
This WG will work on the issues surrounding the particular needs of populations who face challenges to:

  1. participate in the policy development work of ICANN, and 
  2. gain access to the Internet and participate in the Internet community.

These populations include: 

  1. people with disability
  2. indigenous, aboriginal or 'first nation' populations, and
  3. other vulnerable populations (a diverse category, including groups such as refugees, trafficked and exploited people, crime victims, etc., etc.)


Accessibility Tools






Staff Support Lead: Ariel Liang

Mail list:

To Subscribe to the mail list for this WG (or read the archives / manage your subscription) please visit


The members of At-Large Ad-Hoc ICANN Accessibility WG, organized by regional affiliation, are:





Hawa Diakite


Peter Lovelock


Yudho Giri Sucahyo


APRALO - Disabled People’s Association of Singapore

Marissa Medjeral


APRALO - DPA Singapore

Alvan Yap


Shakeel Ahmed

APRALOGunela Astbrink 
APRALOCheryl Langdon-OrrChair
APRALORafid A. Fatani 
APRALOSiranush Vardanyan 
EURALOYuliya Morenets 
EURALOJordi Iparraguirre 
LACRALOLeón Felipe Sánchez Ambía 
LACRALOSylvia Herlein Leite 
NARALOGarth Bruen 
NARALOJoly MacFie 
NARALOJudith Hellerstein 


Robert Guerra 
GAC, Hungary - Global/Invited Expert

Peter Major

GAC, PortugalAna Neves 
GAC, Republic of ParaguayNicolas Caballero 
GNSO - IPCHeather Forrest 
GNSO - NomCom appointeeThomas Rickert 
ICANN - Development and Public Responsibility Programs

Christina Guirguis


Meetings and Events

Next Meeting: 25 February 2016 at 21:00 UTC

The Last call was on: 20 October 2015 at 09:45 IST - Dublin (listed as ICANN Cross-Community Committee on Accessibility)

Previous Calls:

20 October 2015 at 09:45 IST - Dublin (listed as ICANN Cross-Community Committee on Accessibility)

07 October 2015 at 21:30 UTC

16 September 2015 at 18:00 UTC

24 August 2015 at 19:00 UTC

Sunday, 21 June 2015 at 17:30 ART - Buenos Air

Wednesday 8 April 2015 at 1800 UTC

8 April 2015 at 1800 UTC

10 February 2015 - F2F Meeting in Singapore, specifically focusing on matters affecting the implementation of Rec 11

26 January 2015   - captioning focused meeting.

05 January 2015  

15 December 2014  

24 November 2014

Tuesday 14 October 2014 -  At-Large Accessibility Working Group - Los Angeles   LOS ANGELES 2014 WORK

 03 October 2014;  

8th September 2014 (joint meeting with the At-Large Technology Taskforce: AC Caption testing)

20 August 2014 - WG   




ICANN's RFP for web accessibility assessment of ICANN websites - See RFP

Internet Accessibility - ISOC 2012 paper

Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability- Reports

Digital Access at Vision Australia newsletter -January 2014 issue.

Why web accessibility makes business sense - Domain Pulse



Here is  a  ACHECKER  assessment of the  website .  Notice the  errors  for  compliance



  • No labels


  1. We should consider changing the description to "people with disability" rather than "people with physical disabilities". Otherwise some might think that we haven't included people with vision or hearing impairment if we say physical disability even though I do understand why that term was used.

    1. Yes I did wonder about that...  As you suggest we should indeed change...  

  2. I'm glad we are having a pre-Singapore  call this week so we can discuss our agenda in advance and manage expectations. 

    My one observation is how the working group has  broaden it's mandate beyond the  disabled community to broach the broader issue of accessibility to other marginalized groups.  


  3. Yes, I think that the broadness of working group will need to be an item on the agenda. Questions for discussion may be:

    How do we handle this?

    Do we have sub-teams?

    What are the points in common?

    Are they sufficient for the one group?

  4. I've added an article in Domain Pulse about web accessibility. This was written by AusRegistry in Australia and I was asked to provide ten top web accessibility tips. It's always difficult to prioritise but I tried to cover tips to meet the needs of people with vision or hearing impairment, reading difficulties and physical disability.

  5. Comment posted on behalf of Joe Catapano

    Nice to have a fresh look at these matrices after a few weeks time. I think we did some very good brainstorming here. At second glance, I thought worthwhile to add the following comments:


    • I think the “Survey, Feedback, Discussion” portion of under “Tangible/Tactics” in the SMART table is key. Having a good set of data points from the DNS industry as to what solutions they might be looking for in this area can really help inform and guide the discussions of the group and maximize outputs.
    • On the SWOT analysis, I think the “(Policy Development) in ICANN” can be a Strength as well as an Opportunity. The bringing together of multiple views is baked into the ICANN processes and having this diversity of ideas in on the ground floor can be a major positive.
    • “Stock take Domain Name Industry” seems more like an Opportunity than a Weakness in retrospect.
    I couldn’t seem to put direct comments into the table or wiki, hence my taking it to the mailing list here.