Gisella Gruber-White:Welcom to the EURALO Monthly call 20 December 2011
Gisella Gruber-White:Please note passcode 3535 for this call
Manuel Schneider:Thanks Gisella!
Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome Manuel!
Siranush Vardanyan:Hello, everyone
Wolf Ludwig:Hello everybody - welcome!
Oksana Prykhodko:Hello, everyone!
Manuel Schneider:Hi everyone
Manuel Schneider:Adigo just tells me that I am not allowed to dial-in...!?
Wolf Ludwig:Welcome Manuel!
Gisella Gruber-White:Manuel - the code is 3535
Gisella Gruber-White:We can call you Manuel
Manuel Schneider:Giselle: I don't even get there...
Gisella Gruber-White:We can call you
Manuel Schneider:thanks
Wolf Ludwig:Srar 6 to mute - thanks!
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:*6
Siranush Vardanyan:thanks, i did it
Siranush Vardanyan:and how to unmute?
Siranush Vardanyan:if needed?
Manuel Schneider:*7
Gisella Gruber-White:*7 to unmute
Siranush Vardanyan:thanks
Heidi Ullrich:Senate and House
Wolf Ludwig:I think Sébastien is missing among today's participants?
Heidi Ullrich:Congress consists of both Senate (upper) and House(lower)
Sebastien:Yes I am in
Heidi Ullrich:Apologies - the preliminary Issue report on the RAA Amendment Workspace is already available:
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks to the hard-working At-Large staff ;)
Wolf Ludwig:I can imagine that Bill will make a point regarding Thick Whois?
Heidi Ullrich:The Workspaces for the Thick Whois is available at:
Wolf Ludwig:This is important enough ...
Lutz Donnerhacke:Hi. I'm sorry. Just arrived at home.
Gisella Gruber-White:welcome Lutz
Wolf Ludwig:Welcome Lutz!
christopher wilkinson:Agree with Annette and Wolf. CW
Lutz Donnerhacke:I'm unable to call in or out (childred are are crying all the time). Please let me add some comments to the Thick Whois.
Wolf Ludwig:Please !
Heidi Ullrich:We are waiting for your comments, Lutz.
Lutz Donnerhacke:Most of the issues can be found in the WHOIS-WG discussion last week. There are pros and cons. From the European point of view any thick whois is wrong: Data needs to stored and accessed locally to fulfill local laws.
Lutz Donnerhacke:SO the only solution is thin Whois (down the whole reseller chain) or (better) no whois at all.
Lutz Donnerhacke:So let me write it up to a discussion document. But not now.
Evan Leibovitch:hello all
christopher wilkinson:Wolf: have to leave the call now. Season's greetings to everyone. Talk again next year. CW
Evan Leibovitch:Very different views in EU compared to NA :-)
Lutz Donnerhacke:/me have to leave now ... sorry.
Heidi Ullrich:Link to Academy workspace:
Heidi Ullrich:Summary Minutes and Action Items from 7 Dec call:
Evan Leibovitch:If it is determined that the Academy is to take place at the Toronto meeting, I would be happy to help with logistics (if there is a need to identify local hotels, meeting rooms, etc)
Wolf Ludwig:Thanks Chris and Lutz -- enjoy your holidays!
Oksana Prykhodko:Sandra, please include me in your list! I missed your call by my own mistake(
Siranush Vardanyan:can someone post the direct link for voting on the statement on At-Large Geographic regions review?
Siranush Vardanyan:the one which was mentioned by Olivier
sandra hoferichtetr:Gisella can you plese include Oksana in the Mailing list?
Heidi Ullrich:Siranush, only ALAC members can vote on this statement
sandra hoferichtetr:@Evan: indeed this is key and we will be happy to have your assistance
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Sandra - I will add Oksana to the mailing list
Siranush Vardanyan:aha, ok, thanks for clarification, Heidi
Oksana Prykhodko:Sandra, Gisella, thank you very much!
Wolf Ludwig: can sb. from Staff clear the micro status -- I can't
Heidi Ullrich:All At-Large statements under development and for review are available on the Policy Development page at:
Heidi Ullrich:Microphones have been cleared, Wolf
Siranush Vardanyan:@Heidi, thanks
Heidi Ullrich:@Siranush, you're most welcome!
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:and this has a link to the Geo region statement, among a lot of things
Wolf Ludwig:Just follow up on the EuroDIG Website for further infos!
sandra hoferichtetr:Agree with Bill
sandra hoferichtetr:last time we had the EURALO GA in Belgrade but it could be something more atractive
Heidi Ullrich:ALAC submitted 35 statements so far this year!
Heidi Ullrich:With two more under votes
Heidi Ullrich:and one more being worked on.
sandra hoferichtetr:It would be good if any EURALO member could submitt this oficially via Website, that we can show there is an interest from other people than us
Heidi Ullrich:EURALO regional events wiki page:
Siranush Vardanyan:my line is disconnected
Siranush Vardanyan:i am in again, thank you
sandra hoferichtetr:ICANN Studienkreis in August
sandra hoferichtetr:23/24 August
Heidi Ullrich:Sandra, please work with Silvia to post hte details of this event on the EURALO regional Events wiki
sandra hoferichtetr:okay
Sebastien:I was drop off back now
Sebastien:But I think it is important ot think what Euralo will do for the Prague meeting (even with no additional budget)
Heidi Ullrich:Manuel, At-Large staff will be in touch with you to work with you re outreach at the event in Berlin
Evan Leibovitch:
Oksana Prykhodko:What is the date of Wikimedia event?
Heidi Ullrich:Is there a link to the Wikimedia event, Manuel?
Siranush Vardanyan:Thanks, everyone. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you. Sorry, need to leave now
Wolf Ludwig:The date of the WM Chapters meeting in March wii be communicated via the list.
Oksana Prykhodko:Thank you, Wolf
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I would suggest that this gets asked on the discussion lists
Wolf Ludwig:Yes, I agree Olivier ...
Evan Leibovitch:I am not on the EURALO list but will gladly take comments by email, skype, or on the comment section of the wiki
Sebastien:Thanks Wolf
Oksana Prykhodko:Merry Cristmas and Happy New Year!
sandra hoferichtetr 2:Thank you Wolf!
Heidi Ullrich:Happy Holidays!
sandra hoferichtetr 2:See you all in 2012
At-Large Regional Policy Engagement Program (ARPEP)
At-Large Review Implementation Plan Development