The call for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Sub Group B will take place on Tuesday, 27 November 2018 at 20:00 UTC for 60 minutes.
12:00 PST, 15:00 EST, 21:00 Paris CET, (Wednesday) 01:00 Karachi PKT, (Wednesday) 05:00 Tokyo JST, (Wednesday) 07:00 Melbourne AEDT
For other times:
1. Welcome and Review of Agenda
2. Update SOI’s
3. Discussion of Public Comment on:
a. 2.5.1 – Application Fees (continuation from the last call)
b. 2.5.2 – Variable Fees (time permitting)
4. AOB
The Google document can be found at:
Notes/ Action Items
1. Update SOI’s: No Updates
2. Discussion of Public Comment on:
Google Document:
a. 2.5.1 – Application Fees (continuation from the last call)
-- Overall the respondents agree with the self-funding aspect.
-- ALAC comment (#6): New idea -- should include contingent programs such as the expansion of contract compliance capability. Bring to the full WG for consideration.
-- Neustar: Agree, but not aligned -- refer the new idea to the full WG.
-- RySG: New idea and a concern -- address in the full WG.
-- MarkMonitor: New Idea (or more precisely, a comment more appropriate for 2.7.7: Applicant Reviews?) Or could be a defense of an application fee floor.
-- Comments such as RySG comment of shifting of staff/headcount -- not in scope of the WG. But it does need to be captured. Could have a parking lot that lists additional issues that were raised in the public comment to forward to the full WG.
-- Re: the Google Doc -- leadership team and staff have tried to do more of the pre-work to help facilitate the discussion. Color code the relevant section of the comments and suggest a WG response. Not final, just facilitation.
-- Question: What do we know about actual costs (see Neustar comments). Answer: In the WG we did have a discussion on costs, but couldn't get the actual costs. We would have to do a costing exercise for the next round to be revenue neutral. This is the high-level approach for the Initial Report.
-- Review of public comments in Sub Group: Not to talk about the SG's opinions about the comments, but what we think needs to be referred to the full WG. This is a triage exercise of the inputs, given the huge volume of comments, and try to identify themes -- agreement, same concerns or ideas.
-- Can we say when referring to the WG what the Sub Group thinks is out of scope. Such as the ALAC comment on expansion of the contract compliance capability.
-- Important to note that there is a new idea from ALAC, and the new idea should be reported to the full WG.
-- Brand Registry Group -- agrees.
-- XYZ -- New idea CANN must take into consideration the future revenue that ICANN will take in from auctions and increased registration volumes when setting initial application pricing -- refer to full WG.
-- Neustar -- Agrees, and new idea for full WG.
-- RySG -- Agree, new ideas, and request for clarification.
-- Valideau -- Agree and new idea.
-- INTA -- divergence and maybe more appropriate to 2.5.2 Variable Fees.
-- RrSG -- Divergence and agreement. Doesn't appear to be a single RySG position.
-- ALAC -- Divergence and new idea, refer to full WG.
-- Comments from Vanda -- divergence; refer to full WG.
-- MARQUES -- Agree.
-- Brand Registry Group -- Agree.
-- RySG -- Agree.
-- ALAC -- Agree and New Idea for full WG.
-- INTA -- Agree and new idea perhaps related to 2.5.2 Variable Fees.
-- Valideus -- agree and new idea for full WG.
-- ICANN Org -- Concerns, request for clarity.
-- XYZ -- Divergence; refer to full WG.
-- Neustar -- doesn't appear related to this recommendation.