At-Large Board Director Candidate Call
Meeting Number: AL.ALAC/CC.ABSC/11/1
The At-Large Director Candidate-Community Forum includes questions from RALOs and individuals and answers from the candidates
Date: Saturday, 13 November 2010
Time: 1300 UTC (0500 PST, 0800 EST, 10:00 Buenos Aires, 1300 London, 1400 CET, 2100 Hong Kong, 0000 Sydney)
(For the time in various timezones click here)
Adobe Connect Meeting Room:
Meeting Description:
An At-Large call in which the Candidates for the position of voting Board Director selected by the At-Large community is being organized on 13 November 2010. This call will provide an opportunity for the At-Large Board Director candidates to present themselves to the At-Large community, debate the key issues facing the At-Large community, and answer questions raised by At-Large community members.
Interpretation Available: YES (FR,ES)
How can I participate in this meeting?
Who is on the dial-out list for this call
Board Director Candidates: Sébastien Bachollet, Pierre Dandjinou, Alan Greenberg
Participants: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Allan Skuce, Dave Kissoondoyal, Hong Xue, Wolf Ludwig, Siva Muthusamy, Carlos Aguirre, Evan Leibovitch, Sandra Hoferichter, Joly MacFie, Marc Rotenberg, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Danny Younger, Sylvia Herlein Leite, Adam Peake, Eric Brunner-Williams, Olivier Crepin-Leblond,
Apologies: Yaovi Atohoun
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Seth Greene, Gisella Gruber-White, Matthias Langenegger
Recording: English, French, Spanish
Transcript: EN, FR, ES
Documents (EN):
Reference Material:
At-Large Director Candidate-Community Forum - Includes questions from RALOs and individuals and answers from the candidates
Statements of Interest and Additional Information from the Candidates
- Sébastien Bachollet - At-Large Director Applicant - Sébastien Bachollet.pdf; Candidate's Forum page
- Pierre Dandjinou - At-Large Director Applicant - Pierre Dandjinou.pdf; Candidate's Forum page
- Alan Greenberg - At-Large Director Applicant - Alan Greenberg.pdf; Candidate's Forum page
At-Large Director Candidate Workspace
Diagram of Time-line of the At-Large Board Director Selection - Time-Line - Revised.pdf
1. Introduction (Cheryl Langdon-Orr)
a. Purpose of Call
b. Process of Call
i. The length of the call will be 90 minutes. A 30 minute extension to the call will be optioned by mutual consent of those on the call if required.
ii. Each candidate attending will have 5 minutes to present their statements. The presentation of statements will be carried out in alphabetical order (by surname of the candidate).
iii. Each candidate attending will have 5 minutes to discuss the key issues they believe the At-Large community is facing. Each candidate will be given 3 minutes to respond to questions or rebuttals from the other candidates. This process will be carried out in reverse alphabetical order (by surname of the candidate).
iv. Each candidate will then respond to questions from the floor or from this wiki. Questions will be taken in alphabetical order by RALO (by the first letter of each RALO), with one question from each RALO being asked each question cycle until all questions have been asked. The candidates will respond either as directed by the Questioner or if the question is directed to all candidates, the process will be carried out in alphabetical order (by surname of the candidate).
2. Introductions by Board Director Candidates (in alphabetical order by surname)
3. Candidate Debate on key issues facing At-Large (in alphabetical order by surname)
- Sébastien Bachollet
- Pierre Dandjinou
- Alan Greenberg
4. Questions and Answers
Questions from the floor and with notice will be taken in alphabetical order by RALO (by the first letter of each RALO), with one question from each RALO being asked each question cycle until all questions have been asked.
Question for the Candidates: The Root Scaling Study Team wrote: "Beyond the very near term, we can’t know in advance exactly how many TLDs can be added to the root, or how fast they can be added, because as soon as you start to add entries to the root each of the root system components adapts and changes in ways that cannot be predicted or effectively coordinated. That’s why it’s so important to build an “early warning system” that can (a) detect signs that one or more of the root system actors is reaching its limit for absorbing changes without major replanning, and (b) take effective mitigating action when those signs are detected."
As an ICANN director, would you approve the launch of new gTLDs prior to having this "early warning system" built?
Danny Younger
Question for the Candidates: The IGF process effectively uses "remote hubs" for participation. These hubs are the focal point of local discourse and workshops. While some remote hubs were established on an ad-hoc basis for the ICANN Nairobi meeting (in Bangladesh, Virginia & San Francisco), there has been no institutional support to encourage and develop a sustainable approach to further such efforts. As activities within ALAC's remit include "Establishing an outreach strategy about ICANN issues in each RALO's Region", will you, as a Board director, see to it that a program is established by the ALAC to support an ongoing regional "remote hub" outreach strategy?
Danny Younger
Question for the Candidates: The ICANN Board's decision with respect to Vertical Integration has the potential to negatively impact the registrant community. Registrants "may be harmed by an integrated registry/registrar operation’s ability to identify high value domains, hold those domains off the market (either directly or through affiliates) and to then monetize them at a premium price. These practices render the domain name unavailable to the “first-come” registrant or force that registrant to pay a higher price than the standard retail offer." What action will you take as a board director to monitor the domain name marketplace so as to ensure that registrants aren't abused by domain name scalping?
Danny Younger