September 2014 – SSAC Liaison Report
(as at 23 Sep 14)
1. SSAC MEETINGS. There have been no SSAC Meetings held during this reporting period. However, the annual SSAC Workshop was held in Washington DC from 16-18 September. Regrettably, I was unable to attend in person and was only able to teleconference in to one session.
2. SSAC WORK PARTIES. A range of potential new work party topics was discussed during the annual SSAC Workshop and two topics have been selected for progression. These are still being scoped and do not have titles as yet. One work party will be related to new gTLDs and the other to registrant protection and credential management. I have indicated my interest in serving on both work parties.
3. SSAC REPORTS. There have been no new SSAC Reports published during the reporting period.
4. CROSS COMMUNITY WORKING GROUP TO DEVELOP AN IANA STEWARDSHIP TRANSFER PROPOSAL. I served as the SSAC Representative on the Drafting Team to develop the Charter for this CWG. The final draft was circulated to the participating SO/ACs for their review and endorsement on 20 August. The SSAC had already provided some comments on earlier versions of the draft and the SSAC Chair advised endorsement of the final draft on 27 August. The SSAC Chair has now called for volunteers to serve on the CWG.
In addition to the work on the Drafting Team, I also joined the ICG (IANA Transition Coordination Group) Conference Calls on 26 August and 17 September.