Minutes from for ccNSO  Council Meeting 15th November 2011

Also available at http://www.ccnso.icann.org/workinggroups/agenda-council-15nov11-en.pdf

Victor Abboud, .ec
Carolina Aguerre, LACTLD
Lesley Cowley, .uk
Keith Davidson, .nz
Fernando Espana, .us
Hiro Hotta, .jp
Cheryl Langdon-Orr
Roelof Meijer, .nl
Patricio Poblete, .cl
Ron Sherwood, ccNSO liaison to the ALAC
Dotty Sparks de Blanc, .vi
Peter Van Roste, CENTR
Hong Xue, NomCom
Jian Zhang, APTLD

Bart Boswinkel
Kristina Nordström
Gabriella Schittek

Sokol Hiaxhu, NomCom
Juhani Juselius, .fi
Han Chuan Lee, ccNSO liaison to the GNSO
Young-Eum Lee, .kr
Vika Mpisane, .za
Gabriella Schittek, ICANN

1. Confirmation of Approval of Minutes and Actions ccNSO Council Meeting 26
October 2011

The Chair asked the Councillors for comments or questions to the minutes from the Council
meeting in Dakar on 26 October 2011. No comments were noted and the minutes were

Bart Boswinkel noted three outstanding action items from the previous meeting:

Action 68-02:
The Secretariat to circulate the formal invitation for input from the Nominating Committee on NomCom

appointed ICANN Board Director to the Council email list as soon as it is received, and ask the
Councillors for input.

This action is still awaiting further input from the NomCom.

Action 68-03:
The Secretariat to circulate the formal invitation for input from the Nominating Committee
on the skill set for the NomCom appointee to the ccNSO Council to the Council email list as soon as it
is received, ask the Councillors for input and collate the information.

This action is awaiting further input from the NomCom.

Action 68-04:
The Secretariat to collate any input posted on the Council email list on the skill set and other
requirements for the new ICANN CEO for further distribution.

This action is still awaiting input from the Councillors.

The Chair reported that she had been following up with the Secretariat on a number of
issues and that she sent a letter to the ICANN Chair Steve Crocker with ccNSO comments
on the ICANN Board meeting in Dakar.

Other than WG activities, Councillors had no additional activity reports at this time.

3. ccNSO Work Plan Update

The Chair reminded the Council of the agreement to do a quick review of the ccNSO Work
Plan at this meeting and to do a full review at the San José meeting.

Bart Boswinkel referred to the documents circulated on the Council email list and explained
that one of them includes the work leading up to the Dakar meeting whilst the other projects
the future work leading up to October 2012.

The Chair added that the Council also needs to consider and evaluate the capacity to
complete the tasks in the Work Plan.

There were no alterations or additions suggested at this stage and no Council comments,
therefore the current version was accepted.

The Chair thanked Bart for his thorough work on the Work Plan.

4. Dakar Meeting Evaluation

4.1 Review of Survey Results

Bart Boswinkel reported that the panel discussion session in Dakar received good ratings in
the meeting evaluation, whilst the sessions in general were rated slightly lower than usual.

The Chair noted that the survey received only around 20 responses and noted the
importance of feedback being submitted in order to be able to improve the ccNSO meetings.

She further asked Councillors to lead by example and encouraged them to respond to the
meeting surveys.

4.2 Appointment of New co-Chair Programme Working Group

Bart Boswinkel noted that we will need to seek a replacement for Patricio Poblete and will
be seeking a Councillor who is a member of the Program Working Group to act as co-Chair
for the Working Group and to take on the role as liaison between the Working Group and the

Action 69-01:

The Secretariat to approach the Councillors who are members of the Programme Working
Group to appoint a vice chair who will also act as a liaison between the Working Group and
the ccNSO Council.

4.3 Strengthening Relation Tech Day and Programme Working Group

It was agreed that we should improve liaison between the Tech Day WG and the programme
WG. Bart Boswinkel noted that as Chair of the Programme Working Group and a member
of the Tech Working Group, Ondrej Filip would work to strengthen the liaison between the
groups in order to plan for future Tech Days.

