ALAC Participants: V Scartezini, C Langdon-Orr (Chair), I Aizu, P Vande Walle (left at 1428 UTC), C Aguirre, J Salgueiro (left at 1448 UTC), S Bachollet, H Diakite, F Seye Sylla (joined at 1406), A Greenberg (left 1424 UTC), R Guerra (left at 1401 UTC), B Brendler
Liaisons and guests: R Shearwood (left at 1431 UTC), H Xue (IDN Liaison), D Younger
Apologies: J Morris (ccNSO lisaison), W Ludwig (EURALO Secretariat),W Seltzer (Board Liaison)
Absent: M El Bashir, A Muehlberg, T Nguyen
Staff: N Ashton-Hart, M Langenegger
Minutes taken by Staff in first instance.

The Chair started the meeting at 1347 UTC. The meeting agenda was slightly changed to ensure a short discussion on the Statement of the ALAC on the GNSO WHOIS Hypothesis Working Group Studies Report

The meeting minutes of the previous meeting were accepted.

Statement of the ALAC on the GNSO WHOIS Hypothesis Working Group Studies Report.

P Vande Walle provided a summary on the Statement of the ALAC on the GNSO WHOIS Hypothesis Working Group Studies Report he helped preparing.

A vote was held on whether the Statement on the GNSO WHOIS Hypothesis WG should be endorsed as an official ALAC document.

Voting results:

Against: B Brendler

Abstain: None

Support: R Guerra, I Aizu, V Scartezini, P Vande Walle, C Aguirre, J L Salgueiro, S Bachollet, H Diakite, C Langdon-Orr (A Greenberg and F Seye Sylla were not on the call during the vote)

The Statement of the ALAC on the GNSO WHOIS Hypothesis Working Group Studies Report was endorsed as an official ALAC statement.

D Younger asked if Staff could organize a briefing on the IRIS Protocol Standard, which many believe will be the next generation of WHOIS. R Guerra supported this proposal.The Staff will organize a briefing session on the IRIS Protocol Standard after the Cairo meeting.

The Chair noted that this could be a subject for the SSAC-ALAC meeting in Cairo. The ExCom and the ALAC/SSAC Liaison will pursue this issue further.

ALAC Overview Report on ALAC Review Final Report

A Greenberg gave a short overview on the history of domain name expiration policy and, in particular, the redemption grace period.

Motion 1

A Greenberg, seconded by P Vande Walle, moved the following motion:

“Whereas domain names can expire without the conscious agreement of the domain holder who would otherwise renew the registration;

Whereas the loss of a domain name under these circumstances can have serious negative impact on both the registrant and the wider community of users of the registrant's services;

Whereas ICANN has several times taken action to ensure that a domain name can be recovered by the original owner prior to it being available to others;

Whereas such actions have proven to be ineffective;

I move that the At-large Advisory Committee will request that an Issues Report be created on the subject of the Post-Expiry Domain Recovery. The request will be based _on_the draft circulated prior to the ALAC meeting of October 14, 2008, and will be revised prior to and at the Cairo ICANN meeting by an ALAC Working Group, with the_ request to be formally issues by the end of the Cairo meeting.”

The motion carried unanimously.

Motion 2

A Greenberg, seconded by C Aguirre, moved the following motion:

“That the ALAC convene a Working Group, with Alan Greenberg as the ALAC Coordinator to finalize the draft of the request for an Issues Report on Post-Expiry Domain Recovery, with the draft to be approved by the ALAC at the ICANN meeting in Cairo. The working group may include representatives from At-Large, GNSO constituencies and other interested individuals but due to tight time constraints, will be limited to those with specific knowledge of the subject being discussed.”

The motion carried unanimously.

Action Items

The Chair gave a short status update on the action items from the last meeting.

S Bachollet gave a short summary of the recent Summit Working Group activities and noted that the ALSes had until the 22nd of October to send in their answers to the Summit questionnaire.

Status of ALS applications

The Staff noted that two new ALSes have been accepted recently as the online vote ended today. The newly admitted ALSes are Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities from Canada and Internauta Chile. The details of this vote will be communicated shortly.

The Chair suggested that links to recent RALO teleconference summary minutes should be put under the standing agenda items for the monthly ALAC meeting. This issue will be further discussed in Cairo.

ALAC Overview Report on ALAC Review Final Report

The Chair moved the following motion:

“That the ALAC Overview Report on ALAC Review Final Report (PDF) be endorsed as an official ALAC Statement."

The motion carried unanimously.

1443 UTC: missed what H Diakite said please fill in

Draft Agenda Cairo

The Chair asked the ALAC members to make suggestion for the OneDay Workshop in Cairo directly on the agenda page.

Any other Business

ALAC seat on dotMobi Board

S Bachollet suggested that the seat on the dotMobi Board should be part of the call for nominations for liaisons.

The Chair noted that she hoped that there would be more frequent reports from the ALAC liaisons in the future.

“Initial Thinking” Report of the Board Governance Committee ALAC Review Working Group on ALAC Improvements

The Chair noted that the “Initial Thinking” Report should be published in English later that week and in the six UN languages shortly after.

The Chair asked the ALAC members to get in touch with their regional ALSes before the Cairo meeting so that the ALAC could speak on behalf of the whole community. She further commented that there a preparatory meeting should be planned once the document comes out.

What are the next steps on the RAA?

D Younger asked the ALAC members what the next steps were on the RRA amendments. B Brendler suggested that he and D Younger could get in touch off-line to discuss this matter further.

D Younger commented that ALAC members should read the emails on the At-Large discuss list and take up topics that were being discussed heavily. As an example, he mentioned the thread which started with the email sent by D Younger on October 8t

The Chair noted that the comment D Younger made would be discussed more in detail at the ALAC OneDay session in Cairo.

The meeting was then adjourned (1507 UTC)

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