
This is the At-Large Ad-Hoc New Meeting Strategy Drafting Team WIKI working space. Its main purpose is to draft ALAC/At-Large meeting details for meetings A, B & C as part of the new ICANN Meeting Strategy. 

Meeting Calendar for Meetings A, B & C (Ver 2:: 03/09/15)





Suggestion Model B-2vs

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  1. Team:


    I just created a strawman proposal for Meetings A, B and C. The idea here is to start the conversation and use these to build-up the final draft to be presented in ICANN 53 at Buenos Aires.

    Also, I want to mention that Maureen Hilyard is leading a sub-group named the - THINK Tank (TT) -  to brainstorm, propose and delineate the specifics activities for the Outreach/Capacity Building slots identified in the meetings. 

    Please make ALL your comments in this WIKI space. This will help in nurturing the final piece.  


    Note: I used the Visio Microsoft Tool to create the above diagrams. We may want to switch to a table like format later-on to speed-up the inclusion of changes. 


    1. Thank you Eduardo I believe this is a great start and is really something to build upon. 

  2. Thank you Eduardo. I haven't used Visio before but your presentations are very impressive.  I did note in Meetings A and C that you missed out on meetings with the ccNSO and the gNSO (they are my and Olivier's responsibilities thats why they were noticed (smile).)There has been some discussion already from the group. Once big contribution came from yourself and from Vanda. I am putting them here  as a starter to the discussions we hope to continue in BA.


     I suggest that the THINK Tank can propose whatever it wants and then go from there. For example:
    - Identify organizations where are near where the ICANN meeting is going to take place and invite them (the Global Engagement staff could in that)
    - Identify activities to do for outreach within the region
    - Conduct Webinars
    - In place education/tours (of the ICANN Meeting)
    - Coordinate to meet other SOs/ACs to explain what they do
    - Involve them in the regional showcase
    - Do inreach instead of outreach or at the same time
    and whatever else. These are just somethings that come to my mind at the moment. I am pretty sure there will be many more ideas. (Eduardo)


    Dear all
    I believe we must go outside to reach new ones . I have been making presentations about ICANN in several communities and so far here it is near zero the knowledge about ICANN even in the tech community as ISPs.
    There will be different ways to use our time during this special 2 meeting - attracting people to come to our outreach day - and here some suggestions:
    - ALS from the host country can give us list of different events where people of interest will attend - we can talk with the organizer to distribute invitation stickers to the audience 
    - approach universities doing similar promotion 
    - contact directly local digital press within the country to add some articles about the meeting and the invitation for  our outreach day - we can also give then some articles we can write about different themes 
    - prepare or get ( icann has many ) slides and involve the regional engagement staff to go to talk at relevant events in the host country.( last week I have made presentation for promote ICANN in a large ISP event in Brazil  substituting the local staff due a coincidence of schedule- the staff here does a lot of presentations around, it is part of their job) 
    - webinars - involving local ISOC if any- as part of promotion to universities associations etc we shall involve getting address with the help if local ALSs
    End of my ideas for today Best to all
    Vanda Scartezini
    1. Maurreen:

      The meetings with the ccNSO/GNSO are in both meetings A & C. Look at 8:00 - 10:00 in Day 4. I did not separate them as the other ones because I ran out of space in the graphic. There will be one hour each.

      1. Thank you Eduardo. It was initially an observation as I was writing up my notes. My fault for not looking carefully enough. I really like the proposed plan for ALAC members it is all very logical and compact, particularly when there is so much to fit in. But meeting B does not help us as liaisons who have to cover another set of meetings at the same time. ccNSO usually meets on 2 days but the gNSO meets over the entire week.

        For the ALAC the on going relationship we have with our partner SO/ACs is very important. Although we meet with them regularly, what do they know about the ALAC and similarly what do we know about them? And that goes for other sections of ICANN.

        Is outreach finding out more about other sections? Therefore our outreach day could include:

        • those meetings that we normally have with partner organisations from within ICANN (strengthening current relationships from within ICANN)
        • sessions that would help ALAC learn/understand more about other groups within the ICANN community, that it does not normally meet up with - and help them learn / understand more about the ALAC 
        • tutorials/webinars that could help anyone within ICANN or those outside of ICANN learn more about ALAC and what we do (the brochures help here, but more practical examples of our work would engender more understanding of our role)
        • During the day there would be the potential for 8 one-hour sessions - just something to consider and I hope others will jump in and comment.

