00:38:37    Heidi Ullrich:    Welcome to day 2.
00:38:40    Bill Jouris:    Not ALL.  I distinctly remember you had at least one bite.
00:38:42    Heidi Ullrich:    Welcome, Denise!
00:39:49    Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org:    Chantelle is driving at the moment, she is on her way here!
00:41:51    Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR):    Prime Minister from Great Britain. Only 40+ days on the position.
00:42:45    Yubelkys Montalvo:    Saludos Alfredo!
00:42:59    Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR):    Saludos @Yubelkys.
00:43:13    Yubelkys Montalvo:    ☺️
00:46:03    Bill Jouris:    @Alfredo, an all time record for the UK
00:47:27    Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR):    <Comment>I would suggest: Provide HETS (Yubelkys) printed resources (English& Spanish) about NARALO/ICANN she can share with the member Colleges/Universities for Faculty & Students.
00:48:28    Jonathan Zuck:    Sounds like you really just want O&E to be more thoroughly described
00:48:44    Heidi Ullrich:    Greg, the RALO Strategic O/E Plan was the doc the was needed for CROP /RALO discretionary funding
00:49:00    Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR):    HETS is a special niche to work on the Academia Track“outreach & engagement’.
00:49:41    Glenn McKnight:    Thanks  Alfredo adding your comment
00:52:50    Yubelkys Montalvo:    Yes, please let me know.
00:53:11    Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR):    <Comment>We need to recruit ‘New’ volunteers’ with special skills in areas part of the ICANN remit. Since, our focus is from an end-user perspective, we need to, in some cases, oversee that ICANN Org is performing as expected and comment on policies.
00:53:13    Jonathan Zuck:    Yes!
00:54:18    Bill Jouris:    @Alfredo, the challenge is HOW TO go about finding those volunteers
00:54:53    Bill Jouris:    In short, WHERE to we outreach to?
00:55:18    Jonathan Zuck:    I think Outreach and Engagement might not be specific enough terms.
00:55:18    David Mackey:    +1 “... what are we communicating about …”
00:55:23    Jessica Starkey:    Is there one person in NARALO, besides Greg, that focuses on coordinating and approve plans for engagement?
00:59:44    Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR):    @Bill, yesterday it was mentioned “thinking out of the box”. It was also mentioned that ICANN material is “dry”, since it conveys a high level technical message. In At-Large cases we should remember we want to increase awareness of the role of RALO’s and sort of get them individuals “fall in love” with ICANN and our mission. How? Communicate what we do with: short video clips, one page white papers, followup with Alumni (Fellowship and NextGen Programs).
01:00:44    Glenn McKnight:    @Jessica its Greg and my role to generate the plans but we are inviting the community for their suggestions and recommendations.  The plan is approved by the GSE , upon approval ( Greg and I working with GSE) to implement the ideas.    The devil is  in the details  for roll out
01:01:23    Jessica Starkey:    Thank you Glenn!
01:03:51    Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR):    <Comment>The idea of having specific “one topic webinars” with enough interactive component is worth pursuing as part of the strategic plan.
01:04:56    Glenn McKnight:    Thanks  Alfredo  adding it to the suggestions in the plan
01:05:05    Glenn McKnight:    Any other ideas please add it to the chat
01:07:35    Heidi Ullrich:    @Alfredo, the webinars should be in step/coordinated with the At-Large CBWG and also the NARALO strategic plan. This will move NARALO forward in their strategic actions and also avoid duplication at the At-Large level.
01:08:04    Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR):    Yes, @Marita.  In some cases the allocated budget is not enough to do more at a local/regional basis. In some cases, we can not even foresee last minute opportunities to impact a community or group of individuals.
01:08:26    Heidi Ullrich:    Every activity should be developed and implemented to move the strategy forward.
01:09:43    Glenn McKnight:    @Alfredo normal strategic plans have SMART deliverables which abide to budget and other resources to enable the organization to meet is goals. A goal without the necessary tools is frustrating.  We see a shift at ICANN to empower the RALOs and provide the necessary tools
01:10:02    Glenn McKnight:    This change is an evoluting process
01:10:19    Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR):    Agree @Heide. However, in some cases it takes time to develop and cultivate a group to engage them.
01:10:25    Adrian Schmidt:    I think that Marita’s idea is great - we should have regional events that can attract local people that will keep the cost low (in time and $) - something similar to Bsides model is for cyber security regional conferences.
01:10:29    Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR):    Understood @Glenn.
01:10:39    Marita Moll:    Practical questions: If we tried to organize a hybrid mtg of 10 pple in Toronto next week, where would we start?