Roelof Meijer suggested that since Tech Day and the ccNSO Members Meeting often have
similar topics, the purpose of Tech Day should be clarified.

Bart Boswinkel noted that even though Tech Day and the Members Meeting share the same
topics, the audience as well as the angles are usually different.

Patricio Poblete suggested that the Tech Day should be part of the ccNSO Members
Meeting and therefore also be organised by the Programme Working Group.

Keith Davidson noted that the Tech Working Group is working to broaden the audience of
Tech Day and to make it a cross-community event rather than a ccNSO event.

The Chair suggested asking the Tech Day chair, Eberhard Lisse, to provide the Council with
a briefing paper regarding the future direction of Tech Day and to later on invite him to join
the Council in the discussion of this matter.

Action 69-02:

The Secretariat to ask the Tech Day chair Eberhard Lisse to provide the Council with a
briefing paper regarding the future direction of Tech Day.

5. Improving Awareness of and Availability of Information on ccTLD Managers
Activities in Local Initiatives (for example IGF) and Development
The Chair explained that she had received a suggestion to acknowledge local ccTLD
activities and contributions to development work etc and to use the ccNSO website as a way
to increase visibility and awareness of ccTLD and Regional Organisation work.

Roelof Meijer noted that a potential acknowledgement of certain ccTLD accomplishments
must not be done in a competitive way and suggested that such information should be

general rather than specific.

Bart Boswinkel suggested that a briefing paper should be prepared to explain the objective of
the suggestion and present some options

Action 69-03:

The Secretariat to compose a briefing paper that explains and explores the suggestion
to show ccTLD activities and developments on the ccNSO website or options open to the
ccNSO to increase awareness by some other route.

6. ccNSO Membership

Roelof Meijer reported that the ccNSO received a membership application from .mn
(Mongolia), and that no objections were noted on the Council email list. Since no comments
were noted the membership was approved.

Roelof further noted that an application for membership had been received by Caledonia,
and that this application would be dealt with shortly.

7. Overview of Conflict of Interest Policies ccTLDs

The Chair reminded the Council that there was a call on the Council email list for comments
on the conflict of interest policies for ccTLDs in order to send a recommendation for best
practice to the ICANN Board.

Bart Boswinkel noted that the comments received on the email list had been collated
and would be posted on the email list again for further distribution to ICANN. Bart further
suggested that the comments should be published on the ccNSO website. This was agreed.

Action 69-04:

The Secretariat to post the collated comments on conflict of interest policies for ccTLDs on
the email list for further distribution to ICANN, and post them on the ccNSO website.

8. Working Group and Other Updates

8.1 Finance Working Group

Roelof Meijer noted that no activity had taken place in the Finance Working Group since the
Dakar meeting.

8.2 SOP Working Group

Roelof Meijer reported that the SOP Working Group would shortly submit its comments to
the ICANN Strategic Plan 2012-2015.

Bart Boswinkel added that the submission would also be published on the ccNSO Website
the same day.

8.3 Framework of Interpretation Working Group

Keith Davidson reported that Olga Cavalli had stepped down from the GNSO Council and
therefore had been replaced by Carlos Aguirre as Working Group liaison.

Keith further noted that the Interim Report on Consent is currently open for public
consultation, but that no replies were received so far. He also reported that the group as a
next step would address the more controversial topic of unconsented redelegation.

8.4 IDN PDP Working Group 1

Bart Boswinkel reported that the sub-working group to the IDN PDP Working Group 1
continues to work on the issues regarding confusingly similarity.

8.5 IDN PDP Working Group 2

Hiro Hotta noted that the Draft Final Report from the Working Group is currently open for
public comments, closing on 15th of December. Hiro encouraged Councillors and ccNSO
members to read the draft report and provide feedback.