        The morning sessions could be made available to ICANN or outside organisations to learn more about ALAC

        • OUTREACH: the first session (8-10) could be an INTRODUCTORY SHOWCASE- where our RALOs make an individual presentation about a regional ICANN-related activity that their ALS members are engaged in. This would help our ICANN and outside groups learn a little more about ALAC and its role within regional communities. (20 minutes each)
        • INREACH: (10-12) the second session could include UPDATES FROM WORKING GROUPS that have direct impact on ALAC eg Capacity building, At Large Review, Metrics, etc (but minimum 20 minutes rather than a quick 10 minute overview we normally have in our meetings)

        The afternoon sessions could include those meetings with our SO/AC and other ICANN partners (1-6pm). Meeting with them early in the week would also give our own meetings some focus on how our decisions might meet the expectations of the wider ICANN community.

    2. Thanks Maureen. I agree with the points raised by you and Vanda. 

      The broad labels under which we should perhaps be discussing, in my opinion, are:

      • The program schedule of A, B & C meetings, and how ALAC's requirements can be made to fit the new format
      • ALAC's special responsibilities vis-a-vis outreach and inreach (including action plans). In- and out-reach are both important in my opinion, as focusing only on inreach will prevent further growth and diversity amongst ALSes.
      • Any other aspects of running meetings. This includes several issues such as visas, travel funding and meeting budgets

      Each of these may warrant fairly extensive discussions.





  3. In APRALO, we have been concentrating not so much on those outside of our RALO, but focusing on those within it who are not participating as much as we would like. We held an election recently for our NomCom and only 26 of our 40 ALSes responded to the call to vote - and yet that is a primary ALS responsibility.  We need to find out why the other 14 ALS members didn't vote!

    We held a survey recently (in March, again the response was 26 ALSes out of the 38 we had at the time. I am not sure if they were the same 26, but I can check).

    Anyway, the responses relating to what would get them more engaged included:

     Any possibilities in Academic or Technical related WGs?

     Need more information on new or existing working groups, but interested in being involved.

     I want to contribute to the technical work of SSAC, NRO and ASO. In my region, there is very little awareness about these committee/organizations. I would also be willing to contribute towards the awareness about the working of these organizations. Recently, Fahd and Bahr visited our country that helped a lot in terms of spreading awareness and engaging with the local community. (the SSAC and more technical involvement was an interest of 4 respondents)

     I do participate when I see opportunities and have done so over the previous years.

     I am interested in Technical working groups

     Be part of the email list, especially as a newbie introduced through our fellowship programme.

     Continue to send out volunteer or nomination calls for working group spots

     More hours in the day. Domestic workload prevents engagement as fully as I’d like

     Our Board is restructuring and we will encourage more members to participate


    If we are working on OUTREACH to bring more people in, this is all very well, as long as they are going to be actively engaged. So that we need to look at quality INREACH as well to ensure that those who are currently members are actively participating.

    From what we are hearing and WHAT WE KNOW ALREADY, it takes several meetings to actually understand what OUR section of the ICANN system is about (without even looking at other areas!).  But ALSes who join up who have never attended even ONE meeting are very disadvantaged. Maybe a pre-requisite for registration is that we insist that they must have attended at least ONE meeting (at their own cost).  That will definitely show whether they are truly interested or not..

  4. How do we engage our ALSes in ALAC work? (create an information tool)

    • When we create learning resources for people who want to learn more about us and what we do, I think we make them too long with too much information.
    • Like any ad, the learning point has to be made within 15 seconds (or whatever the number is) or people turn off.
    • ALAC should create a MOBILE APP that is continually updated with a list of topics of what is on top for ALAC at the moment (like an infomercial, or similar to Facebook, with messages about our involvements) 
    • ALSes could update themselves in their own time and space to gain a better understanding of what it is they are being asked to comment on in public consultations etc.
    • These can be audio and/or visual - and explained in about 3-5  minutes - giving an overview of what the topic is about and how they can get involved - refer them to links which they can direct them immediately to the community page (if they want to investigate further)
    • Some topics might need a few sessions to discuss different aspects - but still, these need to be short sharp messages that inform and call members to action
    • They can be translated.
  5. Thank you for your great work, Eduard. 