01:11:05    Evan Leibovitch:    FYI: I have brought a family of eight little penguins to give awaay. In the interest of fairness I'm doing a form of Groucho Marx's "you bet your life" game.
01:11:33    Glenn McKnight:    Great ideas did you ask Greg we can do this?
01:11:35    Evan Leibovitch:    I have a list of words. The first person at the table to say one of the words gets a penguin
01:11:51    Bill Jouris:    @Marita, First, where to put the in-person part, Second, how and where to advertise to attrach people to attend/join
01:12:04    Glenn McKnight:    Evan, perhaps after lunch when people are a little tired after lunch
01:12:18    Evan Leibovitch:    "Liz Truss" was on the list so Greg got one right away
01:12:40    Gregory Shatan:    
01:12:41    Glenn McKnight:    you mean the soon to be ex PM
01:13:04    Evan Leibovitch:    already ex-PM
01:13:09    Evan Leibovitch:    resigned today
01:13:14    Glenn McKnight:    Wow
01:13:41    Glenn McKnight:    Folks  the  CAPTIONS  but allows you to see the machine generated captions
01:13:53    Evan Leibovitch:    none of my words are ICANN jargon or acronyms
01:15:37    David Mackey:    +1 Alan
01:17:30    Mildred Weiss:    the mentoring goes with engagement. What @Marita was saying is more on outreach side.
01:17:41    Mildred Weiss:    Both things needs to be there
01:18:25    Glenn McKnight:    @Mildred engagement and outreach are two sides of the same coin
01:19:24    Mildred Weiss:    @Marita
01:19:31    Mildred Weiss:    That is a GREAT idea!
01:19:31    Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR):    <QUESTION>@Heidi, on the mentorship issue, NARALO is the smallest RALO. I wonder how many “active volunteers do we have” that can serve as “mentors”.
01:19:45    Bill Jouris:    @Glenn, more like sequential steps.  You can't really do engagement without having done outreach first.
01:20:17    Mildred Weiss:    @Glen! agree!
01:20:31    Jonathan Zuck:    Metrics!!!
01:21:42    Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR):    <COMMENT>”Readouts” how effective are they? Who participates? Have we gained new members/volunteers?
01:21:43    Marita Moll:    Euralo has a pretty big participant list in their read-outs.
01:21:46    Jessica Starkey:    @aAfredo, the mentorship will most likely  be limited at first but as NARALO grows the program can grow too
01:21:46    Bill Jouris:    +1
01:22:08    Bill Jouris:    +1 Greg  need t0 have the right metrics.
01:22:33    Marita Moll:    Greg and I have both tried the read-outs -- not enough capacity to do it alone
01:22:55    Marita Moll:    with the help of Glenn and David Cameron in Canada
01:22:57    Eduardo Diaz:    @Marita: But the question is how many of those that attend the EURALO read-outs engage with ICANN going forward
01:23:10    Evan Leibovitch:    +1 greg. Metrics are useful but volume should never lead quality.
01:23:27    Eduardo Diaz:    My experience with read-outs was not good. Low participation and repetition.
01:23:34    Marita Moll:    It's a start that works for Euralo
01:23:51    Eduardo Diaz:    I am talking here about the ones that I did for ISOC Puerto Rico
01:23:55    Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR):    @Greg, @Eduardo has used a restroom tool to livestream the Readouts from EURALO. However, we need to pay attention to our audience from NARALO.
01:24:01    David Mackey:    +1 Joe
01:24:30    Marita Moll:    The read-out won't attract the general public. There are different publics
01:24:40    Jonathan Zuck:    Is there really a NA specific perspective on an ICANN meeting?
01:24:53    Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR):    Yes, @Joe we have tried ‘readouts’ before the pandemia and the participation was low.
01:25:07    Marita Moll:    Is there a EURO specific perspective?
01:25:50    Jonathan Zuck:    Good question, Marita. Not sure how specific that was, other than perhaps discussions of legislation, etc.
01:25:54    Evan Leibovitch:    readouts are useful, but they're part of capacity building for thise already involed. I'd never consider them outreach.
01:26:23    Bill Jouris:    Perhaps we can find out how EURALO advertises their readouts.  And copy parts of it
01:26:27    Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR):    +1 @Evan. Agree with your perception.
01:26:28    Marita Moll:    Agreed @Evan. Just a way to breakdown silos
01:26:48    Mildred Weiss:    @Evan Yes!  and @ Marita! you are right!
