This workspace has been made available for community members to post their Communications Department related questions. The deadline for posting questions/comments to this workspace will be 22 October 2013 23:59 UTC.
At-Large Regional Policy Engagement Program (ARPEP)
ALAC Liaisons and Representatives
At-Large Review Implementation Plan Development
This workspace has been made available for community members to post their Communications Department related questions. The deadline for posting questions/comments to this workspace will be 22 October 2013 23:59 UTC.
1 Comment
Evan Leibovitch
What access does the At-Large Community independently have to ICANN communications channels?
At-Large, representing the interests of end-users world wide, has substantial challenges getting information out beyond its own At-Large ALS/RALO infrastructure; this impedes it ability to communicate as well as possible to and from the general public.
How can we establish protocols that may allow ALAC statements and solicitations, that may not themselves be official ICANN communications, to use the appropriate distribution channels. We have specific immediate needs related to a survey related to the Applicant Support program, but we may anticipate more demand for such facilities going forward. A formal protocol would be beneficial to both At-Large and ICANN communications.