, ATRT should consider deliberating the following questions: (1) How can ICANN better address conflicts of interest? The ICANN community is relatively small, with relatively few actors involved in the process. Conflicts of interest, perceived or real, can impact negatively on ICANN’s standing; (2) How can transparency be increased? (3) How can ICANN ensure that in cases where issues persist, processes are initiated to correct trajectory? (For example, if multiple reviews identify the same issue or if they find implementation to be lacking, how can this be fast-tracked transparently and effectively?) (4) Might it be necessary to “silo off” or ring-fence certain functions, including reviews, compliance, and other types of community oversight? (5) How can ICANN improve their responsiveness to community and review team questions and affairs, and what policies should be created to ensure these are dealt with? The ALAC also suggested taking several noted options into consideration, emphasizing from an end user perspective, more, not less, accountability and transparency is required from the ICANN community and org. 

Overall, the ALAC supports the suggested changes to the ICANN Public Comment, public input as well as the accountability indicators. We believe those changes would make the Public Comments more effective and show better transparency. We strongly believe that a wide, open and inclusive process should be maintained in policy development process especially with input representing the multistakeholder environment. Policy development must be transparent, efficient and should not be biased or skewed towards a group.

7. At-Large Policy Platform and Gender Diversity - Jonathan Zuck (10 minutes)  

8. Any other business (AOB) - Olivier Crepin-Leblond and all (3 minutes)

9. Next Meeting - Olivier Crepin-Leblond and staff (2 minutes)


1. Bienvenida y asistencia - staff (2 minutos)

2. Adopcion de la Agenda, revision de los Acciones a partir del 05 de febrero - Olivier Crepin-Leblond (3 minutos)

3. Actualizacion de la Fase de EPDP - Hadia Elminiawi  y Alan Greenberg (15 minutos) 

4. Actualizaciones de SubPro - Justine Chew y Pequeño equipo (10 minutos)

Ver: SubPro Updates Workspace para actualizaciones de temas / temas bajo deliberación por los procedimientos posteriores PDP WG

5. Actualizaciones de comentarios sobre políticas - Jonathan Zuck, Evin Erdoğdu y todos (25 minutos)

Presentation TBD

Recientemente Ratificados por el ALAC 

Proposed Dates for ICANN Public Meetings 2024-2028 and Revised Dates in 2022
Executive Summary TBC:

The ALAC noted that ICANN has been striving to be more inclusive in an effort to engage more volunteers with diverse backgrounds. ICANN acknowledges the difficulty in getting new people to join and engage within ICANN and to increase the diversity of participants. The Multistakeholder Model Work Plan takes note of the importance to ICANN to develop pathways to enable effective participation. One of the more practical ways for ICANN to facilitate participation is for ICANN Org, to be more aware of and to avoid clashing with important holidays and religious days observed by volunteers who work countless hours to improve ICANN’s multistakeholder advisory work. By avoiding these dates as much as possible it is showing all  volunteers that ICANN ORG understands their concerns and does its best to avoid conflicts. 

The ALAC At-Large believe it will be helpful to understand the rationale for moving the October meetings up by two (2) weeks, and made several other suggestions regarding ICANN meeting dates in 2022 and from 2024-2028.

Third Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT3) Draft Report
Executive Summary TBD

ALAC Advice to the ICANN Board on ISOC/PIR Issue (presentado a la Junta de ICANN el 31 de enero de 2020)
Executive Summary TBC:

The ALAC noted the proposed sale of PIR to Ethos Capital has, understandably, created quite a stir, prompting commentary from many perspectives within the ICANN community, and applauds the efforts by the ICANN Board to clarify and make transparent, as much as possible, the process regarding the deal and to take the time to encourage the best possible result.

The ALAC Advice to the ICANN Board suggested (8) recommendations: (1) The Registry for .ORG must be organized as either a charitable non-profit [501c(3) in the US] or a “Benefit Corporation” (B Corporation); (2) One-third of the Registry Corporate Board must be representatives of charitable nonprofits; (3) One Board member selected by the ALAC; (4) The Registry for .ORG must enshrine in its bylaws that the principal focus of the domain is nonprofits and individuals and not commercial interests; (5) The Registry must enshrine in its bylaws a commitment to free speech and a resistance to takedown demands with a political basis; (6) The Registry must provide 6 months prior written notice to its registrants of any increase in wholesale price of their domain names registration renewal fees and the option of a 20-year renewal thereof at the pre-increase price; (7) The Registry Agreement must enshrine PIR prohibited practices such a bulk sales to commercial registrars; and (8) The Registry Agreement must establish a “DNS Abuse Ceiling”.

