Saturday, 02 November
At-Large Policy Issue: SubPro; Finance FY21 & ICANN Legitimacy Study (EE)
- Gisella Gruber / Heidi Ullrich ICANN Legitimacy Project team to be given more time on agenda during ICANN67 Community Forum.
Elevating Engagement in a Multi-Stakeholder Environment (EE)
- Heidi Ullrichto collect list of names for Tuesday evening reception at IGF Berlin for Adam Peake. Tijani Ben-Jemaa to be added to the list, as well as At-Large IGF participants.
- Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Matthias M. Hudobnik and Heidi Ullrich to work on the plan the At-Large activities at the IGF starting week of 11 November. This includes signing up for an IGF Flash Session, identifying the materials for the IGF website and signing people up for the booth.
- Maureen Hilyard / Jonathan Zuck / Heidi Ullrich / Silvia Vivanco Post ATLAS III activity could be the At-Large ambassadors who live in areas where IDNs are big, could be a source of getting the word out.
- Maureen Hilyard, Heidi Ullrich and Gisella Gruber to schedule a one hour roundtable on UA during ICANN 68 in Kuala Lumpur.
Joint ALAC-GAC-NPOC Communications Development
- Heidi Ullrich to follow up on this action item ALAC/NPOC/GAC to consider identifying how Comms might help awareness raising, outreach, and then engagement
- Gisella Gruber to schedule a one hour session for the Issue of Mobilization and Individual users.
Sunday, 03 November
At-Large Policy Session: DNS Abuse - End User Concerns (EE)
- Evin Erdogdu to share "framework for DNS abuse" and a CircleID article referenced with participants.
- Jonathan Zuck and Joanna Kulesza to work with the CPWG and the ALAC to inform Jamie Hedlund how Compliance can be more effective.