It was decided that a reminder and encouragement to send in comments should be sent to
the community about the FoI Working Group and IDN PDP Working Group 2 reports.

Action 69-05:

The Secretariat to send out a reminder to the ccTLD community regarding the Framework of
Interpretation Working Group and IDN PDP Working Group 2 reports, both open for public

8.6 Incident Repository Implementation Working Group

The Chair noted that the Incident Repository Implementation Working Group had expressed
a wish to change its name to Contact Repository Implementation Working Group, and asked
the Councillors for comments or objections. No comments were noted and the change was

8.7 Joint ccNSO/GNSO IDN Working Group (JIG)

Jian Zhang reported that the draft response to the ICANN Board regarding the resolution on
single character IDN TLDs had been sent to the GNSO and ccNSO Councils for approval the
previous day.

The Chair referred to a reference in the draft letter to previous Council resolutions approving
the JIG Final Report and asked Jian to track back that resolution/s.

Action 69-06:

Jian Zhang to track back that ccNSO Council resolution approving the JIG Final Report.

The Chair further pointed to the second paragraph in the letter regarding consent for single
character IDNs, noted that the issue might be more relevant to gTLDs and asked Jian to
elaborate on the relevance for ccTLDs. Jian replied that the Working Group had discussed
this and had come to the conclusion that it would be of relevance for both groups.

Given that the draft was distributed to the Council just before the meeting it was decided
that the decision on approval should be deferred to the next meeting. In the meantime, any
questions or comments should be directed to Jian via the Council email list.

8.8 Joint Security & Stability Analyses Working Group (DSSA)

Bart Boswinkel reported that the Joint Security & Stability Analyses Working Group continues
to work on the list of vulnerabilities and threats in regard to the DNS.

8.9 Study Group on Use of Names for Countries and Territories

Keith Davidson reported that the Study Group had no meetings subsequent to Dakar.

8.10 Progress ccNSO statement on Geographic Regions Draft Report

Bart Boswinkel reported that the first draft of the statement regarding the re-arrangement of
the ICANN geographic regions was circulated within the drafting team and that it should be
concluded within a week and sent to the Council for comments.

Peter Van Roste reminded the Council about the question raised by Mathieu Weill regarding
the possible impact the change might have on the Regional Organisations. Carolina Aguerre

Bart Boswinkel replied that the statement drafting team should include this issue as a point in
its submission to ICANN.

Peter was asked to circulate a request to his colleagues in the Regional Organisations to
investigate any possible impact the re-arrangement might have on their work.

Action 69-07:

Peter Van Roste to circulate a request to his colleagues in the Regional Organisations to
investigate any impact the re-arrangement of the ICANN geographic regions might have on
their work.

9. Liaison updates

9.1 ALAC liaison

The Chair thanked Ron Sherwood for his written report to the Council on ALAC activities and
asked for questions or comments. No comments were noted.

9.2 GNSO liaison

Since no GNSO liaison was present no update was received. The Chair asked the
Secretariat to remind Han Chuan Lee about the value of a written update to the Council on
relevant GNSO activities.

Action 69-08:

The Secretariat to remind Han Chuan Lee about the written update about relevant GNSO

No other business was noted.

The meeting closed.

----An Informal Teleconference was held on November 8th with the ccNSO selected Members of the ICANN Board to 'debrief and discuss matters arising from the DAKAR  Meeting:

Attendees from the Informal Council call: 


Keith Davidson
Byron Holland
Young-Eum Lee
Roelof Meijer
Paulos Nyirenda
Patricio Poblete
Dotty Sparks de Blanc
Hong Xue
ICANN Board Members:

Chris Disspain
Mike Silber
Liaisons & Observers:

Cheryl Langdon Orr
Han Chuan Lee
Peter Van Roste
Jian Zhang

Bart Boswinkel
Kristina Nordström
Gabriella Schittek

Lesley Cowley
Hiro Hotta
Ron Sherwood

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