Saturday, 10 March
ALAC and Regional Leaders Working Session Part 2
- Alan Greenberg to create process (determine size of group and criteria) for ATLAS III Working Group by end of ICANN61.
- Yesim Nazlar to start off process for creating ATLAS III OC call for membership by 30 March 2018.
ALAC and Regional Leaders Working Session Part 4
- John Laprise to follow up with Jana (Comms) on guidelines for Community for social media posts.
Election Plan (3:15)
- Heidi Ullrich is to adjust the 2018 ALAC and Regional Election schedule to schedule to begin one week earlier.
Sunday, 11 March
Regional Leadership Meeting
- Regional Leadership to plan for the meeting focusing on Individual Participants to be scheduled for ICANN62.
- Silvia Vivanco/Evin Erdogdu: Policy Hot Topics to be included in the Agenda of the April Regional Leaders Meeting.
Accessibility WG
- The following members expressed interest to continue with the WG: Glenn Alfredo Judith Dina Gre, Shatan, Daniel and Gunela.
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr to follow up with Alan Greenberg on the continuation of the WG, taking into consideration the recommendations of the group to continue working.
- The WG decided to submit a request to hold a teleconference in mid - April
Monday, 12 March
ALAC and Regional Leaders session 9
- At-Large Review: Next steps and timelines: At-Large to review and finalize the document by the third week of April for OEC consideration at the Board retreat in May. The answer from the Board will come back at ICANN62.
Tuesday 13 March
ALAC and GAC meeting
- ALAC is willing to cooperate with the GAC on capacity building for underserved regions.
- ALAC to consider providing a brief overview of ALAC /At-Large using a slide for next ALAC/GAC Meeting
ALAC and Regional Leaders Working Session Part 11
KSK Rollover discussion:
- Evin Erdogdu to Create wiki workspace for the KSK Rollover: Title of wiki page - At-Large KSK Rollover workspace
- Drafting team to prepare a statement of the ALAC Position on the KSK Rollover: Pen Holder – Javier. Drafting team members: Haida, Bastiaan, Seun and Maureen, who will be contacting all to gather at ICANN61
Wednesday 14 March
- user-b6f25 to follow up on the Policy Tracking initiative Laura Bengford
- Seun Ojedeji and Sarah Kiden to volunteer on a subcommittee to evaluate a platform as a communication tool
- user-b6f25 to revise and prepare a list of funded projects by TTF
AFRALO Monthly Meeting
- Silvia Vivanco to edit the first hot topic (Promoting DNSSEC Implementation in Africa's TLD registries) to include or mention KSK Rollover.
- Hadia Elminiawi to propose a topic about DNS industry and discuss it in the community if it can be considered as a hot topic, and as an end-user concern.
- Evin Erdogdu/Heidi Ullrich/Silvia Vivanco to work with Comms to make the AFRALO Hot Topics aesthetically pleasing, and translate them to FR and AR.
- Define how to track participation of members in working groups outside At-Large in the implementation document.
- Mohamed (Mo) Elbashir volunteers to prepare updated document for final review, then will will put to vote.
ALAC and Regional Leaders Wrap Up session Part 1
- ALAC to postpone actions to Thursday, March 15.
ALAC to continue discussion of proposed interim GDPR model (aka "Cookbook") electronically.
ALAC to determine questions (and answers) to Board further in advance of ICANN F2F Meeting (at least 1 - 2 months).
Heidi Ullrich to check how long planning vs implementation is regarding budget, and duration of budget.