01:26:50    Glenn McKnight:    No the EURALO approach is ICANN wide and its an interesting model.  As Joe mentioned need to create an approch, not to duplicate the work of EURALO
01:27:16    Mildred Weiss:    We need to know what we are doing all around…. and not reinvent the wheel 
01:27:29    Alan Greenberg:    My recollection is that we originated readouts!
01:28:12    Heidi Ullrich:    @Denise, the NARALO member social media members could promote these events, correct?
01:28:23    Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR):    <Comment>Maybe, GSE can aide coordinating ‘Readouts’ maybe twice a year (Policy Forum & Community Forum).
01:28:32    Jonathan Zuck:    Not sure that you could do one event that will serve the needs of the experienced and inexperiened.
01:29:02    Marita Moll:    Not necessary @JZ. That was not the point really
01:29:03    Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR):    <COMMENT>Readouts should consider a hybrid format…
01:29:43    Glenn McKnight:    We will work with Naella on our own version of the Readout, not to duplicate the work of EURALO
01:29:49    Glenn McKnight:    A clear NA focus
01:30:46    Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR):    Thanks @Glenn for the input.
01:31:19    Marita Moll:    Right @Glenn -- but we would have speakers from NA not Europe for starters
01:32:53    Heidi Ullrich:    CPWG workspace: https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=82411661
01:33:18    Heidi Ullrich:    The CPWG meetings weekly on a rotating basis - 13:00 UTC and 19:00 UTC.
01:34:30    Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR):    The CPWG is a great space to get an understanding of a topic that “could” impact end users.
01:35:55    David Mackey:    Is it reasonable to ask for some of the common “filters” and “principles” used in the CPWG to be recorded in a written form?
01:37:26    Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org:    Hi David, that’s a great question. The CPWG has been working on developing a Talking Points document, which the aim will be to be used as a living document between Public Meetings
01:37:42    Glenn McKnight:    @david  I think some of the CPWG summaries of the current policies should be contextural and in "plain english"
01:38:22    Jonathan Zuck:    David, most of the principles and positions ARE recorded, in some form, if only a PPT, in the early stages.
01:39:36    David Mackey:    @Chantelle a Talking Points document sounds like a great idea. I'm looking forward to hearing more about it.
01:40:28    Jonathan Zuck:    Yes, @David, the talking points are evolving into a live document that we try to keep up to date. Process isn't finalized but that's the goal.
01:40:41    Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org:    Here is the Talking Points handout the CPWG developed for ICANN75: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15scY9USe-c2SIG-P690MzKKt4SVhZ-BzMe79rUwqq-U/edit
01:41:00    Heidi Ullrich:    Link to the OFB-WG workspace: https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=132940946
01:41:22    Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org:    You’ll see that it incorporates the CPWG’s work related to DNS Policy as well as some of the OFB-WG’s topics related to ICANN governance and operations
01:41:35    David Mackey:    @Jonathan I’m not talking about specific principles applied to specific policy discussion. I understand all CPWG are recorded. I’m wondering if there's an opportunity to analyse the scope of the CPWG as a whole and look for common principles that may be use again and again
01:41:49    Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR):    @David and @Glenn, the problem with your suggestions is at what point does CPWG share the summaries of the current policies “contextualized and in plain English”. Many are a work in progress. And as mentioned by @Jonathan, weekly recordings are available with documents as reference.
01:42:23    Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org:    The next CPWG call will be held on Weds., 26 October at 19-20:30 UTC: https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=218464927
01:42:24    David Mackey:    @Chantelle Thx for the link
01:43:09    Glenn McKnight:    Please complete short surveys to help us get views of the this GA and plan for the future
01:43:10    Glenn McKnight:    Post Survey:  https://forms.gle/UYEP6wHCnGsY3qCg9Participant Needs Assessment: https://forms.gle/vGcZAhzPRJi1qTwS6Full GA evaluation: https://forms.gle/zy2XHxdbxLDPyXLc7
01:43:15    Jonathan Zuck:    @David and @Glenn, ideally, when we get engaged early, we go through a process of componentizing these discussions and looping in regional resources into the discussion. Breaking big topics into smaller pieces is a bi part of this.
01:44:08    Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR):    My guess is how do we increase awarenes of “where to go” and find the supporting documents and discussions. I particpate  in both CPWG & OFB-WG and when I feel that something is missing in the commenting process I mention it.
01:44:13    Bill Jouris:    Glenn, I'm getting Link Not Found on those
01:44:23    David Mackey:    @JZ Perhaps there's an opportunity for a side conversation later :-)
01:44:49    Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR):    @Glenn, links not working.
01:45:01    Jonathan Zuck:    Of course, @David. Its all part of what I imagine will be a 4 year plan. Lots of discussion ahead.
