Claudia Ruiz: (2/28/2019 09:19) Welcome to the ATLAS III Leadership Development Team (LDT) Sub Group Call on Thursday, 28 February 2019 at 18:00 UTC

  Claudia Ruiz: (09:19)

  Priyatosh Jana: (09:42) hi

  Shreedeep Rayamajhi: (09:49) thank you :)

  sandra hoferichter: (09:53) Do I have to dial in by phone? Computer Audio is not offered in the Connect window.

  sandra hoferichter: (09:53) But I could hear the welcome by Claudia (I guess)

  sandra hoferichter: (09:57) Could ayonehear me?

  Filina Natalia: (09:57) Hello everyone!

  sandra hoferichter: (09:57) It only offers telephone dial in ?

  Claudia Ruiz: (09:58) @sandra- would you like a dial out?

  Lianna Galstyan: (09:58) @Sandra, to me it shows the usual way

  sandra hoferichter: (09:58) I try to co re-connect via adobe

  sergio salinas porto LACRALO: (09:59) hI ALL!

  Lianna Galstyan: (09:59) yes

  Sylvia Herlein Leite: (09:59) hello everybody

  sergio salinas porto LACRALO: (09:59) hi Sylvia!

  Alberto Soto: (10:01) Hello everyone, hola a todos!!

  Alan Greenberg: (10:04) TIjani's microphone is open.

  Claudia Ruiz: (10:07) Welcome Amir Qayyum

  Amir Qayyum: (10:08) Hi everyone. Thanks Claudia.

  Glenn McKnight: (10:10) noise

  Abdulkarim Oloyede: (10:12) Please is possible to know who the 8 in this group (small team) are

  Alan Greenberg: (10:13) "Prove" membership in an ALS is probably to strong a term. ANd for individ. membership ist is not a matter of "proving" but confirming with staff.

  Glenn McKnight: (10:16) How about  voting?

  Glenn McKnight: (10:17) Voting is anoher  tool to measure involvement

  Glenn McKnight: (10:17) annual elections

  Gabdibé GAB-HINGONNE: (10:19) Bonjour tout le monde!

  Gabdibé GAB-HINGONNE: (10:19) Hello everyone!

  Ejikeme Egbuogu: (10:24) In the situation where more than 60 meet these criteria, what now will be the new criteria for selection, will it now be on a first come basis?

  Lianna Galstyan: (10:25) All applicants would apply within the same time period and assessment will be done after closing this period.

  Claudia Ruiz: (10:27) Welcome Hadia Elminiawi

  Hadia Elminiawi: (10:27) thanks Claudia

  Claudia Ruiz: (10:29) Welcome Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong

  Ejikeme Egbuogu: (10:29) By first come i mean the first time of joining or engaging with ICANN (years of active participation)

  Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (10:30) Hello all sorry for being late and thanks@Claudia

  Lianna Galstyan: (10:30) Thank you Justine for the great presentation

  Lianna Galstyan: (10:31) The wording can be modified, Alan

  Glenn McKnight: (10:31) As to calls,  our  NARALO calls are during the day and many folks work full time

  Shreedeep Rayamajhi: (10:32) agree with alan

  sergio salinas porto LACRALO: (10:35) +1 cheryl all measurements must be made afterwards here

  Glenn McKnight: (10:38) Tijani did you say "Alot"

  Sylvia Herlein Leite: (10:40) fully agree with Tijani, we have the same situation in LACRALO

  sergio salinas porto LACRALO: (10:41) totally agree Tijani, you are also talking about LACRALO

  Lianna Galstyan: (10:41) We all recognize various challenges in various regions. And that's why we included that in various points of our work

  Ejikeme Egbuogu: (10:41) I agree with Tijani

  Abdulkarim Oloyede: (10:43) +1 to Gleen and Tijani

  Shreedeep Rayamajhi: (10:43) Glen 1+

  Sylvia Herlein Leite: (10:44) +1

  Ejikeme Egbuogu: (10:44) nicely put Glenn

  Glenn McKnight: (10:44) thanks all

  Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (10:44) Agree with Glenn and Tijani

  Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (10:45) We don't only leader but really people of community

  Alan Greenberg: (10:46) "leader" is in the context that ICANN uses it. ANyone who is a significant active contributer is a "leader".

