This page is to be updated shortly.
Meeting | Date and Time | Assignee and RALO | Report |
Fellowship | March 22 @ 7Gl | Glenn McKnight, NARALO | Pictures of meeting in AM Nicely attended early morning meeting |
ALAC | March 22 @ 9 | Glenn McKnight, Naralo | Pictures of ALAC Meeting Busy first day of ALAC meeting throughout the day
ALAC | March 22 @ 11 | Glenn | Presentations by Duncan Burns about the ALS spotlight videos. A tips page was created, Strongly recommend that ALS read this pre guide "10 Ways to Improve your Skype/video conference call" for ALSes submitting videos 10 Ways to Improve Your Video/Skype Conference Call |
Asia Pacific leaders | March 22 (8.30am) | Maureen | Attended the meeting of Asia Pacific leaders to discuss the organisation of the Asia Pacific Regional IGF to be held in Delhi - August 4-6, 2014. |
Mentorship Pilot | March 22\(11.30am) | Maureen | Met with Olivier and my mentee, Gunela Astbrink of ISOC-Au to discuss mentorship programme and possible involvements during the ICANN week - support from Gisella and Heidi. Gunela and I have worked together for several years, so I am looking forward to helping to introduce her to ICANN the system (as much I know of it myself ) |
ALAC and ICANN Compliance | March 23 | Garth B. | Presented UDRP issues to Compliance as documented in the memo to the ALAC Chair. See: We have also submitted additional data on the ongoing saga of the Rape Tube and its related domains with false WHOIS records. Compliance now has the 1000 plus "" domains in the form of a static list as well as their bulk WDPRS complaints. (GB) |
NARALO | March 23 @7AM | Thomas Lowenhaupt, NARALO Glenn McKnight Garth B. Judith Hellerstein Louis Houle | Tom Attended monthly NARALO meeting remotely, from New York City. Judith from Washington DC. Peter knight attended from Brazil NARALO monthly call Chaired NARALO Meeting
NomCom Report |
Opening ceremony | March 24 | Dev Anand Teelucksingh | Clever use of deja vu by Steve Crocker in his opening remarks (although it wasn't a unanimous decision to launch the new gTLD program as the video implied) And the first of the many messages about the "transition of the stewardship of the IANA function" Dr Yaacob Ibrhahim mentioned not just the Internet penetration achievements of SIngapore but policy initiatives such as the Personal Data Protection Act and and making the Internet more accessible to low income, physically challenged and senior citizens. The spotlight by ICANN's VP of Asia Pacific on ISIF awardees was also informative and interesting and I note similiar intiitiatives exist in other regions. The executive from Infocomm noted the Open Data initiatives in Singapore
Opening Ceremonies | March 24 | Glenn McKnight | Pictures of Opening ceremonies Collection of pictures |
Welcome Ceremony and President’s Opening | March 24 | Fatima Cambronero | Some highlights of CEO Fadi Chehadé: “We have a responsibility in the global governance of Internet”. “Between the global IG Forums we have 1net and NetMundial. In NetMundial we will begin to shape a MS model. 1net is a Dialogue Forum that we have to use to discuss IG issues. We also have the President Ilves IG Panel which is open to public consultation”. “The transition model that we design must meet the needs of all stakeholders equally”. “Should not jeopardize the openness of the Internet”. “The technical principles should be used to maintain the openness of the Internet”. “It should not affect the safety and stability of the Internet”. |
IANA Accountability Transition | March 24 | Dev Anand Teelucksingh | good to slow down the frenzied discussion re: IANA transistion and start a measured pace to look at this issue. |
ALAC/ccNSO | March 24@12 | Glenn McKnight | ALAC presentation and ccNSO presentation Information exchange mainly by ALAC people asking ccNSO questions about the operations of ccNSO etc
FELLOWSHIP | March 23rd @19h | Beran Gillen | The fellowship social brings together fellows, alumni of the fellowship and ICANN Community members for an informal meeting prior to start of ICANN Meeting. |
Fellowship | March 23 | Maureen Hilyard | Attended the Fellowship programme for a short while (before the ALAC meeting) to introduce myself to the new fellows from the Pacific region. One of the Fellows, Etuate Cocker, is a member of the PICISOC Board (along with Louise Nasak who is here with the Vanuatu government at the GAC meetings, and Ellen Strickland who is representing her employer InternetNZ at the NCUC) |
Social Fellowship | March 23 | Fatima Cambronero | Fellowship Social Event: As Alumni of the Fellowship Program I had the opportunity to interact with some members of the Fellowship Program, especially with newcomers from LAC region with whom I was interacting before the meeting. This is the space to give the welcome to the newcomers and to invite them to join to our community. |
DNS WOMEN | March 24th @ 7am | Beran Gillen | All the powerful women of ICANN in ONE ROOM!! One word.... Inspiring.. |