    At my first glance, on the MEETING B, I concern a little bit about the RALO meeting format. At B, the parallel format is proposed, can the meeting keep at most 3 rooms for about 30 people with U-shape? Other communities will hold their meetings too with such the packing style. RALO meetings had better be kept in the single track format.

    1. RALO meetings should be moved to DAY 1 on the MEETING B?

      1. An interesting suggestion.. My idea was for a special showcase by RALOs focusing on outreach. But for Meeting B, perhaps RALOs could change their approach for their meetings  so that their presentations could offer a look at their OUTREACH as well as INREACH activities within their regions. It would certainly demonstrate the diversity of the RALOs as well as that within the RALOs themselves

        Although Glenn has not contributed to this discussion formally, he and Alan have raised in the past that there is a need for more engagement of our current members before we go out and "recruit" more ALSes. But maybe it is different for each RALO. I have already explained the difficulties for APRALO.

        Are there any comments on this?

  6. The idea of another approach of RALO meetings is attractive.

  7. I sent a message to our group just to make it easy, since I will not be able to attend our meeting tomorrow, due to changes in my agenda done by an US clients which decided to arrive early ( today).
     I agree with the proposal, but have the following points for you to consider:
    Meeting format A  - 
    • I understood Tuesday 8-10 will be divided into two session, one with GNSO and other with CCNSO. Is that right?  If so, it is ok for me.
    • GAC in the end of the day tend to be more difficult than other constituency. I would suggest as first approach to exchange with ASO.
    •  To think about : outreach activities being on Saturday bester to be in the morning. Universities for instance,  may  have Saturday afternoon free, and in general people has less interest attending meetings during Saturday afternoon. 
    • Just for suggestion since we already have in ICANN calendar LAC SPACE on ICANN meetings, part of LAC STRATEGY on Mondays. I will try to manage to put it co-ordinated with  the 3 regional meetings in parallel, but let me ask , when we go to more details, to avoid to set LACRALO on the first slot. 
    Meeting format B
    • Outreach on Monday looks perfect to me. Time ok - leaving chance to my DNS WOMEN outreach to also happen.
    • I understood some board directors will meet with constituencies, at least each director which the correspondent constituency. Hence,  I believe we need to have a slot to talk with ALAC board director.
    Meeting Format C  
     Nothing to add, besides same points raised on Format A, since they are similar on format C
    Than you for your attention.  
  8. For this time for LACRALO showcase I have suggested to bring people from the universities from Buenos Aires and Alberto is trying to get them. I believe it is also a good use of this interesting space. 

  9. Hi all, we have just completed our New Meeting Strategy Drafting Team meeting and there was some interesting discussion. FYI I am attaching the link that Sebastian passed on to look at the WG's ideas when they were developing the meetings that we need to take notice of.

    For us who are looking at outreach activities - but perhaps Meeting B in particular - the focus of this meeting was proposed to be for SO/ACs to focus more on INTRA sessions (that Eduardo mentioned).  The staff are more aware than we are to expect the unexpected, and Alan highlighted that whatever we plan now can be overturned by something that will crop up to conflict with our plans. But we do need to have some ideas up our sleeves.

    In the original WG proposal, they suggested that Meeting B would be held in a area of a region previously unavailable to ICANN - so that this could mean that outreach should focus on the region itself - inviting more local groups to the ICANN outreach sessions to give them some understanding of what ICANN is about and how they can become involved (as Vanda suggests) and ensuring that the sessions are in the local language (as suggested by Sebastian) and requiring local interpreters (?).  I suggested that these sessions could also be for those who are currently ALSes but not as engaged as we'd like them to be. 

    Important to this planning for the outreach sessions, is the involvement with the staff and other sections of the ICANN. I think Heidi said that there will be a short meeting in BA with staff  on Sunday @ 15.30 - 1600 and an open session on Tues afternoon @  1300-1400.

    We also need to touch base with the Outreach and Engagement Team which hasn't met in a while but the focus has been on developing the brochure in preparation for BA.

