The call for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Sub Group A will take place on Thursday, 14 February 2019 at 20:00 UTC for 60 minutes.

12:00 PST, 15:00 EST, 21:00 Paris CET, (Friday) 01:00 Karachi PKT, (Friday) 05:00 Tokyo JST, (Friday) 07:00 Melbourne AEDT

For other times:


  1. Agenda review/SOIs
  2. Continued Discussion of Public Comments: 2.3.2 Global Public Interest – starting at 2.3.2.e.5, line 78
  3. Discussion of Public Comments: 2.3.3 Applicant Freedom of Expression (time permitting)
  4. AOB

For agenda items 2 and 3, please find the relevant public comment review document: []





AC Recording

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar


Attendance & AC Chat

Apologies: Kristine Dorrain

Notes/ Action Items


2.3.2 Global Public Interest

ACTION ITEM 1: Copy line 47, NCSG to all questions that relate to voluntary PICs (opposition to voluntary PICs).  Also with Public Interest Community comments.

ACTION ITEM 2: Ask ICANN Org: Does Compliance audit PICs or only when there is a complaint? Are mandatory and voluntary PICs treated differently.

2.3.3 Applicant Freedom of Expression:

ACTION ITEM 3: Comment from RrSG -- Ask for clarification on the statement "Case law shouldn't be limited to Common Law. Resolution service providers should take a broader look."  Do them mean to say "Common Law"?


1. Updates to Statements of Interest (SOIs):

Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3 PDP Co-Chair): Update to my SOI  I am now Co-Chair of the ATRT3 Team

2.3.2 Global Public Interest – starting at 2.3.2.e.5, line 78


Lines 79-80 -- ALAC, INTA

Line 81, IPC -- Agreement (in some circumstances) Divergence

Line 82, BC -- Concerns

Lines 83-85, RySG, Valideus, BRG -- Divergence


Lines 87-88, INTA, CCT-RT -- Agreement

Lines 89-90, ALAC, IPC -- Agreement, New Idea

Line 91, GAC -- Agreement Concerns

Line 92, Business Constituency -- Concerns (or request for clarification)

Line 93, RySG -- Divergence


LIne 95, INTA -- See 2.3.2.e.6

Line 96, RySG -- Divergence


Line 98, Business Constituency -- New Idea, Concerns

Line 99, INTA -- See 2.3.2.e.6

Other Comments:

Line 101, Council of Europe -- New Idea

Line 102, RrSG -- Concerns, New Idea

Line 103, ICANN Board -- Concerns

Line 104, Christopher Wilkinson -- Concerns

Lines 105-109,  CCT-RT -- New Idea

LInes 110 & 111, Council of Europe -- Concerns, New Idea

3. Discussion of Public Comments: 2.3.3 Applicant Freedom of Expression

General Comment:

Line 4, GAC -- Concerns


Line 6, Business Constituency -- Agreement

Line 7, NCSG -- Agreement, New Idea

Line 8, Council of Europe -- Agreement Concerns

Line 9, INTA -- Agreement, Concerns

Line 10, IPC -- Agreement, Concerns

Line 11, ICANN Org -- Concerns (or, request for additional clarity)


Line 13, INTA -- New Idea


Lines 15-17, Business Constituency, RrSG, INTA -- New Idea

Lines 18-19, BRG, RySG -- Divergence (or rather, believes existing LRO is adequate)

Line 20, Valideus -- Divergence

Line 21, IPC -- Divergence (or rather, believes existing LRO is adequate)


LIne 23, RrSG -- Divergence

Lines 24 & 25 -- IPC, INTA -- New Idea

Other Comments:

Line 27, ICANN Org -- Concerns (provided and requested additional clarity)

Line 28, USPS -- Divergence

Line 29, Christopher Wilkinson -- Concerns

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