DNS Women | March 24 | Maureen Hilyard | Networking plus!! Great to learn more about the NetMission participants, very capably introduced by Yannis Li. |
Accessibility Taskforce | March 24 @2 | Glenn McKnight Garth Bruen | Great kick off meeting for the ICANN Accessilibity Working group Presentation by Gunella This was an excellent meeting. It could be one of At-Large's most important endeavors ever. (Garth) |
Accessibility Taskforce | March 24 | Syliva Herlein | Very interesting this new working group being formed to ICANN expressed respect to universal access to ICTs for really all users. There were representatives of almost all RALOs and group president Cheryl Lagndon-Orr invited everyone to participate. |
Accessibility | March 24 | Maureen Hilyard | Agree with Sylvia - a very positive meeting for moving forward |
MSWG | March 24 | Sylvia Herlein | MSWG results presentation, explaining the changes proposed by the group for future meetings of ICANN from 2015 changes. The presentation was made in French by Sebastian, in Arabe by Tijiani, in English by Chris Dispain and Michelle Chaplow and in Spanish by Eduardo Diaz. |
MSWG | March 24 | Dev Anand Teelucksingh | Small attendance (40-50) for the meeting given the relevance to meeting attendees. Good presentation by MSWG members and great use of graphics to illustrate concepts instead of text. |
ALAC-ccNSO | March 24 | Maureen Hilyard | Great introduction for both ALAC and ccNSO members to learn more about how each other operates. Olivier and Byron were held up at the IANA meeting. |
IANA Accountability Transition | March 24 | Fatima Cambronero | Fadi Chehade ICANN CEO led the panel with a number of guests from some of the SO and AC, IAB, NRO, RIR and Verisign. It was expressed that the panel has as objective to discuss the process that has been started and it has not discuss substantive issues. It was distinguish between the operational, accountability and oversight aspects. The process that begins is related to oversight mechanisms. Together, throughout the community we will participate in this process, making contributions that are useful for this transition. This oversight mechanism does not have to be something new; it could be some mechanisms that already exist. We should review if the mechanisms that already exist are working and if they meet the requirements which the community could ask. The important thing is that we will have a solid mechanism, based on the MS model that works so well today. We have to make this process calmly and not set absolute deadlines. These mechanisms are not going to develop behind closed doors. Once implemented have to be very transparent mechanisms. Furthermore, these mechanisms have to ensure the security and stability of the DNS. Nothing will jeopardize the Internet stability. It also must respond to global interests, not the interest of any particular group. Representatives of organizations or communities in the panel expressed support to participate in this process led by ICANN. Fadi left open to the community for analysis and reflection the following questions:
ICANN Accountability | March 24 | Fatima Cambronero | This session was aimed at listening to the community on issues related to ICANN accountability. The following questions were presented for discussion: 1) What are the means by which the Community is assured that ICANNN is meeting its accountability commitments? 2) As ICANN grows and improves its overall accountability, what should be the guiding principles to ensure that the notion of accountability is understood and accepted globally? 3) How does the AoC need to evolve to support global acceptance of ICANN’s accountability, and who should take part in this AoC? The most important opinion for our At-Large community was the comment of our Chair stating that users should be present in these mechanisms of ICANN accountability. |
Workshop on Tor and Alternate DNS | March 24 | Garth Bruen | Co-chaired this first-ever ICANN At-Large session on Alternate Internet structures. The session was very well attended and discussion continued in the room afterwards for another hour. We really covered two different topics but we had start somewhere, but now we will break off Tor and Alternate DNS into different sessions at the next meeting. We have support for continuing these sessions at future meetings and we need to come up with formal plans. Please find the presentation here: ICANNSingapore_torandalt.pdf. Please find recordings here: |
EWG Briefing | March 24 | Garth Bruen | Ongoing work in developing new directory systems |
NomCom | March 24 | Louis Houle | NomCom closed session |
NomCom | March 25 | NomCom closed session | |
Registration issues | March 25 | Garth Bruen | Merging ongoing work of two groups |
ALAC/Board | March 25 | Garth Bruen | ALAC Meeting with the Board. I am not sure if some of the Board appreciates or understands our role. (GB) |
ALAC | March 25 | Garth Bruen | ALAC Working Group Reports |
Day 3 Pictures | March 25 | Glenn McKnight | This collection includes photos of all the trade show booths.
