Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the Webinar on R3: "Making ICANN Relevant, Responsive and Respected"
Gisella Gruber-White:Agenda:
Natalia Enciso:Hi Gisella!
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Hello Heidi, Gisella, Matt, Sylvia, I'd like an audio test with you before we start the webinar.
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:And Matt, is there any way you put me among "hosts" (for practical reasons), I did not find the way to do it when signing in.
IT OPS:i hear you fine JJ
Maureen Hilyard:hearing you loud and clear JJ
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:good, but for the time being I can't hear anyone. Still coffee time? ;-)
Maureen Hilyard:I've muted my microphone, Im just listening...
Maureen Hilyard:and having a coffee (nearly 5am)
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Maureen, yes I see that.
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Staff: start in 4 minutes, so I'd like to see if voice comes my way...
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Matt, what does an asterisk on my microphone mean?
Juan Manuel Rojas:Hi to all.
Thomas Lowenhaupt:Hi.
IT OPS:It means that it is in One Speaker mode
Murray McKercher:good morning from Sunny Toronto
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@IT OPS: thanks for the indication!
IT OPS:i disabled this mode, Jean-Jacques, please answer to my private chat.
alberto soto:Good morning from Buenos Aires
Roberto Gaetano:Hi all, FYI I have the audio off for the time being, will put it on later
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Still can't hear anyone...
Julia Charvolen:Jean Jacques can you conect to ADIGO?
Thomas Lowenhaupt:I'm going to test a few features. raise hand, mike on...
Adela Danciu:Hello everybody!
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Julia, no now it's too late, as I have to lead off the webinar...
Julia Charvolen:we can dial out to you
Evan Leibovitch:hello everyone
Gordon Chillcott:Morning, Evan.
Evan Leibovitch:a little warning. I'm sick with the flu and far from 100%
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello everyone
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:ok dial out please +3395454012
Keith Drazek:yes, i can hear you
Murray McKercher:I hear you very well
Maureen Hilyard:yes confirmed
Thomas Lowenhaupt:indeed
Allan Skuce:excellent
Julia Charvolen:Jean Jacques the number you gave me is not going through
Julia Charvolen:I have +3395454012 is that right?
Thomas Lowenhaupt:perhaps a little background music to let us know the system is active
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Julia, it's +33954544012 you see there's an additional 4
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:I'm hearing you on the land line, and can hear Evan.
Ya:@Evan; Line not very clear. Please could you speak a bit slowly?
Maureen Hilyard:Im not getting any sound...
Keith Drazek:I'm not hearing anything on the Adobe audio at the moment
Thomas Lowenhaupt:nor here - silence
Julia Charvolen:Keith can you join Adigo?
Maureen Hilyard:Adobe audio is off?
Thomas Lowenhaupt:faint voice
Heidi Ullrich:We are checking into the issue
IT OPS:We are encountering an issue with the link between Adigo & Adobe Connect, so unfortunately, you will have to join Adigo through your phone.
Thomas Lowenhaupt:i hear that typing clearly
Keith Drazek:i hear typing.....
Murray McKercher:i hear typing too
Sebastien:On Adobe whe have the typing sound
Ronald Schwaerzler - .wien:i ONLY hear the typing sound
Thomas Lowenhaupt:type slower
Keith Drazek:lol
Heidi Ullrich:Please let us know if you need a dial out
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:this type of sound happens when you get patched to the wrong thing on Adigo.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I have had that in the past
Murray McKercher:how is everyone on morse code??
Heidi Ullrich:to dial in, please see:
Sebastien:If Adobe is not working I will drop off. I can't be call where I am :(
Heidi Ullrich:There will be a recording available.
Thomas Lowenhaupt:Heigi, it asks for a pin.
Thomas Lowenhaupt:Adagio, that is.
Julia Charvolen:1638
Wolf Ludwig:Sorry for being late!
Murray luck with audio for adobe connect??
Heidi Ullrich:@Murray, unfortunately it seems to be a technical problem
Heidi Ullrich:Would you like a dial out?
Murray McKercher:can you rpovide a number? if so yes
Maureen Hilyard:That's a shame because I could hear JJ before? Ive sent my dial out details by email, Heidi
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Maureen.
Thomas Lowenhaupt:Thank you Julia.
Julia Charvolen:You are welcome Thomas
Murray McKercher:@heidi thanks i have audio via adigio
Heidi Ullrich:Great. Good to know, Murray.
Heidi Ullrich:Apologies for the technical problem.
alberto soto:Please, call me again at 54 11 4636 0954 ?
Julia Charvolen:@ Alberto, we are calling you back
alberto soto: thanks!
avri:Actually yhere was precious little discussion of relationship with ICANN in WCIT. That was declared a hands off space and hands were largely left off.
