Members of Sub Group on LAC Meeting B

LACRALOVanda Scartezini
LACRALODev Anand Teelucksingh
AFRALOBeran Gillen
EURALOSebastien Bachollet


Next Meeting: 3 September 2015

Previous Meeting: 



Suggestion model B by Vanda Scartezini 08 September 2015
Suggestion model B updates as of 28 September 2015 re: broken image in the wiki




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  1. I am posting this here  to your comments: please do this till end of tomorrow, since I would like to post it too at the larger meeting group wiki in order to get their feedback  about our debate.

    Regarding the suggestion above we have discussed during our meeting today, and several suggestion came out related to the areas are now in blue



    Suggestions related to outreach:

    -       Break down the outreach meetings in small groups with separate languages (English + Spanish for the 1st model B)

    -       Focus on target audience (like NGO for instance) instead of focus on the ACs and SOs and have all interest groups to talk with that target audience during day 1.

    ALAC meetings:

    -       One main point is: shall we keep all regular meetings ALAC use to have during B model? If not what can we cut?

    -       Working groups may need more time-  we have 4 groups sequentially and may be 2-3 in parallel to try to accommodate persons who participate on more than 2 WG. If needed can be expanded  first hour on the afternoon on day 2.

     Cross community

    -       We may need to spread  cross-community meetings from day 4, among all 2/3/4 days to accommodate their own schedule. SSAC + GNSO organization is done and will be posted at their wiki, so we need also to take a look to go forward with this point.

    Since main reason of B model is enhance outreach and inreach, it was commented  the need to have room for Fellowship + Next Generation  - need to see their schedule too. However, let’s remember that those members have open floor to all ALAC meetings during the week and will also participate on the morning general outreach session during day 1 and can join other sessions during the afternoon of that same day. 

    LAC STRATEGY ( since first B model will be in Central America) - some outreach actions from LAC Strategy can also be used as part of our activities- to this we will need to check on Budget and infrastructure 

     I believe those above were the main points of our call today. Please feel free to add comments I did not included.

  2. Hello everyone, As promised please find below a breakdown of the suggested changes as discussed in the meeting on the 5th October, 2015. Comments are welcome






    Remains Unchanged

    8-10(2 Working Group Meetings)

    8-10 (2 Working Group Meetings)

    8-10 (2 Working Groups)


    10-12 (ALAC Policy Work 1)

    10-12 (At Large Cross Regional Strategy Exchange)

    10-12 Meeting with SOs and ACs (inter community work)

    BREAK –12 - 1





    1-3 (ALAC Policy Work 2)

    1-4 (3 Working Groups)

    1-3 ALAC Work (Working Groups Update)


    3-4 (ALAC and Board)


    4-6 ALAC and Regional Leadership

    3-5 ALAC Policy Discussion Wrap up


    4-530 Inreach with Fellows and Next Gen

    630 -830 – Regional Showcase

    5-630 ALT Wrap up

    1. Hello everyone, As per the discussion and exchange of ideas from the last meeting, please find below some changes to the Meeting B structure. Comments welcome!!!! 


      DAY ONE

      DAY TWO


      DAY FOUR

      Remains Unchanged

      8-10(2 Working Group Meetings)

      8-10 (At Large Cross Regional Strategy Exchange)

      10-12 Meeting with SOs and ACs (inter community work)


      10-12 (ALAC Policy Work 1)

      10-12 General Assembly

      10-12 Meeting with SOs and ACs (inter community work)

      BREAK –12 - 1





      1-3 (ALAC Policy Work 2)

      1-4 (3 Working Group Meetings)

      1-3 ALAC and Regional Leadership Meeting


      3-4 (ALAC and Board)


      4-6 (2 Working Group Meetings)

      3-5 ALAC Work (Working Groups Update)


      4-6 Inreach  Fellows and Next Gen Program

      630 – 830 (2 Working Group Meetings)

      5-7 ALAC Policy Discussion Wrap up


      830 -1030 – Regional Showcase

      730-930 ALT Wrap up (Dinner Meeting ??)