    One "out there" suggestion I made for Meeting B as that RALOs could focus on an OUTREACH/mini showcase presentation at the outreach session and leave their administration/in house sessions for a monthly teleconference that month - we are very time constrained in Meeting B.  And we need to know how we can also engage ourselves as ALAC with other groups - outside of our normal relationships with other SOs and ACs. Perhaps meet with these groups in BA and find out common areas of interest?

    What do you others think?


  10. FYI - From the original working party report - to give us some clarity:

    (p12) Format for Meeting B would be adjusted from the current meeting structure in the following ways:

    o Three (3) days of focused as SO/AC work

    ▪ The format for the three days focused on policy development work would have a shortened day agenda, for example 09:00-16:00, providing dedicated time from 16:00 on for cross community collaboration and networking.

    o One (1) day focused on community outreach ▪ The MSWG recommends that a focused plan be developed for those Meeting B outreach activities to maximize opportunities

    (p8) Maximize qualitative participation:

    o Ensure capabilities for remote participation

    o Provide sufficient language services (interpretation, translation)

    o Balance geographic rotation vs. hub location

    o Outreach with local communities, e.g., universities, businesses, Internet users and the media on important matters

    o Educate new and existing participants on issues being addressed by ICANN

    o Minimize conflicts with other Internet community events, e.g., IETF, IGF

    o Visa availability

    (p9) Outreach activities are defined as activities conducted by SO/AC groups or cross-community groups with the intention of increasing awareness and interest in ICANN with individuals and organizations outside of the ICANN community. ● These activities are consistent with ICANN’s function and mission.

    In ICANN’s global multistakeholder model, policy is developed in a bottom-up fashion, a process that is enhanced and strengthened by reaching out to external communities, educating them about ICANN and encouraging them to participate if they wish. Capacity building is defined as any learning effort (including education training and tools), and special emphasis on leadership training at Meeting C.

  11. One idea or concern here.


    In the future, if another "IANA transition" happens at the time for the Meeting B, it will be very hard to reconstruct this. Can the Meeting D for the emergency be prepared?

    1. That is a very interesting thought Yasuichi. I am assuming that if that was to happen, and we had prepared a programme for the Mtg B outreach day, the other three days would become the "IANA Transition" programme - as is happening now, as we try to squeeze in our policy work into the time that the IANA Transition schedule allows.

  12. Dear all

    In my opinion is relevant is the need of flexibility - we must have to use the models depend upon the region we go and the "political environment" we have at each time. 

     let me make some  points to consider about At large:

     a) Considering end of the year is "general assembly" legally for ICANN I believe we should have model  C - 7 days - always at the end to the year; hence, we shall considering At Large General Assemblies also during this model. there is more time to accommodate all meetings. 

    b) As far I understood  model B will not have much business investment, no space for booths for instance. Am I right? if so mostly of the investment will come from ICANN and this will impact other  expenses  for this model. so At Large with all ALS shall never be together with model B

    c)Several small countries in any region has no direct representative in ICANN, as members of ACs/SOs for instance, demanding a real effort to organize these meetings there.  This will mean for regional RALO an additional effort to make the "outreach effort" at the region productive. we shall have budget previously organised for this demand. 

    c) some flexibility will be needed to accommodate years without B model. for instance, let's think about 2016:

    March Marrakech - while in Africa would be good to have model B meetings but the "political environment" will not allow this to happen -it will be model A or C.

    June - Latin America,  another chance to have a model B. but depending upon IANA transition has finished or not, will continue to demand for a A  or C model and a larger country.  

    October - North America =  Porto Rico -  this small island would be great for B model, but it is end of the year, so general Assembly ( with just 2.5 years from London may not be allowed to new general Assembly for At Large)  as for my suggestion, we will have then model C.  

    Meaning, we may have  2 model C and one model A and none B model.

    this is just food for thought for our meeting on Thursday.

    good day/ night to all


  13. Hi all
     I know meetings are already signed following a standard sequence but I believe this may change.
     The initial idea as I remember during formal meeting strategy group I have attended and talked with Sally, was to go to small places where large meetings will not be able to organize. From this point of view, they migrate to just work : meaning not parties, not booths, not sponsorship? - I am not so sure.
    From ALAC perspective  first idea was great – go to small places and have some chance to do some work WITH local community.  
    For me AlAC shall keep the outreach idea as we are working on it but we may change as, Sebastien stated yesterday ( end of day for outreach) , to accommodate other groups. 
    Doing so my general idea become the following:
  14. Vanda Scartezini can you please repost, the tail part of your message did not post. 



