Olivier Crepin-Leblond: neutrality.

Michele Neylon: Statton - linking to it? Publicising it and the neutrality aspect

Sandra Hoferichter: If the registrars like to support this initiative, your welcome!

CLO: that is an announce from LACRALO list   that linked to the Doc  we refered to ICANN recently prents  draftinal requiremoducing  from our orig

Michele Neylon: Sandra - support how? *cough*

Sandra Hoferichter: $$$$

Michele Neylon: CLO - how long ago?

CLO: tagena (ish)

CLO: Cartagena (ish)

Michele Neylon: CLO - I don't think it was circulated to us .. Mason might know

Michele Neylon: Let's be practical

CLO: Beginner's Guide to Domain NamesA domain name can become where other people find you on line, and adds to your online identity. Although domain names are a big part of the Internet, understanding how these names work (and the ins and outs of obtaining them) can be mystifying at first. This highly readable guide, created in cooperation with ICANN’s At-Large community, helps the individual user understand and use domain names.•English [PDF, 1.02 MB]•Español [PDF, 4.09 MB]•Français [PDF, 4.25 MB]

Michele Neylon: the site / content should be neutral

Michele Neylon: BUT

CLO: YES  HAS to be  MN

Michele Neylon: it needs to be hosted somewhere

CLO: Yup

Michele Neylon: so where?

Michele Neylon: and ICANN's record with regard to UX is crap

Michele Neylon: being blunt

Michele Neylon: it needs to be a separate site

Michele Neylon: endorsed by ALAC and registrars and registries and ICANN etc

CLO: We as ALAC  could  do that

Michele Neylon: CLO - separate site though

Michele Neylon: ie. not buried in some existing wiki thing

CLO: in the ICANN  supplied  site

CLO: NO  as  ICANN outreach  stuff

Statton: Ok. If ICANN publishes it, that's fine, but I thought there was a criticism that people don't understand ICANN or go to the site

CLO: but  developed WITH  Industry

Michele Neylon: Statton - we're talking about who would "control" it

Michele Neylon: not that it would be part of the ICANN site

Statton: ICANN site already has materials that don't promote any one company - neutral

Michele Neylon: Statton - try finding the damn materials

CLO: Yes  we do have an independant  What is in a name service list  who offer wh and for how much  ing what

CLO: Yup  MN  THAT is the propblem  We ALL have

Michele Neylon: Which is why I can only support it being a separate website and domain

Michele Neylon: ie. not a subdomain from

CLO: stand alone os fine  the  Lets  talk  Web  is  "seperate"  but operated by auDA  but as regulator/adminisor of the ccTLD  we wanted an at arms  length friendly  space for people to useratt

Michele Neylon: I don't disagree

Michele Neylon: do you see me disagreeing? :)

CLO: has to be easy to find and use materials

Michele Neylon: +1

Michele Neylon: easy to use is key

Michele Neylon: simple

Michele Neylon: accessible

Michele Neylon: human friendly

CLO: No NM  were in rampaant agreement  *shhh*  don't  let any one know

Michele Neylon: oh yeah

Sandra Hoferichter: true

Alan Greenberg: definitely online.

Michele Neylon: web is the only way

Michele Neylon: print is of no use

Alan Greenberg: As I mentioned, both content and perhaps interactive

Michele Neylon: if someone googles for "what is a domain" then the "site" should be in the SERPS

Sandra Hoferichter: yes!

Michele Neylon: NO NO NO NO

CLO: ARGHHHH   do NOT inbed

Alan Greenberg: I think there is great value in it being ICANN  *and* being perceived as being ICANN.

Michele Neylon: published BY ICANN

Michele Neylon: is not the same as IN the bloody ICANN trainwreck of a website

CLO: Repository of  trusted  materials  YES

CLO: that is top of a google search

Michele Neylon: the good / bad argument is a bit too early tbh

Michele Neylon: it's too subjective

Michele Neylon: plus it'll lead to more legal issues

Michele Neylon: I'd personally favour an international version of the Australian site

CLO: fun frieendly and accurat

Alan Greenberg:

Michele Neylon: registrar

Michele Neylon: not neutral

Michele Neylon: there's a great big "accredited registrar" on the top of the page :)

Michele Neylon: oooo

CLO: they are "jusi" a registrar

Michele Neylon: the PPC cost for that would be huge

Michele Neylon: you're looking at about 20 dollars per click for some of those keywords

Statton: Is it really possible to create information that lacks all bias? Seems unrealistic

Michele Neylon: Statton - the Australian site is pretty good tbh

Sandra Hoferichter: actually the child protection community is already very good in producing material (online) we can copy some of this ideas

Michele Neylon: +1 for the use of the term "license" :)

Sandra Hoferichter: example:

Sandra Hoferichter:


Alan Greenberg: CLO - why uncomfortable with ICANN doing it?

CLO: ICANN can do it  but if it is IN  their site it will be buried

CLO: like the current resources are

Alan Greenberg: ICANN hosting it does NOT mean weintend someone to find it VIA the ICANN home page.

Michele Neylon: Alan - yes - but it needs to be clear

Statton: I like this concept of a separate ICANN - Consumer oriented website

CLO: so  with auDA  Let's  Talk Net is a seperate site  DNS  etc.,  run and published by us (dry old administrator / regulator that we are

Michele Neylon: Bearing the brand - I agree

Michele Neylon: YES

Michele Neylon: ICANN should be the publisher

CLO: I agree with ICANN Brand trust  YES

Sandra Hoferichter: Yes to ICANN as publisher

Statton: If we agree that ICANN should do this, then we need to shift our focus on how to pull in ICANN and get their thoughts

Michele Neylon: just as long as it's not a .ly domain :)

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: LOL

Michele Neylon: or a .ie

Michele Neylon: *cough*

CLO: should be a .org

Michele Neylon: meh

Michele Neylon: it can't be a .tel

Michele Neylon: beyond that :)

Sandra Hoferichter: the website could have diferent levels, consumer, professionals, ICANN community...embeded in an ICANN Academy

Sandra Hoferichter: should be .edu

Alan Greenberg: CLO: Michele Jourdan

Michele Neylon: Sandra .edu is restricted to US educational establishments

CLO: yes  thanks  AG

Sandra Hoferichter: ooops

Michele Neylon: As a European registrar I could not support that

Sandra Hoferichter: .info

Michele Neylon: .info still has reputation issues on certain block lists

CLO: So let's  write to her and see where they are up to

Michele Neylon: :)

CLO: we ca plannersn direct  and reach out  were the project

CLO: planners / mamagers  as the WG

Sandra Hoferichter: then lets wait for the new gTLDs

Sandra Hoferichter: lost connection could you please call me again?

Michele Neylon: Registrars are close to consumers as well :)

Michele Neylon: they're our clients

Michele Neylon: neutral = good

Michele Neylon: I know what it is

Michele Neylon: I just wish I didn't


Michele Neylon: it's the brand name

Michele Neylon: I hate wikis

Statton: C-O-N-F-L-U-E-N-C-E ?

Michele Neylon: with a passion

Michele Neylon: oh dear - I'll have to let you play with our new sitebuilder :)

Michele Neylon: hmmmmz

Michele Neylon: can I monetise it though?

Michele Neylon: no fun if I can't

Michele Neylon: like seriously

Michele Neylon: :)

Michele Neylon: /me goes to check for Adsense plugins

Statton: Right. That is separate - Consumer rights

Michele Neylon: thanks everyone

Statton: My pleasure Thank you all.

Michele Neylon: /me wanders off

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