Welcome to the webinar on R3: "Making ICANN Relevant, Responsive and Respected"


1.  Introduction and Aim of Briefing

2.  Brief Review of the R3 Paper  on "Making ICANN Relevant, Responsive and Respected"

JJS and EL provided a review of the R3

3. Discussion with webinar participants -




Murray McKercher: @Heidi i think Evan was suggesting that a clearer communications strategy was required from Sally .Do we have that strategy yet?


Heidi Ullrich: @Murray, I believe it is nearly complete. I will check into the status.


Garth Bruen: Points on part 3 and 4.

As Chair of NARALO I started 3 separate reports on Languages, on travel and on compliance.  These are areas which are of great concern.

Travel issue: We are getting fixes for specific issues.

Language: Concerns in the Spanish and Francophone community in North America.

Compliance: This is a serious issue. My Chair report on compliance is in the Chat.

JJ: We will take into account the changes implemented by the new CEO.

Chuck: Do you think that the GAC needs to be more than an advisory Board?

I would like to go from the GAC to the At Large.

You talked about evolving the role from merely policy advisor to more involved in policy development

How At large would be more involved in policy development in the GNSO?

Evan: Governments have not participated in the early part of policy development and then at the end come in later on with comments and score cards, and this could not have happened if they have been involved in the very beginning. They comment in the finished product without having a stake in the process. There has to be a better engagement on this.

Evan: We are in far more agreement than we disagree on these issues.


Paul Diaz @Evan, the issue of getting GAC more involved early in policy processes was the focus of ATRT Rec #12.  ICANN claims it was addressed, but that's really open to debate.  I strongly suspect this will be a hot topic for ATRT 2.


Garth Bruen: @JJ I'm deeply troubled someone thinks this paper could "destroy ICANN", is it really that fragile?


Evan: First of all I would like to mention that there is a PC. We are welcoming interventions.


@JJS/Evan, please see the question raised by Thomas: Thomas Lowenhaupt: Under "Internet Governance Arrangements" bullet 1 says Make the Board the executive committee of the ICANN community. Can you comment on the need and implications of this recommendation.


Evan: The fiduciary duty of the Board is to the corporation not to the people benefit from the institution. The idea of making the Board as Executive decision making. The way things are happening now is not how it has happened in the past. Personally I think this has to be addressed.

This is my personal view and I am willing to engage with others.


JJ: We are in the public comment period, you are very welcomed to submit your comments. We will be taking into account a compendium of the remarks. We are hoping to have a public session not only with people within ICANN but with some observers.

The consolidated R3 paper shall be published and then it can be widely distributed.



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