01:45:10    David Mackey:    +1 @JZ
01:45:35    Jonathan Zuck:    have you taken the AT-large policy course? a LOT of this is theorized there.
01:47:22    Glenn McKnight:    Thanks to Jessica in checking the surveys
01:47:36    Glenn McKnight:    Survey is very short Post NARALO GA Survey
01:47:56    Glenn McKnight:    https://forms.gle/UYEP6wHCnGsY3qCg9
01:48:05    Glenn McKnight:    The second survey
01:48:21    Glenn McKnight:    This is the Participant Needs Survey
01:48:22    Glenn McKnight:    https://forms.gle/vGcZAhzPRJi1qTwS6
01:48:47    Glenn McKnight:    The last one is an Evaluation of the GA in general
01:48:55    Glenn McKnight:    https://forms.gle/zy2XHxdbxLDPyXLc7
01:49:02    Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR):    <COMMENT>The problem with the ICANN Learn courses was mentioned yesterday.  The Single-Sign-On process and/or creating your account to gain access to the courses.  However, speaking the word through various multimedia means and social media networks a two-sentence description of each course from At-Large/ALAC.
01:49:19    Glenn McKnight:    The results will incorporated into the final report
01:50:09    Heidi Ullrich:    The deadline for the final ABRs to be submitted is 30 January.
01:50:09    Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR):    <Comment>I wonder how may individuals have taken the latest At-Large ICANNLearn course.
01:50:29    Glenn McKnight:    The final report framework is worked on and DAY ONE Meeting notes is complete and it includes the links to all the presentations and will include the link to the ZOOM recording

00:32:48    Glenn McKnight:    Here is the pictures
00:32:49    Glenn McKnight:    https://www.flickr.com/photos/glennmcknight/52440104219/in/album-72177720303021889/
00:32:57    Glenn McKnight:    additonal pictures to be posted
00:32:58    Alan Greenberg:    Strawberry?
00:33:16    Marita Moll:    strawberry-rhubarb
00:33:21    Naela Sarras:    Can we get the jamoboasd link pleaes
00:33:25    Glenn McKnight:    The daily report , here is the google doc which will be updated
00:33:31    Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org:    https://jamboard.google.com/d/1SuP0MbDA3fz1L-BFa4Ha0rkM5YFK59XsIYHiWCeI8ek/viewer?f=0
00:33:40    Glenn McKnight:    https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N19snWqBd63WQ0I9an6ojS5Z8HlAuiqX-NfQJsjoFuw/edit?usp=sharing
00:33:49    Glenn McKnight:    Look at Appendix for notes of Each day
00:34:50    Bill Jouris:    Now if I just had those icons down the side....
00:34:50    Alan Greenberg:    I only have VIEW access.
00:34:56    David Mackey:    me too Alan
00:35:03    Marita Moll:    me too
00:35:52    Alan Greenberg:    https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N19snWqBd63WQ0I9an6ojS5Z8HlAuiqX-NfQJsjoFuw/edit?usp=sharing
00:35:52    Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org:    https://jamboard.google.com/d/1SuP0MbDA3fz1L-BFa4Ha0rkM5YFK59XsIYHiWCeI8ek/viewer?f=0
00:36:23    Leo Jweda:    I don't have write access.
00:36:36    Leo Jweda:    Had to refresh. It works now.
00:36:56    Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org:    https://jamboard.google.com/d/1SuP0MbDA3fz1L-BFa4Ha0rkM5YFK59XsIYHiWCeI8ek/viewer?f=0
00:38:16    Silvia Vivanco:    JAMBOARD: https://jamboard.google.com/d/1SuP0MbDA3fz1L-BFa4Ha0rkM5YFK59XsIYHiWCeI8ek/viewer?f=0
00:38:45    Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org:    If you have just joined, please log into this jam board using this link :https://jamboard.google.com/d/1SuP0MbDA3fz1L-BFa4Ha0rkM5YFK59XsIYHiWCeI8ek/viewer?f=0
00:38:53    Leon Sanchez:    thanks Michelle!
00:39:07    Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org:    You’re welcome! ;)
00:39:22    Adrian Schmidt:    Thank you!