  15. Vanda's diagram seemed to have dropped off her message above: but here it is. It is an interesting proposal spreading the outreach sessions over the week instead of one day. And more so at the end of the day so if more time is required there is "spillage" time


    Sorry I missed the meeting last week, but thank goodness for transcripts.   I like Vanda's idea as it would provide a little more flexibility and use Sandra's suggestion of two or three ALAC members joining with other SO or AC groups to carry out a community interaction activity. Working collaboratively would also enhance the intercommunity purpose of Meeting B, in between carrying out normal policy work. Interested ALAC members could opt for the section with which they would like to work...  

    As Satish and Sebastian mentioned, one purpose of the outreach sessions is to connect with individuals so that although we may not recruit any new ALSes, we should try to interest more members of local ALSes who may not normally be engaged in what we do. Once they learn more about who we are and what we do they may become more interested in being involved.  AS EXAMPLES... 

    Day 1 - A GNSO-NCSG-ALAC team could meet with NGOs and/or other stakeholder groups to share about ICANN and their sections and to learn about local organisations and how they might mutually benefit from membership of At Large or a Stakeholder Group

    Day 2 - An ALAC-ccNSO-ASO team could meet with ISPs in the region - to explain their roles in ICANN and discuss policy related to delegation, revocation, etc; and perhaps include the regional NIC to talk about IPV6 or something topical, ETC

    Day 3 - An ALAC-GAC-SSAC team could organise a meeting with government officers of ICT Ministries from the region - to explain ICANN and to discuss government policy development related to GAC activities in ICANN

    Another idea came from Raf - a debate - not sure if he meant it, but if we wanted to get into a university, a collective team of ICANNers could set up a lunch-time debate with their uni team and debate a simple ICANN issue - nothing too technical, but something which ICANN participants could use to explain what ICANN does. 


    This will require an initial meeting of all the ICANN sections so that we could coordinate some sort of plan. We would need...

    • some agreement about the combinations of the groups and
    • coordination about who they would want to meet and how we would arrange this, plus
    • what they would each like to cover

    As Sebastian and Sandra intimated, if there are any costs related to this, then ICANN will have to cover these. It could mean a venue, some catering, printing costs for brochures and other information materials. 

    Satish reminded us that outreach should also be used to help to raise the profile of ICANN within the region - so that the media of the locality and the region should be notified of the events so that these can be covered and syndicated. As well as used on the ICANN website and social media pages


  16. hi all

     Unhappily I will not arrive in time in Sao Paulo to our meeting, so apologize and will get the transcription, but before that I would like to make some comments;

    like mine the slide with the proposed distribution to B model could not enter into Maureen comment either. I sent by email to some I had the address and to staff, then may be someone from staff could help and post the slide.

     anyway, the general idea was explained by Maureen and indeed the idea was to allow more combined outreach with other groups. from my personal side, as coordinating DNS women, we also will use B model to make outside outreach   to women, so one more opportunity to have some women members to join our activity too. 

    I understand the little cover will probably be transport and may be some small sandwiches and juice to offer to attendance at universities, associations etc. 

    the idea to start to talk with other groups, not only GNSO, is great, depend upon personal relationship we in this group can approach all groups and ask about their ideas on outreach - if they are planning to do, etc and bring back to our group to add value to our proposal.

    media is also great. i have being here talking in a radio station -about new gtlds and internet issues and  is incredible how far and how many persons listen to radio during the day and come back with question during the program. If we could have this opportunity and address in the local language, wherever will be the event, would be fabulous.

    i need to catch my plane. apologize again not to be able to attend the meeting and wish you all a very productive work. kisses to all

    1. In our concentration on outreach we are perhaps leaving Inreach to the side.based on the proposal above I feel we are not getting much time on for Inreach. I would like to suggest as Inreach cross RALO secretariat session for an hour. This will foster more collaboration between RALOs.
  17. Hi

    At the last "New Meeting Strategy" meeting today I was asked to collate a list of ideas that hopefully more members an add to... Here is what I have garnered from above, plus added some others as I was doing so.. and although the focus for this Think Tank group was originally for Meeting B - the ideas are transferable to Mtgs A and C.


