The call for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Sub Group B will take place on Tuesday, 26 February 2019 at 20:00 UTC for 60 minutes.

12:00 PST, 15:00 EST, 21:00 Paris CET, (Wednesday) 01:00 Karachi PKT, (Wednesday) 05:00 Tokyo JST, (Wednesday) 07:00 Melbourne AEDT

For other times:



1.  Welcome and Review of Agenda

2.  Update SOI’s

3.  Continue Discussion of Public Comments on 2.7.7 Applicant Reviews -- start at line 63

4.  Discussion of Public Comments on 2.7.8 Name Collisions

5.  AOB



The Google document can be found at: []



Adobe Connect Recording

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar


AC Chat & Attendance

Apologies: Donna Austin

Notes/ Action Items



2.7.7.c.15 and 2.7.7.c.17: Lines 91 and 103 -- NCSG Comments:  Respond to NCSG that no content policing was buried by SubPro WG in this recommendation. GPML was used in order to not individualize to DPML, a service by an specific registry, and it refers to services already under assessment by ICANN Org in RSEPs. An action item for SubPro Leadership.




1.  Update to Statements of Interest (SOIs): No updates provided.


2.  Continue Discussion of Public Comments on   2.7.7 Applicant Reviews -- start at line 63



Line 64, BRG -- Agreement (qualified)

Line 65, ICANN Org -- New Idea (rather, request for consideration)

Lines 66-68, Neustar, FairWind Partners, Valideus -- Agreement

Line 69, RySG -- Agreement/Divergence: Some members of the RySG support eliminating the COI requirement from both evaluation and contracting; specifically evaluation. Other members of the RySG believes COI is a valuable mechanism to check for "good" financial operations.



Line 71, BRG -- Agreement

Line 72, ICANN Org -- New Idea (rather, request for clarification)

Lines 73-74, FairWind Partners, RySG -- Agreement

Line 75, Valideus --New Idea

From the chat:

Steve Chan: This line seems directed towards that idea: "However, there should also be a recognition that there will be proposed applications that will not be reliant on the sale of third party registrations and thus should not be subject to the same type of evaluation criteria."

Line 76, NCSG -- Divergence



Lines 78-79, BRG and FairWinds Partners -- Agreement

Lines 80-81, RySG  and Valideus-- Agreement (qualified)



Lines 83-84, Brand Registry Group & Neustar -- Agreement

Line 85, RySG -- greement (with clarification)



Line 87, BRG -- Agreement

Line 88, ICANN Org -- New Idea

Lines 89-90, Neustar & RySG -- Agreement

Line 91, NCSG -- Divergence

From the chat:

Rubens Kuhl: On line 91, we need an action item to respond to NCSG that no content policing was buried by SubPro WG in this recommendation. GPML was used in order to not individualize to DPML, a service by an specific registry, and it refers to services already under assessment by ICANN Org in RSEPs. An action item for SubPro Leadership.



Line 93, BRG -- Agreement

Line 94, ICANN Org -- New Idea

Line 95, Neustar -- Agreement

Line 96, RySG -- Agreement (qualified)



Lines 98-89 & 102 -- Neustar, RySG, IPC -- Agreement

Line 100, USPS -- Divergence

LIne 101, RySG -- Agreement (qualified) Concerns New Idea

Line 103, NCSG -- Divergence



Line 106, RySG -- Divergence



Lines 108, LEMARIT,

Line 109, RySG -- Agreement (qualified), Concerns



Line 111, RySG -- New Idea (rather, answering the question)



Line 113, RySG -- Agreement (qualified)

Line 114, RrSG -- Agreement Divergence

Lines 115-116, Neustar, LEMARIT -- Divergence



Line 118, FairWind Partners -- Agreement

Line 119, RySG -- Agreement/Concerns



LInes 121-122, FairWind Partners, RySG -- Agreement



Line 124, RySG -- Agreement

Line 125, IPC -- Divergence



Lines 127-128, RySG, IPC -- Divergence



Lines 130-131, Neustar, RySG -- Agreement

Line 132, RrSG -- Agreement Concerns New Idea

Line 133, NCSG -- Divergence



Line 135, RrSG -- New Idea (rather, answering the question)

Lines 136-137, RrSG, RySG, IPC -- New Idea (rather, answering the question)


Other Comments:

Line 139, ICANN Board -- New Idea

Line 140, MarkMonitor -- Agreement (support for efficiences as qualified)

Line 141, Google -- Agreement (support recommendations for streamlining)

Line 142, Public Interest Community -- Divergence


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