Terri Agnew:Dear all, Welcome to the At-Large Webinar on the  ITU Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-14) debrief call on Monday, 24 November 2014 at 20:30 UTC

  Terri Agnew:meeting page: https://community.icann.org/x/7jnxAg

  Veni Markovski:hello.

  Johnny Laureano:Hello everyone

  nigel hickson:Terri; can we speak on Adobe for call?

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr 2:thanks Terri

  Veni Markovski:Is Nigel on the call?

  Holly Raiche:What is the hum?

  Veni Markovski:IETF voting?

  nigel hickson:Terri; thanks

  Terri Agnew:Nigel is on AC

  Leon Sanchez:Hello everyone

  Alberto Soto:Hi all!!

  Fatima Cambronero:hello everyone

  Yrjo Lansipuro:Hello all!

  Grigori Saghyan:Hello everyone!

  judith hellerstein:HI All

  Heidi Ullrich:Hello, Welcome!

  Holly Raiche:Morning all

  Aída Noblia:Hello all

  judith hellerstein:In case others are interested I hosted a debrief of the plenipot for ISOC DC,  http://new.livestream.com/internetsociety/PP14Debrief .

  Terri Agnew:ITU Plenipotenentiary Conference: http://www.itu.int/en/plenipotentiary/2014/Pages/default.aspx

  judith hellerstein:I also attended the plenipot along with Nigel, Veni, Anne-Rachel, Grigori and Yrjo

  Oksana Prykhodko:Hi everybody

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:The slides do not show well on my screen - they appear to be too large

  judith hellerstein:Would be happy to answer any questions

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:ahh better - thanks!

  judith hellerstein:HI Nigel!!

  Glenn McKnight:Hi  All,

  Glenn McKnight:I was  approved for the  Canadian delegation but the cost was a bit rich

  Oksana Prykhodko:Have you any statistics - how many national delegations do have representatives of civil society within them?

  judith hellerstein:The plan was always going to be worked on. ITU knew most of the changes in the budget except for a few countries like canada

  judith hellerstein:Oksana I can send you some info on that

  judith hellerstein:There was also a civil society meeting

  Oksana Prykhodko:@Judith - thank you very much!

  Holly Raiche:@Judith - does your report (link above) include mention of the civil society meeting?

  judith hellerstein:no but I can add notes from that as my colleague Carolina Rossini was present.  She was at the small meeting with Houlin Zhao

  judith hellerstein:I went to the civil society meeting with Toure but then there was a small 3 person meeting with zhao

  Holly Raiche:@ Judith - that would be helpful - maybe send around an updated link?

  judith hellerstein:no real link, but I can write up something

  Holly Raiche:Interesting that Palestine may have a role

  judith hellerstein:no they will not, but always on the agenda

  judith hellerstein:it was on the last day where they dealt with touchy political issues

  Oksana Prykhodko:@Niel - special thanks for mentioning Ukrainian problem!

  judith hellerstein:Yes Oksana, in the US, it was viewed as a more important issue than the Palestine issue

  Loris Taylor:How limited is the involvement of non ITU members?

  judith hellerstein:are you speaking about sector members?

  Holly Raiche:I'd be interested in what he means by a 'new multi stakeholder model'

  judith hellerstein:or something else

  Loris Taylor:It's the last bullet on Opportunities and Threats re Internet CWG

  judith hellerstein:Oh I can speak to that if you want

  Loris Taylor:Thank you

  Oksana Prykhodko:@Judith - great thanks!

  judith hellerstein:Finally, a compromise was reached on the Council Working Group on International Internet-related Public Policy (CWG-Internet), which will provide for physical consultation meetings, open to all stakeholders, to be held prior to each of the CWG-Internet meetings. These meetings will allow all Internet stakeholders to directly contribute to the work of the CWG-Internet.

  Remmy Nweke [@ITRealms]:@Judith, when is this meeting expected?

