The first call for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Sub Team – Track 1 - Overall Process/Support/Outreach Issue will take place on Tuesday, 16 August 2016 at 15:00 UTC for 60 minutes. 

08:00 PDT, 11:00 EDT, 16:00 London, 17:00 CEST 

For other times:


0) Review agenda

1) Discuss SOI and related issues

2) Pick leadership for the Track 1 Sub Team 

3) Discuss Sub Team meeting schedule  

4) Walk through the work items for the Sub Team (

5) AOB 


AC Chat


Apologies: Vanda Scartezini, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Christa Taylor

On audio only: none

Action Items/Discussion Notes 16 August

1. Leadership for the Track 1 Sub Team:  See  Sub Team participants at:

Action Items:  Sara Bockey and Christa Taylor have volunteered to be Co-Chairs.

2. Discussion on Sub Team meeting schedule: 

Action Items:  Staff will explore adding times that could work for members who are in APAC.

Discussion Notes:

  • Current proposed schedule is Tuesdays alternating between 1500 and 2000 UTC, every other week.  The next meeting is in 3 weeks.
  • Consider other times as they do not work with APAC.
  • Each team will be expected to meet at least every other week, but will be able to meet more often if the Sub Team decides it is necessary.

3.  Work Plan/Schedule – See:

Discussion Notes:

  • Adjust the schedules so that we have something that is realistic.
  • Consider prioritization.
  • Consider whether some need to be added or grouped with others.
  • Letter from the Board to the GNSO Council.  Question of whether to prioritize some items.  Sent a note to Paul McGrady, Council Liaison, on how the Council wants to proceed.  Council will discuss at its meeting on 01 September.

4.  List of Topics -- See:  

Discussion Notes:

  • Accreditation program -- consider whether to develop a parallel process/activity.
  • Discuss how to track topics to the work plan.   Work plan schedule can be added to.
  • Suggestion to separate policy issues from implementation issues.
  • Applicant support programs -- may extend to capacity building programs.
  • Look at comments from CC1.
  • Question: There is an item from Work Track 2 marked for moving to WT1: "TLD Rollout: Was adequate time allowed for rollout of TLD? When should recurring fees due to ICANN begin? - Suggestion to move this topic to Track 1." We should agree or disagree, and if agree, incorporate it.   See after the first discussion of Track 2.

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