00:40:22    Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org:    If you have just joined, please log into the jamboard using this link :https://jamboard.google.com/d/1SuP0MbDA3fz1L-BFa4Ha0rkM5YFK59XsIYHiWCeI8ek/viewer?f=0
00:41:33    Yubelkys Montalvo:    Thank you
00:45:14    Glenn McKnight:    Michelle i still don;t have access only view
00:45:24    Glenn McKnight:    i want to list the ideas from Jon
00:46:32    Michael Palage:    URL for jamsession -please
00:46:36    Glenn McKnight:    I can't change my status
00:46:48    Glenn McKnight:    If you have just joined, please log into the jamboard using this link :https://jamboard.google.com/d/1SuP0MbDA3fz1L-BFa4Ha0rkM5YFK59XsIYHiWCeI8ek/viewer?f=0
00:47:12    Michael Palage:    Thx Glen
00:59:02    Kerry Culpepper:    I think the pen is easiest to do +1
01:00:59    Kerry Culpepper:    Ah I thought the +1 idea was cute!
01:01:54    Kerry Culpepper:    I am giving a thumbs up to indicate my vote
01:02:04    Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org:    Thanks Kerry, staff will make sure that’s noted
01:03:27    Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org:    Can you please put +1 in the chat?
01:03:59    Kerry Culpepper:    OK.  I was +1 for Dns abuse discussions and encouraging prompt update to whois records
01:04:09    Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org:    Thanks Kerry!
01:04:24    Kerry Culpepper:    +1 for discussing that
01:04:48    Kerry Culpepper:    when that I talk about Whois privacy
01:04:55    Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org:    Noted for WHOIS privacy
01:05:54    Roberto Gaetano:    2:30 what time zone?
01:06:03    Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org:    Pacific
01:06:07    Judith Hellerstein:    Pacific time
01:06:29    Roberto Gaetano:    got it, thx
01:08:16    Kerry Culpepper:    Sorry I thought hot topics was hot topics not just policy.
01:08:34    Kerry Culpepper:    Maybe title should be Hot "policy" topics
01:14:23    Evan Leibovitch:    every time someone says "hot topics"  I can't help but be reminded of the Jim Gaffigan standup routine on Hot Pockets.
01:14:49    Kerry Culpepper:    
01:15:16    Marita Moll:    I am afraid jamboard is a tool that has limited uses
01:15:32    Jonathan Zuck:    +1 Marita
01:18:27    Bill Jouris:    +1 Marita
01:18:51    Kerry Culpepper:    Guess I am only person that liked the jamboard idea
01:19:18    Jessica Starkey:    I liked it
01:19:23    Yubelkys Montalvo:    Me too
01:19:33    Bill Jouris:    @Kerry, we liked the *idea*.  It's just that the practice isn't ready for prime time.
01:19:35    Evan Leibovitch:    It was an OK toy. It would have more value in an "unconference", which this GA certainly is not.
01:21:07    Yubelkys Montalvo:    After lunch, I think it was a clever and interesting way to participate and keep everybody engage
01:22:17    Jessica Starkey:    I think the issues with the jam board was people were not used to it and the question was not defined enough.
01:23:57    Bill Jouris:    Jessica, that and we weren't prepared to provide a quick How To on the tool
01:24:45    Jessica Starkey:    agreed
01:25:13    Evan Leibovitch:    This GA would have been really nice as an unconference, which makes substantial use of post-it notes (and for which a Jamboard would have been perfect,
01:27:30    Evan Leibovitch:    In those instances, the Jambiard/post-in-note board would have been introduced at breakfast, people woudl add to it through the morning, and in the afternoon a moderator would have summarized
01:27:31    Bill Jouris:    <Question> are ALSs groups that provide representatives?  Rather than a source of members to ICANN/AtLarge?
01:27:38    Evan Leibovitch:    and presentefd the results for dicussion
01:34:47    Jonathan Zuck:    that's fine. as much to remind me as you ;)
01:40:32    Jonathan Zuck:    For sure!
01:43:04    Jonathan Zuck:    I think this is a situation where the execution might be less complex than the description but metrics are critical.
01:44:18    Heidi Ullrich:    Agree, JZ. The extra work to staff can be handled as there were annual procedures to contact the ALSes in place before.
01:44:48    Jonathan Zuck:    clarity decreased work, more often than not
01:46:38    Evan Leibovitch:    very quick foloowup please
01:48:04    Roberto Gaetano:    Divergent opinions are not necessarily a bad thing :-)
01:49:12    David Mackey:    +1 Roberto
01:50:32    Alan Greenberg:    Evan, I'll put you in the queue at the end after Roberto.
01:52:31    Marita Moll:    I think ALSs are important to the at large community. they do need to be validated which gives them value.
01:54:03    Jonathan Zuck:    +1 Martia. There's something very aspirational about the structure. The fact that it's also a big mess, shouldn't sway us from the idea. We should just be realistic about our expectations.
01:54:40    Marita Moll:    well said @JZ
01:57:13    Evan Leibovitch:    I withdraw my followups. They will probably go down a path far more involved than this meeting can handle.