  Veni Markovski:http://www.itu.int/en/plenipotentiary/2014/Pages/default.aspx

  judith hellerstein:Basically, the US and the Europeans have been pushing for an opening up of all council working groups but were stymied in this

  judith hellerstein:Yes Fabio was very good and an excellent moderator'

  judith hellerstein:They finally got agreement on the opening up of certain council working groups.  Te idea here is that an agenda will be set on which topics will be discussed at the CWG and this agenda wwill be released

  judith hellerstein:then there will be discussions on these issues and it will be open up to all stakeholders after these contributions were submitted these then will be discussed at the closed council group working groups and then once a decision is made in these groups than the CWG will disclose to all stakeholders what the decision was

  Glenn McKnight:@Judith what was the Resolution that  Andrea was involved  with.  ie.  Accessibility

  judith hellerstein:so not exactly what the US and Europe was seeking but is the best we could get

  judith hellerstein:175

  judith hellerstein:not a key internet issue

  judith hellerstein:yes that disucssion fo fufill and increase was such a long discussion and the source for many many special adhoc informal meeting

  Oksana Prykhodko:@Veni - is there any links between ITU-initiated Internet-related studies and ICANN-initiated ones?

  judith hellerstein:res 175 was in com 6 and not in adhoc internet group

  Glenn McKnight:Anyone  have a  link to the Indian proposal?

  nigel hickson:All documents are on ITU PP-14 site (www.itu.org)

  judith hellerstein:I have one and can send it to you

  Glenn McKnight:Didn't they  bring this up at Net Mundial

  judith hellerstein:i have the original and then the revised one

  Alan Greenberg:let's hold questions until after Anne-Rachel

  Oksana Prykhodko:@Veni - thank you very much! Could you pls send a link?

  judith hellerstein:what document are you interested in

  judith hellerstein:wcit links has all docs

  Evan Leibovitch:Is the ITU an ICANN stakeholder, or is ICANN an ITU stakeholder? ;-)

  judith hellerstein:Eli Durado was posting all the docs to it daily

  judith hellerstein:@evan neither

  Evan Leibovitch:If ITU is a registry, you can hardly say neither.

  judith hellerstein:icann is not a sector member of the itu whcih is why they were part of teh ISOC delegation

  Holly Raiche:@Evan - either neither - or both!

  judith hellerstein:ITU is not a registry

  Evan Leibovitch:Just following the current subject matter

  Holly Raiche:@Judith - I think the gist of the slides is that the ITU wanted to be!

  judith hellerstein:Some countries did

  Veni Markovski:all PP-14 documents are here: http://www.itu.int/md/S14-PP-C/en

  judith hellerstein:which is why they proposed it in their revisions to 102

  Remmy Nweke [@ITRealms]:@Veni thanks for the link on documents

  judith hellerstein:@veni, these seemed to be locked to ties users

  judith hellerstein:try wcit leaks.  Type in the resolution number and the doc will pop up

  nigel hickson:@judith - thanks for all your help

  Veni Markovski:@judith - you are right. very strange! They were not locked during the PP-14!!!

  Holly Raiche:@Nigel - in discussion, I'd be interested to have you elaborate on what you mean by a new multi stakeholder model

  judith hellerstein:Julie Zoller of the US is the vice Cahir of the ITU Council and next year she will be the chair. Soo all very good

  judith hellerstein:With the new change to the council working groups we should all make sure we contribute to these groups so that the council members see that there is much interest in their work

  judith hellerstein:This is especially true with the CWG on Internet Public Policy

  judith hellerstein:on the ITRs: The U.S. delegation secured agreement that another World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT), the conference that revises the International Telecommunication Regulations (ITR’s) should not be scheduled until an expert group reviews the existing treaty regulations from 2012 and assesses whether any update is necessary. This expert group will submit recommendations that will be forwarded to the next Plenipotentiary Conference in 2018 for it to decide on whether to schedule another WCIT treaty conference.

  judith hellerstein:For US interested members interested in WSIS, you should join the US ITAC WSIS subgroup

  Oksana Prykhodko:Regional ITU meetings - Ukraine was in RCC, now it is not. How Ukrainian civil society can participate in regioanl ITU meetins?

  judith hellerstein:We will be meeting on Dec 10 to discuss WSIS and CSTD meetigns

  judith hellerstein:Hi Oksana , I will try and find out for you

  nigel hickson:@Oksana  Ukraine can operate through CEPT

  Terri Agnew:We will now begin the question and answer session. As a reminder, please state your name before speaking for transcription and interpretation purposes.

  Oksana Prykhodko:@judith - sana.pryhod@gmail.com

  judith hellerstein:Thanks!!  Will send you some info

  Oksana Prykhodko:@nigel - we have to learn to do it

  Remmy Nweke [@ITRealms]:@Anne Rachel: Just wondering what ICANN team will describe the ICANN relationship with ITU as? Could it be observatory since ICANN is not a member of ITU? Although one hopes that with the coming of new ITU Sec-Gen by January 2015, this process will continue?