ISIF | March 25 | Maureen Hilyard | I attended this meeting for an hour this morning, as the project sponsor of two ISIF (APNIC) Awards in the Pacific region. One project is as the president of CIIAG, where one of our members is creating a mobile application to support the retention of the language of the Cook Islands which is at risk of being lost; the second is as the Board Chair of PICISOC where one of our members is involved in a technical research project. This project is being undertaken at Auckland University, New Zealand, but involves several countries in the Pacific where special equipment transmits data speed information to the university base. |
IANA | March 25 | Maureen Hilyard | As part of my outreach, I sent a short article to the Cook Islands News letting them know about IANA and ICANN's role in its transition to the global community. The message also gave me an opportunity explain IANA's roles and how endusers in the Cook Islands are linked to the activities of IANA and our regional RIR (APNIC). |
ISOC | March 25 | Glenn McKNight | ISOC Delegate meeting |
ISOC | March 25 | Maureen Hilyard | Good networking and catchup session. Unfortunately, I don't think that the meeting itself achieved as much for ISOC members who may not get an opportunity to get a face to face session with ISOC leaders, although this was Kathy's first meeting with ICANN-ISOC members. But it really only focused on the interests of a few, and it wasn't until the end of the session when May-Ann (from Singapore) asked for more information for new members about ISOC. |
Latin America and the Caribbean Space in ICANN Meetings | March 25 | Fatima Cambronero | This session showed progress in implementing the LAC Strategy. It was invited members of the business community from Asia and Latin America to share best practices. Advances were presented in some projects; some related to Communications for Latin America and Caribbean. Comments on how to organize future sessions dedicated to LAC space within ICANN meetings were also requested. |
NomCom | March 25 | Louis Houle | Meeting with NPOC and ALAC |
ISOC meeting | March 25 18:00 to 20:30 | Louis Houle | Chapters meeting with Kat. Brown. Governance has been one of the main topic discussed in sight of NTIA/IANA |
ALAC -Leaders | March 26 | Glenn | RALO Leaders meeting focused only the policy issues. Time limitations resulted in other topics not covered. |
ALAC Atlas | March 26 | Glenn | Presentation on the Fayre of Opportunities on details on room logistics, speaker etc |
APRALO | March 26 | Glenn | APRALO Showcase |
Update on Internet Governance Issues | March 26 | Fatima Cambronero | This session was attended by members of the IGF Secretariat, ISOC, the WGEC, CSTD, and processes involved in WSIS, ITU and IGF. There was discussion about the outlook for this year in areas and issues related to the IG. It was expressed that while it is important the current transition process for overseeing the IANA functions, there are other important processes running at the same time which are recommended to participate and pay attention. It was also mentioned that it is important that all stakeholders can participate in an equal footing in these spaces and can be lowered to a level understandable to the average user what is happening and how can affect them. |
ccNSO | Liaison Report | Maureen Hilyard | ALAC Liaison to the ccNSO Reports - for full report on Singapore meetings |
RALO Leadership | March 26 | Garth Bruen | ALT and RALO Officers Working Breakfast |
ATLAS II | March 26 | Garth Bruen | Attended all ATLAS II Planing sessions |
NomCom Public Meeting | March 26th @4pm | Beran Gillen | I attended the NomCom public meeting for the second time my first being at Beijing ICANN 46. It was an interesting session in which all recent NomCom Selectees for ALAC attended namely Leon Sanchez, Rafid Fatani and myself. It was an open meeting with discussions on possible changes to the selection and length of sitting of NomCom members. A new form was also developed for applicants which we (the ALAC NomCom selectees) agreed to help the committee test out and give possible suggestions and improvements.
It was an informative session.
NomCom Public Meeting | March 26 @4 pm | Louis Houle | A lot of interaction with Selectees and a good feedback from them on possible improvements. |
Community Engagement | March 27 11am-12:30pm | Judith Hellerstein | Discussed different way of community engagement and outreach. Session broken up into different parts: Raising Awareness; Capacity Building and Expanding Communities. Interesting discussion on how to reach out and entice others to get involved in ICANN. Talked about different ways that ICANN is supporting outreach to build global support and education of ICann. Talked about different formats for engagement |
ALAC | March 27 | Glenn | The ALAC meeting including Tea ceremony Acknowledgement of departing members |
ALAC | Week | Glenn | Back in Argentina, Garth and I advocated to create a working group on Accessibility. This week we had our first face to face working group meeting as a followup to the phone conference call last month. The working group was well attended and received Gunella has taken the lead in the objectives and deliverables of the initiative to help ICANN adopt an inclusive approach to addressing the needs of the disabled. We have been well received by the business community , GNSO, ICANN staff and more which bodes well for us seeing tangible development for the years to come. I would like to thank ICANN staff for the support of the initiative. |
Public Forum | March 27-Up | Maureen | Made a statement at the Public Forum: I am representing the more than 600 members of the Pacific islands Chapter of the Internet Society which is an ICANN At large Structure. At my first ICANN meeting in Cartegena raised the lack of representation at ICANN meetings from the Pacific region of 22 countries across an area of ocean that equates to the size of the rest of the Asia Pacific region. I am very pleased to report that more participants from the Pacific region are applying for and are being invited to participate in ICANN’s very successful Fellowship programme. Now, as a member of the ALAC and APRALO, I am trying to encourage more internet-related groups from individual Pacific countries to join ICANN as ALSes. My one concern at this time, is that because of the size and the needs of our region, it would be appreciated if more team members could be assigned to support Save’s work in the Pacific region to provide the outreach required to serve the needs of developing economies which are just as needy, and probably more so, as those in Asia and the Middle East. |
NomCom meeting | March 28 9 to 12 | Louis | Closed session |
ATL Wrap-up | March 28 | Garth Bruen | Meeting with David Olive, Steve Crocker, etc. |
ATL Wrap | Glenn McKnight | SSAC video clip created |