    • These activities are for ALAC and must be prepared for in the local language of the region.
    • Perhaps a local organisation (NGO?/ALS?) could be identified by the local RALO to coordinate the logistics of the community outreach activities - distributing any pre-visit material and to assist with the coordination of  requests for visits by the different teams to talk about ICANN, etc
    •  It would be expected that each session would get some media coverage - either by local media or on their behalf by local ALAC members/ICANN media team There should be major promotion of what the ALAC proposes to do on the ICANN website and FB pages as well as on the local ICANN meeting website.
    • Wherever we go, we should have written or digitised media - posters, brochures and pamphlets - available to leave behind so that there is on-going action that can take place after the contact event.
    • As an alternative, rather than one day, perhaps the end of each day (over the week) we could have an allocation of time for outreach that might need to go into the evening for a social event to facilitate networking with the community group that is being focused on
    • It is assumed that any costs will be covered by ICANN - it is not going to be cheap to have everyone involved in the ALAC out in the community (for those who wish to do so)


    • Pre-recorded short info-mercials about ICANN that can be aired on local/regional television in the meeting city and region - explaining the organisation, the meeting, the Board, its website, webinars and social media contacts
    • Pre-recorded short info-mercial about ALAC and its connection to key areas of ICANN - especially in relation to policy development made available for distribution to the community prior to the meeting - possibly stating hot topics under discussion
    • Pre-recorded webinars/info-mercials introducing ALAC/ICANN hot topics to give community an understanding of what will be covered at the meeting
    • Prepared graphic info & brochures for distribution to local/regional media about the ICANN and the ICANN meeting

    • ALAC could develop a MOBILE APP that raises new public consultation statements as soon as they come online - so that At-Large are aware that the consultation process is in place and they can start checking up on what the issue is about. (Perhaps there needs to be a little more information on the lead page for each issue to give more background for those who don't have prior knowledge about the issue requesting community feedback)
    • Webinars could also be accessible using a MOBILE APP - so that members can view them when they actually have free time to view webinars (on the bus or train home, etc) - these of course would offer access in different languages


    • DNS Women's meeting - as per usual - on Outreach Day?
    • Small groups of the ALAC could visit groups who have been identified by the "on-the-ground" coordinators requesting visits by speakers to talk about ICANN and the ALAC

    • Different ALAC teams, led by the ALAC and including ALSes, could visit different areas:
      • Visit a local university to take part in a discussion or a debate with local students on a hot topic for end-users involving ICANN
      • Speak to university researchers -(as Yasuichi comments below) - Users or researchers of RENs (Research and Education Networks) are on the Internet, too. ICANN's issues are theirs. The outreach should show them that ICANN's target is not only about domain management but also Internet governance which covers all Internet related issues
      • Discuss with students the Fellowship programme, NextGen, ILearn, the Leadership Academy, Capacity Building and Outreach WGs, etc to find ways in which more young people can become involved
      • Participate in a radio programme that will enable them to talk about what ICANN/ ALAC is about and to answer questions from the community about the organisation
      • Participate in a televised debate/discussion with local government leaders about ICANN/ALAC and its involvement at government level

    • Small groups of ALAC members could align themselves with agreeable members of another SO or AC section of the ICANN community
      • To visit an appropriate organisation to explain ICANN and how our different groups impact on the wider community and to discuss how they can provide feedback to ICANN during public consultation
      • This might involve meeting with ISPs with the ccNSO  or ASO, etc, or combine with GNSO members to visit  the business sector 
      • Or visit NGOs or other similar groups to explain ICANN and the different groups they could become involved in, and how they can add their voices to these groups to more formally contribute to public consultation


    • Educational "tours" for different sections of the community (universtity students, NGOs, IT technicians, ISPs) to be given  brief explanations about each of the sections involving the heads of each of the sections (similar to the introductions for Fellowship programme) - and their relationship to ALAC
    • This could be followed up by invitations to attend the scheduled meetings of ALAC with other ICANN sections - gNSO, ccNSO, Board, etc  - where inreach for some members could become outreach for the local/regional community

