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Trip Proposal Section

1) Number of Travelers:
(Note: each traveler uses one trip of the five (5) allocated to each organization/structure).  

Traveler Email (Redacted) Alternate Email (Redacted)
Glenn McKnight Murray McKercher
Evan Leibovitch Darlene Thomson
2) Application Date:


3) Dates of Requested Travel:

Departure: 12-Mar-2014
Return: 15-Mar-2014

4) Travel Itinerary:

From City: Oshawa, ON Country: Canada
To City: Washington, DC Country: USA
5) Event/Conference Name, Title, or Descriptor: NTEN 2014
5a) Event/Conference Website Link:
6) Primary Event/Conference Location: Washington Marriott Wardman Park, Washington
2660 Woodley Rd NW
Washington, DC 20008
7) ICANN Geographic Region: North America

8) Activity Sponsors:
(Note: all event sponsors must be identified in order to comply with ICANN travel guidelines).

NTEN is a 501(c)(3) US registered organization (see  This is a Non Profit Technology Sector event it's not a commercial venue it's dedicated to raising the educational awareness of those who run not-for-profit organizations

9) Purpose and Goals:

Purpose of Trip:

The large number of potential NARALO ALS will be attending. Special attention will be to organizations dealing with the disabled and Native American/Canadian organizations. The purpose is to raise awareness of ICANN amongst the delegates by distributing NARALO literature, recruit new ALS and document the conference in photos and blog postings.

I have confirmation on January 16th that a scholarship is offered to me to attend the waiving the registration fees.


Goals of Trip:

The ICANN regional engagement strategy is to reach to the under represented communities. The national conference will have regions of the US that are underserved ie. Maine, Montana and elsewhere where civic engagement is important
given their high bandwidth cost and low speeds.  My participation will impact these members by asking them to get involved with the ICANN Ecosystem.

10) Proposed Outcomes:

Brochures distribution - 100 brochures for general distribution. 
Face to Face discussions at NTEN - 50 delegates and organizers
Specific potential ALS targeted in states, provinces or territories not represented in the NARALO list - 10
Number of pictures at event - 50 
Number of ICANN SKYPE or Blog postings - 10

Distribution of information regarding NomCom

11) Additional Information (optional):

As mentioned the scholarship from the organizers covers the event permitting myself the opportunity to engage the community.  This is the most important non profit technology sector event for the year.


The participants identified in this application are familiar with the Program Operations associated with this Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program (FY14) and agree to abide by its terms and conditions.

The ICANN Organization/Structure's leadership has authorized the submission of this Trip Proposal. Yes
The ICANN Stakeholder Engagement Vice-President has concurred that the Purpose/Goals of this Trip Proposal are consistent with operational plans and/or strategies. Yes

Trip Assessment Section

1) Describe how the original Purpose and Goals were accomplished:

  • Conducted Birds of Feather to 20 delegates
  • Faciliator of  NTEN session 45
  • Radio interview for one hour  to 9,000 listeners - done from the show floor for Nonprofit Radio (Episode to be uploaded soon)
  • Interview with Chronicle for Philantropy Journal
  • Visit to 100 booths at event
  • Evan has been approached for a followup interview by CiviCRM Journal
  • It looks likely that one or both may be invited to be speakers at next year's conference
  • The day before the conference started, Glenn and Evan visited the ICANN office in Washington where we discussed ideas to increase outreach, specifically to disabled advocacy groups and university students, and the possible revival of a North American Regional IGF meeting

2) Describe how the original Outcomes were achieved:


  • Over  200 brochures distributed
  • Nomcom Bookmarks  100 
  • Delegate conversation over 300, could not identify locations that are low participates in NARALO
  • Skype and Blog postings and Twitter  40
  • Pictures  106
3) Date Completed: 18-Mar-2014
4) Additional information pertaining to this outreach event (optional):
  • Promotion to Twitter list at #14NTC
Program Administration: STAFF USE ONLY
Program Requirement Date Satisfied Initials Notes
Structure Leader Confirmation 30-Jan-2014 JDL
Stakeholder Engagement VP Confirmation 31-Jan-2014 JDL
Constituency Travel 03-Feb-2014 JDL

Janice contacted ICANN Constituency Travel 3 February 2014; reminder sent 10 Feb.

ICANN Constituency Travel completed itineraries and RT notified 6 March 2014

Confirmation Section: STAFF USE ONLY
Program Administrator Confirmed? Date Rationale
Janice Douma Lange Yes 04-Feb-2014

CROPP Application Template v5 (Sep 2013)

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