01:58:31    Evan Leibovitch:    It's easy to talk consensus or unanimity. You can be sure that this consensus does not include participants who have dropped out because even the current structure is too unwieldy. I know a few personally.
01:59:03    David Mackey:    @Evan I'm available for an offline chat if you'd like to hear more from the perspective of a participant in both working groups
01:59:25    Marita Moll:    Maybe the pandemic just got in the way @Roberto
02:01:37    Jonathan Zuck:    And it's a top priority for the new ALAC Chair!
02:01:44    Roberto Gaetano:    fine - whatever the form, let's go
02:03:53    Bill Jouris:    Leo, what it sounds like you are saying is that, at minimum, we need an Opt Out option
02:07:21    Leo Jweda:    Opt out would be ideal, but I'd be happy with giving the ALSs the freedom to redistribute the information (or a summary of it) in their own way. Even better, if they could forward the emails only to the members they know are interested.
02:08:38    Roberto Gaetano:    thx greg
02:08:51    Marita Moll:    @Leo -- I am assuming that is exactly the case. Some decisions about whether a particular mailing is appropriate will be made at the level of the representative
02:09:28    Marita Moll:    @Alan -- I am so glad that rule has changed -- very much for the better
02:10:16    David Mackey:    “Mobilization" is a really bad title for both working groups
02:11:07    Evan Leibovitch:    If ALSs didn' t exist, the problem Alan desiribes wouldn't happen ;-)
02:11:10    Bill Jouris:    WHY wouldn't we want another warm body as an individual member, regardless of whether he is part of an ALS??  It's not like there is a shortage of work to be done.
02:11:34    Alan Greenberg:    @Bill - History.  No longer the case.
02:11:35    Marita Moll:    We are a small community and prohibiting us from being part of another group which has ICANN among its interests is not a good rule
02:11:50    Bill Jouris:    @Alan, thanks
02:12:24    Roberto Gaetano:    @Bill the UIM-WP recommendations address this case
02:12:49    David Mackey:    @Evan In theory, maybe true. In terms of a practical reality, that idea goes beyond the scope and capability of the working groups. I'd like to hear more about the Review that triggered the two working groups
02:13:20    Alan Greenberg:    @Leo, a problem is that most ALSes have been happy to have NO communications regarding ICANN with their members. And that as a rule invalidates the purpose of and need for ALSes.
02:14:20    Roberto Gaetano:    I recommend everybody reads the UIM-WP recommendations - they are available here: https://community.icann.org/download/attachments/136120259/Unaffiliated%20Individuals%20Mobilization%20Working%20Party%20Report%20FINAL.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1616168044000&api=v2
02:14:35    Evan Leibovitch:    It's my understanding that the WG was a response to the review that suggested eliminating the ALS layer, to demonstrate the circumstances under which it could be made to work.
02:14:47    Leo Jweda:    @Roberto The link is broken.
02:15:02    David Mackey:    By the way, the term “At-Large Structures” are in the ICANN At-Large bylaws. “Individual members" are not mentioned in the bylaws.
02:15:20    Bill Jouris:    Leo, I think it's a download
02:15:44    Roberto Gaetano:    @Leo I hope that staff can provide a better link, what I have depends on the configuration of my computer
02:16:06    Roberto Gaetano:    and I am not even at my home computer
02:16:21    Evan Leibovitch:    Having seen those circumstances, I have been convinced that they won't improve anything. This report has made the Review's case for it.
02:16:32    David Mackey:    +1 Alan ... Thank you Alan and Roberto for your leadership in this area

02:47:50    Glenn McKnight:    Pictures  of event
02:47:52    Glenn McKnight:    https://www.flickr.com/photos/glennmcknight/sets/72177720303021889
02:48:00    Glenn McKnight:    Courtesy of David Cameron
02:48:19    Glenn McKnight:    All pictures are Share a like licence
02:48:41    Glenn McKnight:    Surveys please complete and results to be added to Final report
02:51:08    Glenn McKnight:    All very short surveys
02:51:09    Glenn McKnight:    Post Survey:  https://forms.gle/UYEP6wHCnGsY3qCg9
02:51:23    Glenn McKnight:    Participant Needs Assessment: https://forms.gle/vGcZAhzPRJi1qTwS6
02:51:34    Glenn McKnight:    Full GA evaluation: https://forms.gle/zy2XHxdbxLDPyXLc7
02:57:43    Glenn McKnight:    Please put your hand up if you have comment
02:58:47    Glenn McKnight:    As stated we have a challenge in reaching beyond ourselves to help the great masses to understand they impacted.
