Please note that this workspace will be used to gather the At-Large's questions for the Global Partnerships Department during the Prague Meeting.

The deadline for comments is 24 May at 23:59 UTC. - The Deadline has been extended until 1 June at 23:59 UTC.

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  1. The lack of close integration between Global Partnerships and At-Large should by now be something of a corporate embarrassment. Once upon a time ICANN staff were actively engaged in recruiting ALSs -- that's how my ALS was involved. There has been no staff in this role in our region since Jacob Malthouse left.

    The selection of meetings in which GP chooses to participate demonstrates the comfortable path of courting more Internet insiders, who are already aware of ICANN's role, to participate. More challenging -- but far more critical to the success of the multi-stakeholder model -- is gaining the interest of the previously uninterested. ALAC can and should be GP's primary partner in the accomplishment of this task, and our volunteers can offer both new perspectives an new energy to both outreach (gaining new partners) and inreach (retaining the interest and engagement of existing participants) activities.

  2. During their meeting of 23 May, the ExCom agreed that the ALAC session with Global Partnership Vice Presidents and staff would primarily be a getting to know you exercise.