Saturday, 02 November

At-Large Policy Issue: SubPro; Finance FY21 & ICANN Legitimacy Study (EE)

Elevating Engagement in a Multi-Stakeholder Environment (EE)

Joint ALAC-GAC-NPOC Communications Development

  • Heidi Ullrich  to follow up on this action item ALAC/NPOC/GAC to consider identifying how Comms might help awareness raising, outreach, and then engagement
  • Gisella Gruber to schedule a one hour session for the Issue of Mobilization and Individual users.  

Sunday, 03 November

At-Large Policy Session: DNS Abuse - End User Concerns (EE)

  • Evin Erdogdu to share "framework for DNS abuse" and a CircleID article referenced with participants.
  •  Jonathan Zuck and Joanna Kulesza to work with the CPWG and the ALAC to inform Jamie Hedlund  how Compliance can be more effective.
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