ICANN Meeting 53 Buenos Aires June 2015 – SSAC Liaison Report
(as at 26 Jun15)
1. SSAC MEETING WITH ALAC. The briefing provided by Patrik Fältström, the SSAC Chair, on Sunday 21 June concentrated on providing a summary of the two most recently released SSAC Reports both available on the SSAC Reports and Advisories Webpage:
- SAC070: SSAC Advisory on the use of Static TLD/Suffix Lists dated 29 May 2015
- SAC071: SSAC Comments on Cross Community Working Group Proposal on ICANN Accountability Enhancements dated 5 June 2015
SAC070 investigates the security and stability needs surrounding the growing use of Public Suffix Lists (PSLs) on the Internet. The SSAC first calls on the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and application community to directly address fundamental design compromises by designing, standardizing and adopting alternative solutions (see Recommendation 1). Second, because use of PSLs today is prevalent, and noting the time it takes for the IETF to standardize alternative solutions and the community to deploy them, the SSAC recommends a set of near-term measures to alleviate some of the higher risk issues with the current maintenance and use of PSLs (Recommendations 2-6).
SAC071 provided SSAC Comment on the proposed Accountability Enhanced and in particular, expressed concern about the way in which the proposed new SO/AC Membership Model might affect the way in which the SSAC operates, considering its narrow focus on security and stability matters and its reluctance to become involved in issues outside that remit. The SSAC expects that the community will adopt an organizational structure that recognizes the role and importance of high–quality expert advice on security and stability.
Patrik also advised of the other current active Working Parties within SSAC:
- New gTLDs: Mid-course correction, Collisions, Timing of next round
- Registrant Protection/Credential Management
Both of these Work Parties are covering topics that are of interest to the ALAC. The ALAC in particular expressed the desire to assist in publicising the Registrant Protection/Credential Management Report when issued.
2. SSAC INVOLVEMENT IN CCWG ON ACCOUNTABILITY. During the course of ICANN53, the question arose as to why the SSAC is not a Chartering Organisation of the CCWG on Accountability. While the SSAC does have 2 Members serving on the CWG on IANA Stewardship Transition (Jaap Akkerhuis and Robert Guerra), the SSAC is a very small group and does not have sufficient resources to participate fully in all ICANN Working Groups. As the CCWG Charter requires all Chartering Organisations to nominate at least 2 but no more than 5 Members to the Working Group, the SSAC made the decision that it was not able to participate in the CCWG and so could not become a Chartering Organisation. That decision does not mean that the SSAC objects to or disagrees with anything in the Charter. After discussions with the CCWG Co-Chairs during ICANN53, the SSAC, at their invitation, is reconsidering its ability to participate in this CCWG, possibly with one or two SSAC Members acting as contact persons.
3. SSAC STATEMENT ON CWG PROPOSAL ON STEWARDSHIP TRANSITION. During the course of ICANN53, the SSAC released its response to the CWG Stewardship Proposal dated 11 June. This was published as:
- SAC072: SSAC Comment on Cross Community Working Group on Naming Related Functions Proposal dated 24 June 2015
An analysis of the CWG proposal against SAC 069 was conducted and the SSAC found that the recommendations in SAC 069 were satisfied. The SSAC therefore provided its approval of the proposal, and recorded a number of relevant comments.
4. MEETINGS ATTENDED IN BUENOS AIRES. As always, the schedule of SSAC and security related meetings in Buenos Aires was busy, with a continuing high degree of focus on IANA Transition issues.
SSAC Meetings
Saturday 20 June
1530-1600: SSAC Briefing to GNSO
Sunday 21 June
1315-1345: Registrant Protection WP Meeting with Registrar SG Chair
1400-1430: SSAC Meeting with the GAC
1615-1645: SSAC Briefing to ALAC
Tuesday 23 June
0800-1230: SSAC Private Meetings
1430-1800: SSAC Private Meetings
Wednesday 24 June
0800-0900: SSAC Meeting with the RSSAC
0900-1515: DNSSEC Workshop
1300-1400: SSAC Meeting with the Board
Thursday 25 June
0800-0900: SSAC Public Meeting
ALAC Meetings
Saturday 20 June
1400-1515: ALT and RALO Chairs Meeting
1600-1800: ALT Meeting
2000-2300: ALT and RALO Chairs Dinner
Sunday 21 June
0800-1700: ALAC and Regional Leadership Working Session
Tuesday 23 June
1300-1400: ALAC Working Meeting
Wednesday 24 June
0735-0755: SSAC Chair Meeting with APRALO
1830-2030: LACRALO Showcase
Thursday 25 June
0700-0800: ALAC and Regional Leadership Wrap-up Meeting
1145-1245: ALAC and Regional Leadership Wrap-up Meeting
Friday 26 June
0900-1200: ALAC Leadership Team Meeting
Other Sessions and Meetings
Sunday 21 June
1830-2000: IANA Stewardship Transition/ICANN Accountability Info Session
Monday 22 June
0700-0830: DNS Women’s Breakfast
0830-1000: Welcome Ceremony
1030-1300: CWG Stewardship/CCWG Accountability Joint Town Hall Meeting
1515-1630: SO/AC High Interest Topic Session
1645-1800: CWG Stewardship Engagement Session
Tuesday 23 June
1900-2100: ccNSO Cocktail Party
Wednesday 24 June
1530-1700: CCWG Accountability Working Meeting
Thursday 25 June
1300-1700: Public Forum
1700-1800: ICANN Public Board Meeting
1800-2000: Farewell Cocktail Party