Yesim Nazlar:Welcome to the At-Large Pre-ICANN 57 Briefing Webinar taking place on Tuesday,  25 October 2016 18:00 UTC

 Yesim Nazlar:Agenda:

  Leon Sanchez:hello hello

  Satish Babu:Hi all!

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello All

  Javier RÚA-JOVET:Hi to all.

  Javier RÚA-JOVET:

  Maureen Hilyard:Gisella, can we get an updated copy of the colourful timetable spreadsheet?

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):swamped  us with them  she did  :-)

  Heidi Ullrich:Hi All, I'm on the AC and will be on the line shortly

  Gisella Gruber:ICANN 57 Main Schedule:

  Gisella Gruber:Venue map:

  Gisella Gruber:At-Large "one-stop-shop" for all information on At-Large in Hyderabad:

  Heidi Ullrich:@All, if you are a moderator, we would like you to offer some Aims/Objectives for their sessions.

  Glenn McKnight:lost audio

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):ouch

  Maureen Hilyard:Sounds fine, Cheryl

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):yup  fine

  Glenn McKnight:NARALO  aims and objective  for our  NARALO YEAR IN REVIEW is  to provide  metrics to the community as work completed and in progress for  Engagement. Operations etc

  Glenn McKnight:@Cheryl  i was just going to say that

  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Glenn

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):great minds  Glenn ;-)

  Glenn McKnight:The NARALO slideshow will be provided this week waiting for  edits

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Am I getting another dial out???   My cll waiting os going

  Gisella Gruber:

  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks so much for helping us with ensuring everyone is aware of the meetings.

  Glenn McKnight:@Gisella  did you send a map of the hotel ?

  Gisella Gruber:@ Glenn - no only venue map

  Glenn McKnight:I think you sent one out perhaps in Skype  not sure

  Glenn McKnight:It's the locations of the rooms

  Glenn McKnight:@Gisella  the  ICANN57 app has a map

  Glenn McKnight:of the venue

  Glenn McKnight:Venue is on two levels  Ground and First floor

  Glenn McKnight:@oliver  what  time is the Fika?

  Glenn McKnight:I have the  NARALO meeting at 15: 15

  Glenn McKnight:yes

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):yes to Visa NO  to hotel

  Maureen Hilyard:Yes hotel and visa AOK

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: I haven't gotten any hotel confirmation

  Javier RÚA-JOVET:Hotel and visa Ok on my side.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Ok  so the Visa purpose hotel email IS accurate  is it >  **SIGH**

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):nice to know

  Glenn McKnight:I arrive for the three days  prior to help Satish with the  Internet Govenance School.

  Ali AlMeshal:hotel & VISA OK

  Satish Babu:Yes, thanks for the support, Glenn

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Ohh  DEAR

  Javier RÚA-JOVET:I got Radisson also.

  Maureen Hilyard:I wanted to add some days, so I confirmed with the hotel about my accomodation and they have added my extra nights to my current booking

  Ricardo Holmquist:good day everyone

  Heidi Ullrich:Welcome, All.

  Javier RÚA-JOVET:Hello Heidi

  Glenn McKnight:@maureen  what is the rate for staying longer at your hotel

  Javier RÚA-JOVET:Thanks!!

  Glenn McKnight:I need to book an extra day

  Maureen Hilyard:@Glenn about NZD125 a night

  Maureen Hilyard:USD90 about

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):VERY FAINT

  Javier RÚA-JOVET:too low

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:very faintly, Yesim

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Better

  Glenn McKnight:its ok

  Javier RÚA-JOVET:better, but still a bit faint

  Gisella Gruber:Venue Map-Meeting rooms:

  Gisella Gruber:ICANN 57 Main schedule:

  Heidi Ullrich:We will be using the At-Large Workspace for ICANN 57 for this call:

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):there is some background noise

  Mirjana Tasic:Someone has to mute mic, there is some noice in background

  Gisella Gruber:Mobile App: download our ICANN57 Mobile App to view the schedule. Our app is available in Google Play, Blackberry World, Windows Store and the App Store

  Gisella Gruber: You do NOT have scrolling rights as Heidi has the powers

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):sadly at least in my android world  it does not copy out to my norml calandar *that runs my life*  

  Gisella Gruber:All At-Large daily wiki agendas are available here: ttps://

  Gisella Gruber:

  Ricardo Holmquist:as a newbie question, can I enter the leadership working sessions? have voice?

  Leon Sanchez:Ricardo, of course you can

  Ricardo Holmquist:ty Leon

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Also the Accessability WG is now an ICANN WIDE Cross Community Committee

  Heidi Ullrich:Correct, Cheryl

  Heidi Ullrich:as is the Academy, though.

  Yesim Nazlar:apologies

  Glenn McKnight:We are running  late on the agenda

  Glenn McKnight:is this not a  60 minute meeting

  Silvia Vivanco:Ricardo, yes you can participate in the leadership working session

  Ricardo Holmquist:Ty Silvia :)

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:A suggestion for future ICANN F2F agendas - attempt to name the key subject topic in the title of the session instead of Working Session 1, Working Session 2, etc

  Maureen Hilyard:We have had some additional topics brought to hand from the ccNSO

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Right back to my day as Liaison  

  Heidi Ullrich:@Dev, the issue here is that we need to submit the titles of the meetings before the agendas are development.