Murray McKercher:@evan Does ICANN not have a key communications person now on board since Toronto?
avri:The leaders of ITU and ICANN sung kumbaya together and everything was happy between the organizations..
Heidi Ullrich:@Murray, yes Sally Costerton is leading the Communications Department
Heidi Ullrich:Sally's background:
avri:i think these are important discussions, but i do not think WCIT is the cause, or even a partial motivation.
Heidi Ullrich:I'mhappy to do that, Jean-Jacques
Wolf Ludwig 2:@Avri: :-)))
Murray McKercher:@heidi i think evean was suggesting that a clearer communications strategy was required from we have that strategy yet?
Heidi Ullrich:@Murray, I believe it is nearly complete. I will check into the status.
Murray McKercher:@ heidi..thank you
Heidi Ullrich:The link to the Public Committee on the R3:
Heidi Ullrich:Comment period closes 2 January
Ronald Schwaerzler - .wien:bye all - little fun without hearing anything
Heidi Ullrich:Apologies, Ronald. A recording of the call will be available shortly after the call. We can send it to the AC/SO lists.
Ronald Schwaerzler - .wien:thanks Heide, don't worry
Heidi Ullrich:We can also dial out to you.
Julia Charvolen:Please mut your microphones/phones if you are not speaking, thank you
Heidi Ullrich:@Garth, the answers are ready.
Heidi Ullrich:They will be posted today.
Garth Bruen:
Ya:I am leaving Adobe and will follow the rest of the webinar by phone.Thank you
Juan Manuel Rojas:Please can call me again?
Julia Charvolen:we are calling you back
Juan Manuel Rojas:Thanks. I am back
Thomas Lowenhaupt:Under "Internet Governance Arrangements" bullet 1 says Make the Board the executive committee of the ICANN community. Can you comment on the need and implications of this recommendation.
Heidi Ullrich:@Garth, the response to NARALO's questions on Compliance have been posted:
avri:Governments had every opportunity and every invitation to get involved in new gTLDs early. They decided to wait untilthey could weild their big stick.
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@avri: that's exactly one of the points Evan is making. You're right.
avri:I testified before every GAC meeting, and extended the invitation frequently. They even had a liaison with the GNSO at the time and did not use it.
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:yes.
Paul Diaz (PIR):@Evan, the issue of getting GAC more involved early in policy processes was the focus of ATRT Rec #12. ICANN claims it was addressed, but that's really open to debate. I strongly suspect this will be a hot topic for ATRT 2
Thomas Lowenhaupt:My audio is faulty. See question above.
Garth Bruen:@JJ I'm deeply troubled someone thinks this paper could "destroy ICANN", is it really that fragile?
avri:there are some who beleive that all criticsms are life threatening to ICANN
Heidi Ullrich:@JJS/Evan, please see the question raised by Thomas: Thomas Lowenhaupt: Under "Internet Governance Arrangements" bullet 1 says Make the Board the executive committee of the ICANN community. Can you comment on the need and implications of this recommendation.
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Paul Diaz: yes about ATRT2
Heidi Ullrich:The Public Comment on the R3 is available at: The Comment Period closes 2 January.
Thomas Lowenhaupt:thanks.
Thomas Lowenhaupt:and thank you Heidi.
Heidi Ullrich:46th Meeting in Beijing:
Heidi Ullrich:You're welcome, Thomas.
Evan Leibovitch:sorry for the coughing. I keep forgetting to mute
Heidi Ullrich:Monthly Policy Update article on the R3:
avri:As a non-author member of the Challenges Working Group, I look forward to the updating of this document.. there were updates that were supposed to have been made a while back that never wee, so it will be good to see the paper brought up to date.
Silvia Vivanco: Oksana asked staff to place in the chat this question: Did you discuss judicial status of ICANN? Is it (or can it be in future) international organization?
Roberto Gaetano:the comment period is still open
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Roberto, yes, and I hope folks will use the comment period.
avri:Thanks for the webinar.
Juan Manuel Rojas:Thanks for open this space to all
alberto soto:thanks !!
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, All.
Murray McKercher:Signing out..Thanks to Evan and JJ for all their work..
Adela Danciu:thank you for this instructive presentation!
Maureen Hilyard:thanks JJ and Evan
Thomas Lowenhaupt:Thanks all. Evan and Jean-Jacques especially.
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you good bye!
Juan Manuel Rojas:Bye to all
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Thank you all.
Natalia Enciso:thanks ! bye!
Wolf Ludwig:Thanks to the moderators and good bye.
Evan Leibovitch: Best wishes to everyone for the holidays. And thanks for participating!