  Oksana Prykhodko:I have to say that we have huge differences in Ukraine between WCIT and PP14 -  in Dubai Ukrainien delegation voted in accordance with orders from Moscow -  without any previous or post discussion. Now we had very ope n and constructive discussion - thousand of thanks to Olivier, Sebastien and Michael Yakushev for participating in it. Now we have to understand what to do next

  judith hellerstein:To all who are itnerested here is the note released by Ambassador Sepulveda, http://blogs.state.gov/stories/2014/11/10/busan-consensus

  Anne-Rachel Inne:Thanks Remmy, Tarek just answered. cooperation and collaboration

  judith hellerstein:The opening up of council working Groups was one fo the US's main proposals and they have been working on it on many fronts

  judith hellerstein:Went from no one in any of the CITEL region supporting the US to the Region supporting the US after much work by the US in explaining why this was necessary

  Alan Greenberg:I'm cutting off the speaker list now.

  judith hellerstein:So CITEL submitted teh resolution and then it got much support from Europe and others and resulted in this compromise

  judith hellerstein:No, no disucssion on IANA transition

  Terri Agnew:we will fidn the line

  Fatima Cambronero:thanks!

  judith hellerstein:Civil Society was part of US, Canada, US, Brazil, Nigeria, Finland, Sweden, India and others, but have to look these up

  judith hellerstein:Some sector members also accepted civil society members on their delegations

  judith hellerstein:Also UK and other European countries

  Evan Leibovitch:Congratulations Yrjo on becoming President of ISOC Finland.

  judith hellerstein:but all people from civil society who were on a national delegation could not speak publicly as they could only represent the points that the national delegation wanted

  judith hellerstein:Civil society did have its own skype chat

  sandra hoferichter:oh ... I mixed up the time zones winter / summer:(

  Glenn McKnight:it  is ok,

  Terri Agnew:@Grigori, we are unable to hear you

  judith hellerstein:iI think we lost grigori

  Mandy Carver:yes

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yup

  Evan Leibovitch:nothing now

  nigel hickson:@sandra - oh no

  Terri Agnew:@Grigori do you have a number we can reach you at?

  Oksana Prykhodko:Big Brother((((

  judith hellerstein:@terri can you mute Grigori

  Terri Agnew:done

  nigel hickson:Civil society spoke on UK delgation

  Terri Agnew:@Grigori, do you have a phone number we can reach you at?

  judith hellerstein:@anne/Nigel/ or Veni  Can you talk about the approval of the resolution on transparency and openness of documents. That was a big victory for civil society

  judith hellerstein:Wrong,  This groups has been active for years. 

  judith hellerstein:The US has been working for several years to open up the council working groups on internet public policy

  judith hellerstein:the group actual meetings are not open.  That was not agreed what teh US and Europe got was a compromise and that was to allow for public consultation before and after the group meetings

  Terri Agnew:We will now begin the question and answer session. As a reminder, please state your name before speaking for transcription and interpretation purposes.

  Alan Greenberg:I hope your line doesn't drop also!

  Veni Markovski:I am sorry I have to leave. If there are questions, my colleagues will respond. I have another conflicting event in a few minutes.

  Alan Greenberg:Thanks Veni

  Veni Markovski:it was great listening to all this, and hope to see (some of) you soon - at ICANN, or elsewhere.

  judith hellerstein:Bye Veni sorry to miss you again in NYC

  Terri Agnew:goodbye Veni

  judith hellerstein:Actually I was talking about the opening up of documents

  judith hellerstein:@olivier that will never happened.  It is a treaty agreement

  Alan Greenberg:I'm closing the queue.

  Oksana Prykhodko:@Olivier - extremely important question for Ukraine!

  judith hellerstein:Oksana would be happy to answer any questions you mght have on the plenipot

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:This has been an *excellent* webinar ....  On a very important topic...  Thank you all so much !  Very useful indeed...

  Holly Raiche:Thanks to all

  Glenn McKnight:thanks  all

  Alberto Soto:Thanks!!!!

  Fatima Cambronero:thanks all! bye

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Excellent Webinar - thank you very much for this! I hope we'll have all of the presentations available from the agenda

  judith hellerstein:thanks

  Tom Lowenhaupt:bye all

  Evan Leibovitch:I love that outro, Alan

  Winthrop Yu:thank you all!

  Aída Noblia:Thanks . Bye all.

  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all!

  Grigori Saghyan:thank you!

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Bye ...

  Yrjo Lansipuro:Thanks, and bye!

  Oksana Prykhodko:Fantastic webinar! Thank you very much!

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