02:59:31    Glenn McKnight:    Alan is next then Greg
03:05:02    Marita Moll:    We should not take the attacks too seriously. Our positions are often better documented than the positions presented by other stakeholders
03:06:35    Jonathan Zuck:    +1 Marita. Questioning our authenticity is LAZY. Address the argument.
03:06:57    Alan Greenberg:    We do have a long history of supporting INDIVIDUAL registrants when their needs do not conflict with the rest of the billions.
03:08:12    Evan Leibovitch:    I agree with the opinion that registrant and end-user interests are broadly aligned EXCEPT on the issue of registrant privacy versus accountability
03:08:20    Jonathan Zuck:    more importantly "self selection"
03:09:46    Marita Moll:    @Greg -- that kind of activity can be overwhelmed by opposing groups
03:11:44    Alan Greenberg:    Personal information in WHOIS has effectively disappreared for several years now.
03:11:54    Alan Greenberg:    It is no longer an issue.
03:13:21    Leo Jweda:    @Alan That's because registrants pay for WHOIS privacy through registrars. What I'm advocating for is that it shouldn't cost registrants money to preserve their privacy.
03:13:57    Leo Jweda:    Again, this impacts individuals more than companies.
03:14:48    Evan Leibovitch:    regstrants have an interest in registrant privacy
end-users have an interest in registrant accountability
03:15:04    Alan Greenberg:    @Leo, no, with the EU GDPR, personal information is no longer shown in virtually all gTLDs. It is shown in a few ccTLDs only when it is their government policy to display such information.
03:15:52    Alan Greenberg:    Some registrars no longer even offer privacy because in most cases, their is no need for it.
03:16:59    Leo Jweda:    Thanks for the information, Alan. I'll look into this further.
03:23:00    Marita Moll:    Where is the research and who are the researchers who could do some research
03:23:24    Glenn McKnight:    Thanks  Evan, interesting ideas
03:23:39    Jonathan Zuck:    like the "impact assessments" the  FTC does
03:23:39    Glenn McKnight:    We need to keep an open mind on approaches
03:23:51    Evan Leibovitch:    @ Marita: we need to research where rhe research is :-)
03:24:27    Bill Jouris:    @Glenn, and recognize that multiple approaches may not only be valid but imperative
03:25:17    David Mackey:    +1 Bill
03:25:20    Glenn McKnight:    @Bill its a matter of time and energy to implement the approaches. we at the mercy of the ICANN purse
03:27:35    Bill Jouris:    @Glenn, what else is the outreach budget for?  ;-)
03:31:45    Glenn McKnight:    @bill we need to formulate proposals to the ABR  as Jon did last year on his survey.  food for thought
03:32:04    Leon Sanchez:    https://www.icann.org/en/blogs/details/icann-debuts-enhanced-board-of-directors-section-on-the-information-transparency-platform-19-10-2022-en
03:33:34    Evan Leibovitch:    would, say, a purchase from Ipsos be a legitimate NARALO budget request if was for highly relevant (to us) surveys that they did?
For all we know ICANN corporate may have access to this kind of thing.
03:35:04    Judith Hellerstein:    @evan, likely not as it is not an approved technology for icann.
03:35:41    Judith Hellerstein:    Technology needs to be vetted by icann IT and this will not be approved. However, If we want a different survey that is a different story
03:36:30    Evan Leibovitch:    buying research needs to be an 'approved technology'? I don't understand that.
In any case, if the desire and justification exists, it never hurts to ask.
03:38:12    Leo Jweda:    @Alan I checked two registars I use (Cloudflare and Siteground). Cloudflare uses RDAP and says that WHOIS privacy is not needed. Siteground, on the other hand, doesn't mention RDAP and still offers WHOIS privacy. They say "The domain privacy service hides your personal details from third-parties, who may be authorized to access the full Whois information.". Now I know why they use such langauge. Perhaps we can have stricter rules for registrars? (for example, if they still sell WHOIS privacy, they have to inform the registrant about RDAP). Had I not come here and learned about the changes after GDPR, I wouldn't have known WHOIS privacy is no longer needed just by reading Siteground's website.
03:42:28    Alan Greenberg:    Our Board and/or ICANN Org has never made a mistake
03:44:09    Marita Moll:    JZ being provocative
03:45:04    Glenn McKnight:    he is cranky:) that what pneumonia does to you
03:47:40    Glenn McKnight:    Please complete the surveys since the data -metrics will be added to the Final Report.
