15:06:36 From Dave Kissoondoyal - ICANN ALAC to Everyone:
    Hello everyone
15:11:09 From Betty Fausta to Everyone:
    Hello dear community.
15:37:46 From Internet Society Nigeria Chapter to Everyone:
15:37:56 From Internet Society Nigeria Chapter to Everyone:
    Adebunmi Akinbo ICANN78 Fellow
15:38:56 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    Please note that Pari, Javier, Raoul, Daniel, Martin, Glenn and others have worked on Green Internet ideas for ICANN and its carbon offsets. Please reach out to us if you are interested
15:39:00 From Al Mahmud to Everyone:
    al mahmud assistant manager domain BTCL
15:40:32 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    On the human rights issue and the IGF and Saudi Arabia in 2024,  I sent via Wendy Profit to Tripti on the board decision if ICANN should boycott this location.  ACCESS NOW started a petition and has lots of not for profits signing the petition
15:40:53 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
15:42:39 From Ebenezer Dare to Everyone:
    Ebenezer Dare     Hostlag Limited     Nigeria
15:44:43 From Chokri Ben Romdhane to Everyone:
    +1 @Jonathan
15:45:02 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    If interested in Internet Governance training online starting in January  https://forms.gle/pcQkEqfzCAcsNvzM9
15:47:58 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    My apologies for not being physically but happy to speak to anyone on our efforts to make ICANN more Green.  Glenn McKnight   McKnight.glenn@gmail.com
15:49:28 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    Tool  https://www.thegreenwebfoundation.org/green-web-check/
15:49:52 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
15:49:53 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
15:51:04 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    Meetings with Xavier, Becky and Ergys  on a Green ICANN over the past few meetings
15:51:52 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    FYI Daniel Migault has done substantial work on the CO2 footprint of IETF and a similar analysis can be done
15:57:00 From Dave Kissoondoyal ALAC to Everyone:
    Thanks a lot for this fruitful interaction
15:57:20 From Sivasubramanian M to Everyone:
    #  Congratulations.  Now ALAC also has moved from zoom to television.

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