    PLEASE ADD MORE (smile)

    1. [~maureen.hilyard] hopefully this time my post will go through. I have been experiencing intermittent Internet as I am still travelling in Nigeria. I like your ideas and I think we just need to agree on the structure of when we do what based on Vanda's suggestion of spreading the outreach throughout the week. IMO I think we should also include a slot of outreach in the A and C meetings to ensure that those regions don't miss out on the outreach. outreach is a lot of work and requires a great deal of organisation. I think we should start creating sub groups of the working party based on regional affiliation to help in organisation and logistical arrangements of activities I am just curious that since staff have confirmed there isn't any funding put aside for outreach activities, how will ally his be achieved. Good for thought. See you all on the call tomorrow
      1. Typo there.... I meant how would all this be achieved??
  18. ICANN is working for the Internet activities at first. Universities or the educational institutions are the too generic target in some cases, especially at the developed countries. These days, NREN (National Research and Education Network) communities are being developed in every places. At BA, in the video, RedClara was introduced. This is the regional research and education network in South America. And about the technical communities, NOG (Network Operators Group) is very important. They have to follow up the new gTLD activities.  Especially, at the developed area, these NRENs and NOGs are the key players and, in fact, they don't want to join the ICANN activities in general. :-) Because, they think ICANN activities are in the policy and it is a little bit far from the real works. 

    About the outreach, in BA, I attended the IETF session. IETF will be held in BA next year. And this session introduced the IETF activities in Spanish. I had to rely on the translation though. This can be one of the templates of the outreach. 

  19. Thank  you Yasuichi, There are a couple of very interesting action items.

    So are you recommending that the ALAC targets the NREN/RedClara which is currently not so interested in ICANN, but to try to find some common ground? I see research as underpinning policy development - perhaps we could encourage their involvement in our ILEARN programme or to help RALOs build an appropriate set of capacity building webinars so that At-Large can better understand some of the issues we are asked to comment on.

    Also, we could suggest in-house outreach/inreach with IEFT holding a session similar to that held in BA?  As you say the format could be a template for sessions with other groups.

    1. Maureen, 

      Yes. Of course, RedClara is  for the South America region. In case of Africa, Ubuntu Alliance is the regional REN there. REN involves not only network technology area but also some other area, such as medical, agriculture, literature and others.

      In Dublin, Irland has its own NREN, HEAnet ( and GÉANT is the regional REN in Europe. 

      In the developing countries, usually, NRENs are managed by the universities. So, your approach is correct, I think.

      Important point is those users or the researchers of RENs are on the Internet, too. ICANN's issues are theirs. The outreach should show them ICANN's target is not only about the domain management but also, so called,  the Internet governance which have to cover all the Internet related issues.

  20. Some points ref Maureen + Kitamura


     DNS WOMEN is planning to have outreach activities during B model  and in this case our focus will be women association, NGOs associations and some Universities, mor focused on business side  to empower women in several opportunities into DNS industry.

    totally agree with the local language. even government officers or head of organisations may not speak English.  

    Pre organization of course is fundamental and engagement of local community is key for success. this organization shall start as soon as we know which country will be the next model B.

     of course my suggestion was to spread  the outreach activities to the end of each day, allowing to reach more people adjusting better agendas, so I continue to support such alternative.

    as overall, I agree with Maureen points  and we can "refine" those and put them as our proposal to ALAC, the the division is quite interesting and we could start to work on it, as a whole group or two of us embrace one subitem =

    1) I would include Local Coordination inside Pre -Visit , 

    2)  outreach day(s)

    3)  during the week or  "at site"


    I have been quite involved with the  local member of Clara - RNP - and even Clara itself  here in Latin America, they certainly are relevant , since they are responsible to improve connection among universities, research groups etc. I agree NOG meetings in the country, if exists could be a good group to coordinate with, the NICs too, as well as ISOC chapters.  ALAC shall also focus on  reaching  no technical organisation, those that work with internet users issues like contracts with registrars, reselling problems, local constrains that may be escalated , access to IDN , problems to access new gTLDs etc.