  Shreedeep Rayamajhi: (10:46) Enagement  shoudl be the main objective of ATLAS ledearship program

  Lianna Galstyan: (10:47) good point, Alan

  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (10:48) What about if there was a minimum number of participants per region? So not exact regional balance, but a guaranteed minimum number of most meritorious people per region and then the rest going to the most meritorious globally.

  Lianna Galstyan: (10:48) That's what we put it that the balance shouldn't be reached at the stake of dropping out more quaified candidates

  Glenn McKnight: (10:48) each of the chairs and secretariats know who is active in their RALO

  Justine Chew: (10:50) @Sylvia, it's okay, not everyone could make the small team's call yesterday

  Glenn McKnight: (10:50) One of NARALO efforts is encouraging new young members to be active. Historically we lost so many of potential members to NCUC.  In the past year under the leadership of Eduardo Diaz we have increased many young membership which is critical for future leadership. 

  Maureen Hilyard: (10:50) Justine.. I don't mind your going throught the queue before me, but I would prefer that people did not persist with an issue that has been raised before, in the interest of time

  sandra hoferichter: (10:50) I like Oliviers suggestion, otherwise I agree with Alan that we need people that realy qualify. We get the regional balance with our structure of ALAC (3 per region) but this ATLAS meeting has another scope.

  sandra hoferichter: (10:51) PArticipation just because of regional balance was not a successful concept in the past. It was misused.

  Hadia Elminiawi: (10:51) I also agree to Olivier's suggestion

  Abdulkarim Oloyede: (10:51) Because I time, My question is what if you have more than 60 people who are able to meet all the minimum requirement. what happen next?

  Abdulkarim Oloyede: (10:51) because of time

  Lianna Galstyan: (10:51) Agree, Sandra. We agreed on it

  Lianna Galstyan: (10:52) at yesterday's call

  Glenn McKnight: (10:52) @Eduardo  on Capacity Buiilding  courses.  I think Alfredo needs some volunteers to make some of the quizes.  I did the quiz for the Introduction to GNSO

  Glenn McKnight: (10:52) Please reach out to Alfredo Calderon the co chair for  Capacity Buildign sub group

  Glenn McKnight: (10:53)

  A-Eduardo Diaz: (10:53) @Glenn: Not only that but if the quiz is done on a courses related to an specific SO or AC (other that at-Large) it needs to be validaded with that SO/AC before it can be used.

  Alan Greenberg: (10:53) It is not an issue of whether a region can have good people. It is a matter of whether we have sufficient qualified people who actually apply.

  Lianna Galstyan: (10:54) While we consider regional representation, we should equally consider the balanced gender representation

  Glenn McKnight: (10:55) @ed   this become a problem since it make take a long time

  Glenn McKnight: (10:55) Note  the courses are very out of date in some cases

  Justine Chew: (10:55) @Glenn, voting is part of polls, I believe

  Alberto Soto: (10:55) +1 Alan

  Amir Qayyum: (11:02) Thanks for a very nice discussion, and bye everyone.

  Hadia Elminiawi: (11:02) Thank you Maureen and all

  Lianna Galstyan: (11:02) Thanks everyone for very valuable comments and suggestions. Bye all

  sandra hoferichter: (11:02) bye all

  Alberto Soto: (11:02) Thanks, by bye!!

  Filina Natalia: (11:02) thank you, bye!!

  Sylvia Herlein Leite: (11:02) TKS ALL FOR YOUR TIME

  Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (11:02) Bye thanks Merci

  Gabdibé GAB-HINGONNE: (11:02) Bye bye all

  Abdulkarim Oloyede: (11:02) thanks

  Priyatosh Jana: (11:03) bye all

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