Para debate (AI de la semana pasada): el papel de la comunidad empoderada en la cuestión ISOC / PIR

ALAC Advice to ICANN Board on DNS Abuse (presentado a la Junta de ICANN el 24 de diciembre de 2019)

Prior to ICANN66, At-Large and other community groups within ICANN identified the issue, released several reports on the topic of DNS Abuse. In advance of ICANN66, At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) led by Co-Chairs Jonathan Zuck and Olivier Crépin-Leblond discussed recent DNS Abuse research and how DNS Abuse impacts the Internet end user community, including the erosion of trust and security. During ICANN66, At-Large organized a policy session on “DNS Abuse – End User Concerns”, with a panel presentation. Jonathan Zuck and Joanna Kulesza, ALAC Member, moderated the session and summarized how At-Large can enhance Internet end user protection against DNS Abuse. The ALAC drafted ALAC Advice on the topic during ICANN66, and finalized the draft in subsequent CPWG meetings. The ALAC Advice on DNS Abuse was submitted to the ICANN Board on 24 December 2019.

ALAC Advice
The ALAC made a series of (8) recommendations to the ICANN Board. The ALAC emphasized that community dialogue cannot delay or defer ICANN’s commitments or operations related to DNS Abuse. Their recommendations speak to the insufficiency of the status quo, and stressed their recommendations that no new round will be approved without substantial changes in the area of DNS Abuse. Please read the full advice here.

Comentarios Publicos para decision

Proposed Amendment 3 to the .COM Registry Agreement 14 febrero 2020
Second Security, Stability, and Resiliency (SSR2) Review Team Draft Report 04 marzo 2020
Initial Report of the Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data Team – PHASE 2 23 marzo 2020

Declaracion actual (Consejo del ALAC, Comentario o Correspondencia)

Nombre del Comentario Público

Comentarios del Público Cerrar



Proposed Final Report of the New gTLD Auction Proceeds Cross Community Working Group 

Vea el borrador final para ser votado por el ALAC en el espacio de trabajo de At-Large:

View file
nameALAC Statement on Proposed Final Report-20200208-ag.pdf



(para enviar lo antes posible)

Maureen Hilyard

Alan Greenberg

Judith Hellerstein 

Draft FY21-25 Operating & Financial Plan and Draft FY21 Operating Plan & Budget

See Google Doc for comment - ALAC Statement on the ICANN Public Comment

Ver Google Doc para comentarios - solo en relación con el modelo de múltiples partes interesadas

View file
nameIssue Brief MSM.pdf



Ricardo Holmquist

Marita Moll (contribuyendo a la porción de múltiples partes interesadas del comentario público)

6. Plataforma de políticas de At-Large y diversidad de género - Jonathan Zuck (10 minutos)

7. Otros temas (AOB) - Olivier Crepin-Leblond y todos (3 minutos)

8. Próxima reunion - Olivier Crepin-Leblond y staff (2 minutos) 


1. Accueil et appel nominal - personnel (2 minutes)

2. Adoption de l'ordre du jour, examen des points d'action à partir du 05 février - Olivier Crepin-Leblond (3 minutes)

3. Mise à jour EPDP Phase II - Hadia Elminiawi et Alan Greenberg (15 minutes)

4. Mises à jour SubPro - Justine Chew et petite équipe (10 minutes)

Voir: Espace de travail des mises à jour de SubPro pour les mises à jour des problèmes / rubriques sous délibération par le groupe de travail PDP sur les procédures ultérieures

5. Mises à jour des commentaires sur la politique - Jonathan Zuck, Evin Erdoğdu et tous (25 minutes)

Presentation TBD

Récemment ratifié par l'ALAC

Proposed Dates for ICANN Public Meetings 2024-2028 and Revised Dates in 2022
Executive Summary TBC:

The ALAC noted that ICANN has been striving to be more inclusive in an effort to engage more volunteers with diverse backgrounds. ICANN acknowledges the difficulty in getting new people to join and engage within ICANN and to increase the diversity of participants. The Multistakeholder Model Work Plan takes note of the importance to ICANN to develop pathways to enable effective participation. One of the more practical ways for ICANN to facilitate participation is for ICANN Org, to be more aware of and to avoid clashing with important holidays and religious days observed by volunteers who work countless hours to improve ICANN’s multistakeholder advisory work. By avoiding these dates as much as possible it is showing all  volunteers that ICANN ORG understands their concerns and does its best to avoid conflicts. 

The ALAC At-Large believe it will be helpful to understand the rationale for moving the October meetings up by two (2) weeks, and made several other suggestions regarding ICANN meeting dates in 2022 and from 2024-2028.


ALAC Advice to the ICANN Board on ISOC/PIR Issue (soumis au Conseil d'administration de l'ICANN le 31 janvier 2020)
Executive Summary TBC:
