June 2012 – SSAC Liaison Report

Julie Hammer

(as at 2Jul12)

1. SSAC MEETINGS.  Attended SSAC Meeting on 14Jun12

2. DSSA WORKING GROUP MEETINGS.  Attended DSSA Working Group Meetings on 24May12, 31May12, 7Jun12.

3. ICANN MEETING PRAGUE.  Attended the Prague Meetings 23-28Jun12.

I would like to sincerely thank Olivier Crepin-Leblond, all Members of the ALAC, and all of the ICANN ALAC Support Staff for the warm welcome and helpful assistance that everyone has extended to me in Prague.  I have been on a steep learning curve in both the SSAC and ALAC Communities and I have greatly appreciated your understanding.

The SSAC met with a great many of the SO/ACs (although ALAC had not requested a specific meeting), as well as with the LEA group, and briefed on the activities currently being worked upon.  The briefing slides can be found at:

 Security and Stability Advisory Committee Public Meeting

SSAC additionally held a full day of closed meetings during which the activities of current and future working groups were discussed.

4. RELEASE OF SAC054.   SAC054, released on 11 June 2012, proposes a standards-based, structured, and extensible model for the recording of Domain Name Registration Data. (DRND).  The SSAC seeks Community feedback on its completeness and utility, and I have drafted a one-page ‘scene setter’ to be posted within the next few days on the ALAC wiki seeking input from the Community.  Note also that the Prague SSAC Briefing Slides at the link above contain briefing slides on SAC054 that may be useful for those wishing to comment in this report.

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