  Heidi Ullrich:However., we do have more detailed overviews now and we are taking the initiative of this call

  Heidi Ullrich:@Maureen, please could you let us know the other topics?

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:I can emphaize with the scheduling challenges, Heidi

  Heidi Ullrich:Excellent, Cheryl. Great HIT!

  Julie Hammer:Where is the Meeting with SSAC?  It is still showing on the SSAC Schedule as Fri 1445-1515.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):lovely  pun   Heidi

  Julie Hammer:Yes

  Julie Hammer:I can do that!!!

  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:I'll try and be fst too in reporting

  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:Jut saying my name, for the transcript, I'll go overtime :-)

  Javier RÚA-JOVET:echo

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO)::-)

  Javier RÚA-JOVET:yep

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):We just finished discussing that Tijani

  Heidi Ullrich:I've changed the timing: Reports from Liaisons (8:30-9:00)Reports from RALO Chairs (9:00-9:20)Review of ALAC Action Items (9:20-9:30)

  Glenn McKnight:Given our  behind schedule.  My Naralo report can be skipped. I already stated our AIMS and Objectives.    Our  meeting is called a  YEAR IN REVIEW  which is an update to the mid term report in Helskini. We are reporting on innovation, outreach and engagement, New ALS, Decertifications,  Work in Progress, and more.  The slideshow will be shared with other RALO's as a template

  Heidi Ullrich:@Julie, the ALAC Meeting with the SSAC is Friday, 4th between 14:45-15:15. We'll update the agenda.

  Julie Hammer:Thanks, Heidi.  That's where it is on the SSAC Schedule, so hasn't changed.

  Jason Hynds:Good work Glenn!

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):good catch Julie

  Maureen Hilyard:Satish

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Briefly please and maybe wrap in some of the later Agenda points as well please Satish

  Glenn McKnight:NARALO  will be meeting on Tuesday Nov 8th at 15:15 in room MR 102  

  Glenn McKnight:ok  Leon

  Leon Sanchez:Thanks Glenn

  Leon Sanchez:I really appreciate your understanding

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):in our Accessability Meeting we will also look forward to a review/update of the important  pilot progrm on Captioning

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):  I have dropped the phine bridge now to join my next call  I will stay in AC  though

  Yesim Nazlar:thanks for the update Cheryl

  Glenn McKnight:Dev did you provide the link for the  TTF  Newsletter?

  Heidi Ullrich:Joint APRALO / CS Event -

  Heidi Ullrich:Correction -

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:The TTF Newsletters can be downloaded in EN, ES, and FR :

  Javier RÚA-JOVET:Thanks 4 TTF newsletter link

  Leon Sanchez:I need to leave the call. My apologies for not being able to properly end it. See you all soon!

  Alberto Soto:Bye Leon!

  Ali AlMeshal:bye Leon

  Javier RÚA-JOVET:See you in Hyderabad, León.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):I think it was an ATRT1 recommendation as wel Alan !

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):I am a presenter in that HIT  session as well

  Glenn McKnight:I was at the CIRA  General Meeting and they are  expanding their services behond Canada. We will see certain groups  providing  services in  small nation states

  Maureen Hilyard:Just got cut off..

  Maureen Hilyard:But the Tribal Ambassadors have their visas and are connecting with the Fellows through Facebook and I will be introducing them to APRLO and ALAC and have invited them to the CB sessions

  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Maureen.

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:invite them to the O&E session with Nextgen, Maureen ;-)

  Alberto Soto:Sorry, noise and echo...

  Maureen Hilyard:Listening in through AC

  Ricardo Holmquist:Hi, are you going to share this presentations?

  Heidi Ullrich:The Tribal Ambassadors will also be invited to attend At-Large sessions when not with the Fellows. There will also be a spotlight on them in the ICANN 57 newsletter

  Glenn McKnight:I made  30+ buttons.  ASK US ABOUT  APRALO  and we will be hitting the fellows etc meetings

  Maureen Hilyard:@Dev  will do.. this will be an open invite given at the last session of the APRALO AB sessino

  Maureen Hilyard:CB session

  Maureen Hilyard:Not on phne line any more -  sorry

  Maureen Hilyard:Thanks Heidi

  Javier RÚA-JOVET: Thanks to all for all the great information.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Bye


  Ali AlMeshal:thanks

  Satish Babu:See you !

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Thanaks everyone

  Ricardo Holmquist:thanks for the session, have a good day

  Allan Skuce:THanks, bye

  Isaac Maposa:Thanks for the updates

  Afifa Abbas:Thank you so much everyone

  Alberto Soto:I have one question Alan, I assume as ALAC Member on Wednesday night. Until then, I'll be on vacation ??????

  Amal Al-saqqaf:Thank you very much

  Isaac Maposa:Bye

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:thanks, take care all

  Javier RÚA-JOVET:See you all @ Hyderabad

  Yrjö Länsipuro:Bye bye, see you in HYD

  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all see in HYD !

  Gisella Gruber:Thank you all and see you in Hyderabad!

  Alberto Soto:thanks, Bye!!!!

  Gisella Gruber:or via Remote Participation

  Anne Marie Joly:bye

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