• Maureen Hilyard

    • Sala Tamanikaiwaimaro


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  1. Posted on behalf of Maureen Hilyard:

    Just on the capacity building issue again, and because I don't know where else to put it, two of our PICISOC Board are keen to join Yannis's APNG initiative. They are both PhD students and are enthused about there being an AP initiative to look into research in the area.

    Its probably already in the programme, but I just think that a session introducing the research that is being done by the young people in our region relating to internet development would definitely highlight its importance for developing countries.

  2. Posted on behalf of Maureen Hilyard:

    We also discussed capacity building for ALSes.


    I think it would be a great opportunity for ALS newbies to ICANN in Beijing to get the fast-tracked introduction to ICANN through the Fellowship programme. Even for Alumni, it is a great place for updates on some of the other groups I don't have much contact with because of my close attachment to ALAC, APRALO and ccTLD (at the last meeting). (smile)


    Capacity building / policy development / outreach activities / enhancing dialogue with and for ALSes.. they all sound great from our side..

  3. I am hoping that Sala or ANYONE, will chip in here...  I'm just thinking out loud to myself at the moment...

    Confirmation  please - The capacity building programme aims to provide some information building for ALSes and other newbies (1) about ICANN and (2) about how they can outreach more effectively when they return to their regions and countries (question)

    • the Fellowship programme - is it assumed that this group will attend at least one hour a day of a specially prepared section of the Fellowship programme from the heads of the various sections, to cater for the newbie group (question) including the Youth Forum participants (question)

    • the Capacity Building programme - could include about 2-3 sessions - based on key ICANN sections and responsibilities (question)  The sessions could be organised IGF-style (question) where (multi-stakeholder model)panellists give brief introductions about what they do and how it fits into ICANN, and how they can assist ALSes in their regions to address any ICANN-issues (question) the group can then ask questions or start discussions, etc (question)  Moderators/translators required...
    • It would be good if they could have a short session with the Board (ICANN governance) (question) and another session with Fadi and other ICANN leaders  (question) so that they can get engaged with his vision of how ALSes can contribute to a better understanding of ICANN related issues and activities within their regions and countries.
    • Youth Forum - I haven't had a chance to think about this one as yet but have put out my feelers amongst our young users, to find out what they would like included. I am awaiting feedback.(question) This is for an up to 35 year age group (question) Should their programme  be organised for the same time as the Capacity Building programme  (question) Suggestions please...


    I am assuming that the rest of the time, the ALS participants will be able to attend sessions of their own interest outside of this programme...

    In order for this to be effective, I need to be able to talk to the ALSes that are coming so that I can find out pretty soon what they want to know about ICANN and what their capacity building needs might be..

    As Jack pointed out if any brochures or information sheets are required to be translated, then they will have to be prepared well in advance, so that early consultation is important

    I know that Pavan has sent out invitations, but I would like to know if there is a cut-off date when we know for sure how many are actually coming, so we can start talking to them and organising a programme that is actually going to be relevant to them as newbies to an ICANN event and learning more about the organisation.

  4. An update recently received from Janice Douma Lange regarding the programme for APRALO ALSes.


    Sunday: Newcomers Programme
    AM Session: Presentation 1: Welcome and Introduction to Multi-Stakeholder Model / 9-930 Presentation 2: Global Stakeholder Engagement: Gov’t, Non-Govt’ and role of Regional VPs / 930 - 1015 Multi-Stakeholder Model Session / 1015-1200* Break out sessions to learn more about each community group / 1200-1230
    PM Session: Presentation 3: SO AC Engagement re: Policy Development 101 / 1330 - 1415 Presentation 4: DNS Operations 101 – IANA / 1415-1500 Presentation 5: Security Stability and Resiliency 101 / 1500-1530 Presentation 6: New gTLD and other cool stuff in the DNS today/ 1530-1615
    Closing Presentation: Engagement Tools (Remote Participation, MyICANN and Confluence Wiki) 1615-1700

    Monday: Fellowship  morning meeting
    gNSO - Business Constituency:representatives to present including:Chris Chaplow, ViceChair; Gabriela Szlak, BC Member; Elisa Cooper, BC Chair; Marilyn Cade, CSG Representative

    Tuesday: Fellowship morning meeting
    GAC stays at 730, followed by the members of the Fellowship Selection committee: Gaurab Raj Upadhaya (Director, International Networking at Limelight Networks and Exec. Council Member in APNIC), Mouhamet Diop (former Board member from Senegal, involved in emerging RIR for Africa and in AfriNIC, CEO of NEXT SA ), Tatiana Chirev (fellow alumni from Moldova and head of Moldova's .md ccTLD at SE MoldData), Alejandro Pisanty (former Board member from Mexico, trustee and head of ISOC Mexico, COFETEL),  Fahd Batayneh (fellow alumni from Jordan, ICANN Internet Consultant and Board Member at Asia Pacific Top-Level Domain)

    Wednesday: Fellowship morning meeting
    Stays the same

    Thursday: Fellowship morning meeting
    730 to 8 are Board Members Sebastien Bachollet and George Sadowsky; 8-830 Lesley Cowley chair ccNSO and 830-9 are ICANN executives Fadi Chehade, Akram Atallah along with Sr Advisors Tarek Kamel and Sally Costerton