- At-Large Meetings - Monday, 13 June 2022
- At-Large Meetings - Tuesday, 14 June 2022
- At-Large Meetings - Thursday, 16 June 2022
07:00-08:00 UTC 09:00-10:00 CEST ATLANTIC Room (-1) |
Joint Meeting: ALAC and GAC Agenda:
2. 07:10 - 07:25 Universal Acceptance and IDNs : - ALAC Speaker: Satish Babu, At-Large UAWG Liaison [5 mins] - GAC Speaker: Nigel Hickson, GAC Representative of the U.K. [5 mins] - update the group on current EPDP on IDNs 3. 07:25 - 07:40 GAC-ALAC/At-Large Cooperation at National Level : further good practices from each committees to discuss : - ALAC Speaker: Johan "Julf" Helsingius, Chair of ISOC Finland [REMOTE] [5 mins] - explain how the multi-stakeholder mechanisms work on grassroots level in Finland - GAC Speaker: Shi Young Chang, GAC representative of the RoK and Juuso Monsander, GAC representative of the Finland (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) has promised to chime in virtually [REMOTE][5 mins] 4. 07:40 - 07:55 Geopolitical Issues and advancing the MS model: role of governments and civil society volunteers : discuss recent issue of Internet Governance and the way to improve Multi-stakeholder participation mechanism. - ALAC Speaker: Marita Moll ([REMOTE] with Joanna Kulesza facilitating) [5 mins] - GAC Speaker: Jorge Cancio, GAC representative of the Switzerland [5 mins] - exchange information on recent developments at the global level, including "Declaration of the Future of the Internet"; invite ALAC and GAC members to share their views on. 5. 07:55 - 08:00 Summary - Shi Young/Joanna Kulesza |
Moderators: Maureen Hilyard and Manal Ismail Lead/Notes: HU RPMs: Gülten / YS |
08:30-10:00 UTC 10:30-12:00 CEST Mississippi |
At-Large Policy Session 2: Closed Generics: Finding a Balance Description: This is an "internal" position development session but open to all community members to attend. Agenda:
Reference Documents:
Moderator: Jonathan Zuck Lead/Notes: HU RPMs: YS/MDS Overflow Room Lead: SV |
11:15-12:30 UTC 13:15-14:30 CEST Mississippi |
Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN Meeting Topic: The role of the AFRALO community in mitigating DNS Abuse Agenda:
Moderator: Aziz Hilali, AFRALO Vice Chair Lead/Notes: SV RPMs: YS/MDS Overflow Room Lead: HU |
15:30-16:30 UTC 17:30-18:30 CEST |
Community Networking Cocktail - Community Excellence Award |
07:00-08:00 UTC 09:00 a.m.-10:00 CEST |
Reunión conjunta: ALAC y GAC Agenda:
Moderadores: Maureen Hilyard y Manal Ismail Guía/Notas: HU RPM: Guía de la sala adicional: SV |
08:30-10:00 UTC 10:30-12:00 CEST |
Sesión 2 sobre políticas de At-Large: Genéricos cerrados: Cómo encontrar un equilibrio Descripción: Esta es una sesión “interna” de desarrollo de posiciones, pero abierta a todos los miembros de la comunidad que deseen asistir. Agenda: Agenda:
Documentos de Referencia :
Moderador: Jonathan Zuck Guía/Notas: HU RPM: Guía de la sala adicional: SV |
11:15-12:30 UTC 13:15-14:30 CEST |
Reunión conjunta de la AFRALO y AfrICANN Tema: El rol de la comunidad de la AFRALO en la mitigación del uso indebido del DNS Agenda:
Moderador: Aziz Hilali, Vice Presidente de la AFRALO Guía/Notas: SV RPM: Guía de la sala adicional: HU |
15:30-16:30 UTC
17:30-18:30 CEST |
Cóctel de creación de redes de contactos para la comunidad |
7 h 00-8 h 00 UTC 9 h 00-10 h 00 CEST |
Réunion conjointe : ALAC et GAC Ordre du jour :
Modérateurs : Maureen Hilyard et Manal Ismail Coordination/Notes : HU RPM : Responsable de la salle supplémentaire : SV |
8 h 30-10 h 00 UTC 10 h 30-12 h 00 CEST |
2e séance de l’At-Large consacrée aux politiques : Les génériques fermés : trouver un équilibre Description : Il s’agit d’une séance de prise de position interne mais à laquelle tous les membres de la communauté peuvent participer. Ordre du jour :
Documents de référence:
Modérateur : Jonathan Zuck Coordination/Notes : HU RPM : Responsable de la salle supplémentaire : SV |
11 h 15-12 h 30 UTC 13 h 15-14 h 30 CEST |
Réunion conjointe AFRALO-AfrICANN Thème : Le rôle de la communauté de l’AFRALO en matière d’atténuation de l’utilisation malveillante du DNS Ordre du jour :
Modérateur : Aziz Hilali, Vice président de l’AFRALO Coordination/Notes : SV RPM : Responsable de la salle supplémentaire : HU |
15 h 30-16 h 30 UTC
17 h 30-18 h 30 CEST |
Cocktail de réseautage de la communauté |