00:26:07    Sarah Kiden:    Hi Gisella, the time for our GGP session might change because the Chair could not make the proposed time. Has this now been changed and confirmed?
00:27:09    Sarah Kiden:    Noted, thank you!
00:28:48    heidi.ullrich:    Looks like a very comprehensive set of sessions.
00:32:09    heidi.ullrich:    @Hadia, will the regional ALAC/RALO Chairs be invited to speak during your session?
00:38:03    Judith Hellerstein:    @CLO looks like a good session sorry will miss it as I will likely still be in my nomcom sessions
00:38:35    heidi.ullrich:    ALAC/SSAC tentatively scheduled for Thursday
00:39:00    Hadia’s iPhone:    @CLO looking forward to the session
00:39:37    Hadia’s iPhone:    I remember there were some pending items from our last meeting with SSAC
00:40:02    Hadia’s iPhone:    +1 Jonathan
00:40:59    Hadia’s iPhone:    @Heidi yes the RALO chairs or whoever the choose to speak from their RALO
00:41:21    Hadia’s iPhone:    *they
00:43:10    Hadia’s iPhone:    Hello Greg
00:43:26    Judith Hellerstein:    @heidi can you tell more about the cross RALO ABR
00:43:47    heidi.ullrich:    Thanks, Hadia. We can perhaps ask the full Regional Leadership team.
00:44:09    Hadia’s iPhone:    Sounds good
00:44:30    heidi.ullrich:    @Judith, the FY24 budget development workspace has the details: At-Large FY24 Budget Development Workspace
00:45:16    heidi.ullrich:    It is the first Cross-RALO ABR! It focuses on an E-Tool for welcoming and onboarding.
00:46:13    heidi.ullrich:    Currently the NARALO lunch follows the NARALO Roundtable
00:47:13    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    SOunds good Greg
00:47:58    heidi.ullrich:    Or Denise
00:48:09    Judith Hellerstein:    The likely spot for the networking is on the first day since that is the session right before lunch
00:48:49    heidi.ullrich:    The SMWG leads this term are Denise and Eduardo. However, Lilian has been on all of the calls taking an active role.
00:51:44    Hadia’s iPhone:    Reacted to "It is the first Cros…" with 
00:54:33    Hadia’s iPhone:    Will circulate a tentative agenda
00:54:56    heidi.ullrich:    Glad to see it has all come together!
00:55:06    Hadia’s iPhone:    Thank you all
00:55:11    Hadia’s iPhone:    Bye for today
00:55:24    alberto soto:    Thanks, bye, bye!!
00:55:35    Greg Shatan:    Bye all! See u in DC!
00:55:45    Hadia’s iPhone:    Bye all

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