03:47:58    Marita Moll:    Being committed to "working a lot" seems to be a common requirement when engaging with ICANN at all levels @Leon
03:48:11    Leon Sanchez:    It is indeed @Marita
03:48:33    Glenn McKnight:    Please don't hesitate to contact me if you want to arrange a ZOOM or phone call to go into more detail on any suggestions for future GA's
03:50:03    Glenn McKnight:    Please note that North American School of Internet Governance is planning a two day Internet Governance event on June 10th and June 11 prior to ICANN Washington for next year in Washington DC.  Please reach out to Eduardo Diaz, Alfredo Calderon or Glenn McKnight if interested in attending, topics or being a panelist etc.
03:50:09    Glenn McKnight:    Welcome Goran
03:56:40    Michael Palage:    @Judith @ Leon - So I am very familiar with the Board communication regarding missing skill sets.  However, is there any feedback loop from the Board to the nom com, ie. a score card of how well they did.  When I served on Nom Com, the feedback from the Board was we might need to revise the bylaws which was rather interesting.  While I respect the need for privacy regarding individual candidates, there are some data points that should be made public.  The ICANN Community should not have to treat the entire Nom Com process like the  Sistine Chapel as we gather around to looking for white or black smoke.
04:01:30    Judith Hellerstein:    @michael.  Yes you are correct.  This is why we are all looking forward to the recommendations from the nomcom review. Especially the recommendation that we can learn from past mistakes
04:02:32    Judith Hellerstein:    @michael.  We are also working on enhanced communications but as you know there is reticence and so hope that the nomcom review recommendations will help on this matter
04:03:01    Glenn McKnight:    @judith  i have been other NOMCOM reviews and it doesn't seem to incorporate more streamlined process just more bureacracy
04:04:06    Leon Sanchez:    @michael there is a survey that is sent to Board members to evaluate the performance of their colleagues when they are up for reappointment. The results are shared with the interested parties. That is, NomCom or SO/AC appointing the corresponding member
04:10:14    Naela Sarras:    Here is the Grant Blog Göran referred to earlier:  https://www.icann.org/en/blogs/details/icann-org-delivers-icann-grant-program-design-and-implementation-plan-update-20-10-2022-en
04:10:36    Michael Palage:    @Leon, Thanks for the engagement. I think we still have our wires crossed.  This year the Board sent a communication to the Nom Com stating we need these qualities.  The Nom Com made 3 selected appointments this year.  After the Nom Com made their selection was their any feedback from the Board to the Nom Com?  Why is this important.  If the Board asked for Qualities A, B and C but the Nom Com delivered Qualities X, Y and Z. Then there is a disconnect.  Now there are two reasons for this disconnect. One the Nom Com ignored the Board advice, or the recruitment firm was not able to find the right candidates.  Without this feedback loop there is no accountability.
04:11:20    Naela Sarras:    And the OECD report link:
04:11:21    Naela Sarras:    https://www.oecd.org/sti/security-of-the-domain-name-system-dns-285d7875-en.htm
04:11:50    Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org:    Here is the most recent CEO report (14 Mar - 5 Aug): https://www.icann.org/uploads/board_report/attachment/107/ceo-report-to-board-01sep22-en.pdf
04:12:15    Glenn McKnight:    Thanks  added to doc
04:14:13    Leon Sanchez:    Thanks @Michael I think I am getting a better understanding of your point. Now if I understand well, it seems premature for the Board to provide feedback on the recently appointed members as they have just been seated less than a month ago. But in the other hand if we provided feedback on whether the NomCom properly fulfilled the requirements requested by the Board with their selection, then maybe providing that feedback before the next selection cycle would seem appropriate? Is that what you have in mind? Or am I misunderstanding your concern?
04:15:52    Glenn McKnight:    Please add your question , our last session will be truncated. Its important to bring your burning issues right to Goran.
04:16:25    Judith Hellerstein:    @michael and @leon another problem is and I have asked the Board the qualify this.  On the list they send us of the preferences and requirements they are looking for they are not prioritized so there is no way of knowing which is more important than another
04:17:28    Leon Sanchez:    Good point @Judith
04:18:19    Judith Hellerstein:    @leon, prioritization of the preference would be extremely helpful
04:19:20    Leon Sanchez:    Thanks @Judith. Will relay the message to the BGC
04:20:05    Marita Moll:    Great exchange and appreciated @Goran
04:28:55    Glenn McKnight:    Sorry folks our wrap up is going to very short  if at all.
04:29:42    Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org:    CEO report  (14 Mar - 5 Aug): https://www.icann.org/uploads/board_report/attachment/107/ceo-report-to-board-01sep22-en.pdf

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