ALAC Work Part I, Tue 23 June 2015
Ariel Liang: (11:02) We are running a little bit late due to the
previous GAC/ALAC session
Maureen Hilyard: (11:04) Ariel can you give me the link to the wiki
page where we are supposed to write up reports
Maureen Hilyard: (11:05) reports on the meetings we are attending this
Ariel Liang: (11:18) @Maureen: the meeting report workspace is here:
Maureen Hilyard: (11:19) Thanks.. I'm listening in from ccNSO room :)
judith hellerstein: (11:20) hi. i am listening to the session from the
NPOC meeting
Ariel Liang: (11:21) This was the accessibility WG meeting in ICANN 53:
Ariel Liang: (11:22) This is the workspace for accessibilty taskforce
Ariel Liang: (11:22) We are currently on agenda no.1
judith hellerstein: (11:22) it was also mostly that do not know. since
did not have the background to say no or yes
judith hellerstein: (11:23) or when they had said yes, it really was no
judith hellerstein: (11:23) @ariel. can you post the agenda?
judith hellerstein: (11:25) @allan. i would like to be on this
committee or task force
Glenn McKnight: (11:25) Judith I would suggest a position on the
judith hellerstein: (11:26) @CLO i do want to be on this committee
Glenn McKnight: (11:26) @ Judith put your hand up
judith hellerstein: (11:26) i can not as i am in another session
judith hellerstein: (11:26) can you make sure i am on the team
judith hellerstein: (11:28) @garth. this is what the people at npoc
have been talking about as well
Ariel Liang: (11:29) Now we are talking about the capacity building
webinar program in 2015:
Ariel Liang: (11:32) @Judith - agenda for today:
Maureen Hilyard: (11:34) @Cheryl +1
Murray McKercher: (11:36) Hey I'm working :)
Maureen Hilyard: (11:36) True Dev... I prefer to read the transcripts
if I miss a webinar :)
Siranush Vardanyan: (11:44) + 1 Leon
Alfredo Calderon: (11:50) <Comment> I would suggest to rethink the goal
of the Webinars. Does the Capacity Building Program pursue to cultivate /
prepare knowledgeable constituents? <Comment>
Glenn McKnight 2: (11:52) Tiijani I went to the Capacity Building
Glenn McKnight 2: (11:52) correction Capacity Building WIKI page
Glenn McKnight 2: (11:53) Looking up the scope and the strategic plan
is missing
Glenn McKnight 2: (11:53) The reports at
Glenn McKnight 2: (11:53)
Glenn McKnight 2: (11:53) This link isn't working
Ariel Liang: (11:58) @Alfredo - sorry I wasn't able to read out your
comment. We are running short of time so have to move to the next agenda
Ariel Liang: (11:58) @Glenn, please send me an email on that wiki page
and I will investigage
Ariel Liang: (11:58) *investigate
Heidi Ullrich: (11:58) LTP space:
Ariel Liang: (11:59) We are talking about the leadership training
program now
Alfredo Calderon: (11:59) Ariel, don't worry about reading out-loud my
Glenn McKnight 3: (12:01) @Ariel I sent you the broken link and the
lack of details on the scope of the wg
Ariel Liang: (12:01) thanks Glenn
Glenn McKnight 3: (12:01) Uploading pics of this meeting to flickr
Ariel Liang: (12:05) Now we are on item no.2 IDN Program Update
Murray McKercher: (12:07) Thanks Ariel, your messages are helpful
Ariel Liang: (12:08) my pleasure
Murray McKercher: (12:09) <QUESTION> Is there a ICANN priority for
IDNs? Is there a community priority for IDNs? <QUESTION>
Ariel Liang: (12:10) Murray your question is noted
Murray McKercher: (12:10) Thanks, If you could ask, much apprecdiated
Murray McKercher: (12:11) Actually this slide answers my second question
Ariel Liang: (12:14) okay I will ask your 1st question after the
presentation is done
Murray McKercher: (12:14) thanks
Murray McKercher: (12:19) I would also like to know more about the
mechnics and funding for these outreach efforts...seems very effective
Heidi Ullrich: (12:19) At-Large IDN WG workspace:
Ariel Liang: (12:23) Murray - due to tight time, I will send your
question to Sarmad via an email
Murray McKercher: (12:24) No worries, so many questions, so little
Ariel Liang: (12:24) Now we are in agenda no3 Update from the
Development and Public Responsiblity Department (Nora Abusitta)
Lauren Allison: (12:25) For more on Development and Public
Responsibility Department work:
judith hellerstein: (12:25) thanks ariel
Lauren Allison: (12:25) for the Online Learning
Ariel Liang: (12:26) thanks for the links Lauren
Lauren Allison: (12:26) Fellowship Alumni Report: (Spot the ALAC
Fellows :-) )
Lauren Allison: (12:27) NextGen@ICANN
Murray McKercher: (12:28) @Lauren, how do you keep engagement with the
youth between meetings on an ongoing basis, or is that in the report?
Ariel Liang: (12:29) @murray - do you want me to read it out loud?
Murray McKercher: (12:29) sure if you are CAN
Ariel Liang: (12:29) as a reminder: When submitting a question that you
want me to read out loud on the mic, please provide your name and
affiliation if you have one, start your sentence with <QUESTION> and end
it with <QUESTION>. When submitting a comment that you want me to read
out loud of the mic, once again provide your name and affiliation if you
have one then start your sentence with a <COMMENT> and end it with
<COMMENT>. Text outside these quotes will be considered as part of
³chat² and will not be read out loud on the mic.
Murray McKercher: (12:30) sorry typo..yes please if you are able to do
Murray McKercher: (12:31) <QUESTION> how does your group keep
engagement with the youth between meetings on an ongoing basis, or is
that in the report?<QUESTION>
Murray McKercher: (12:32) Thank You!
Lauren Allison: (12:38) Nextgen@ICANN Session is at 2:30pm in Catalinas
judith hellerstein: (12:40) olivier good question
Lauren Allison: (12:41) remote presentation for nextgen presentations
Lauren Allison: (12:41) if you have anything else :-)
Ariel Liang: (12:41) Now we are at agenda no.4 Operation Update from
ICANN Finance Dept
judith hellerstein: (12:45) thanks
Ariel Liang: (13:05) Alan is asking question about the FY 16 speicial
Ariel Liang: (13:30) Now meeting is ajourned. Thanks for attending
At-Large Regional Policy Engagement Program (ARPEP)
ALAC Liaisons and Representatives
At-Large Review Implementation Plan Development