Yesim Nazlar: (1/31/2019 07:21) Welcome to the ICANN64 APRALO Activities Palnning Call taking place on Thursday, 31 January 2019 at 05:00 UTC.
  Yesim Nazlar: (07:21) Agenda:
  Heidi Ullrich: (07:55) Greetings, All! 
  Lianna Galstyan: (07:56) Hi all
  Yesim Nazlar: (07:56) Hi Lianna - Can you hear us?
  Lianna Galstyan: (07:56) no I can’t hear you 
  Lianna Galstyan: (07:57) will try to reconnect 
  Yesim Nazlar: (07:57) ok
  Yesim Nazlar: (07:57) and if you can please share your phone number we can dial-out to you - just private messaged you as well on AC chat 
  save vocea: (08:00) hi all
  save vocea: (08:01) my laptop mic's connected 
  Silvia Vivanco: (08:01) Hello all
  Jia-Rong Low: (08:01) hi all! 
  Silvia Vivanco: (08:01) welcome 
  Ali AlMeshal 2: (08:02) Hi JIa and Save nice to have you on the call
  Satish Babu: (08:02) Hi all!
  Jia-Rong Low: (08:02) Just to update - Joyce can't attend as she is admitted to hospital with gallbladder infection. Doctor's trying to find out why 
  Jia-Rong Low: (08:02) She sends her apologies 
  save vocea: (08:03) Thx Ali...u WC
  Kenn: (08:03) Yep, hearing you good!
  Silvia Vivanco: (08:03) thank you for letting us know, sorry to hear Joyce is ill, hope she gets better soon
  Maureen Hilyard: (08:03) @Jia Rong.. I hope Joyce recovers well..
  Heidi Ullrich: (08:04) Very sorry to hear about Joyce. Hope all is well. 
  Satish Babu: (08:04) Pls pass on our regards to Joyce!
  Jia-Rong Low: (08:04) Will do
  Gisella Gruber: (08:04) @Jia-Rong - please send Joyce our best wishes for a speedy reocvery =. Sorry to hear this!
  Gisella Gruber: (08:11) 15h30 on Sunday works for At-Large
  Kenn: (08:12) Yeap!
  Kenn: (08:12) yes, can hear you
  Gisella Gruber: (08:17) I have requested a meeting room for 12 people (not yet on iScheduler) - private meeting, not posted on main schedule and NO recording of the session.
  Silvia Vivanco: (08:17) Thank you for the logisics G, I think it is good 
  Jia-Rong Low: (08:19) @Ali - it's fine and thanks!
  Maureen Hilyard: (08:25) Tomohiro is often at the IGF events and he was an ISOC JP leader before
  Ali AlMeshal 2: (08:28) thanks Satish
  save vocea: (08:29) good points and observations satish
  Lianna Galstyan: (08:30) this will be great
  Heidi Ullrich: (08:31) Time check - 30 mins to go. 
  Maureen Hilyard: (08:32) I think that Hong Kong's NetMission includes Japanese students..
  Ali AlMeshal 2: (08:33) Thanks for update Jia
  Ali AlMeshal 2: (08:37) What time is suggested for the APAC social ? 
  Gisella Gruber: (08:37) Tuesday 12 March 18:30-19:30
  Maureen Hilyard: (08:37) I like the idea of no or very short speeches at these events :)
  Maureen Hilyard: (08:39) The networking opportunity would fit in well for APRALO to enable the leadership team to meet more I* partners and organisations within the AP region
  Maureen Hilyard: (08:41) Also APNIC might contribute to the APRALO event.. we can ask Dot Asia.. 
  Heidi Ullrich: (08:42) Traditionally, dot Asia and APNIC have sponsored the event. 
  Lianna Galstyan: (08:42) When is it scheduled?
  Ali AlMeshal 2: (08:42) ISC Asking for estimated budget so they can get back to us 
  Gisella Gruber: (08:43) Monday 13h30-15h00
  Kenn: (08:43) yep, thanks Gisella!
  Lianna Galstyan: (08:43) thanks 
  Kenn: (08:45) for reference, it is about $41.60 per pax :)
  Maureen Hilyard: (08:45) The Monday meeting is the APAC=APRALO meeting with ISOC-JP, but I was meaning the traditional APAC SPACE meeting is the just before the social on Tuesday?
  Ali AlMeshal 2: (08:46) what about ISC , do we need to get anything from them ?
  Jia-Rong Low: (08:46) Basically we need $1300. If we get more sponsors they just need to split this amount 3 ways 
  Jia-Rong Low: (08:47) @Maureen - APAC Space is Monday 1.30pm
  Jia-Rong Low: (08:47) That's the traditional meeting for all APAC community members
  Jia-Rong Low: (08:47) ISOC-JP meeting is Sunday 3.30pm 
  Lianna Galstyan: (08:49) good to mention APRALO 
  Heidi Ullrich: (08:49) APAC/APRALO Social? 
  Lianna Galstyan: (08:49) agree with Heidi’s proposal 
  Jia-Rong Low: (08:49) Ok let's go for it! APAC & APRALO Social?
  Heidi Ullrich: (08:49) but At-Large is invited ;)
  Jia-Rong Low: (08:50) Will make sure that sponsors etc. are also mentioned in the description. 
  Heidi Ullrich: (08:51) +1 Jia-Rong! 
  Heidi Ullrich: (08:51) We can work with you to include the APRALO logo, Muareen's photos, etc. 
  Jia-Rong Low: (08:51) @Heidi - need to work out 'logistics' details. Kenn to work with your team on how to pay for the catering since the funds will come from different sources
  Heidi Ullrich: (08:52) Kenn can work with Gisella and Meeting staff. 
  Jia-Rong Low: (08:52) cool
  Kenn: (08:52) okay, i will
  save vocea: (08:52) good points maureen
  Jia-Rong Low: (08:53) Great! 
  Heidi Ullrich: (08:53) @Maureen, could you work with Pavan re dot Asia? 
  Heidi Ullrich: (08:53) Not sure who will reach out to APNIC? 
  Maureen Hilyard: (08:53) @Heidi - yes sure. I will make contact with him and find out where we are at
  Maureen Hilyard: (08:54) Lianna is touching base with APNIC for the Regional Partners session with the GSE.. Lianna could you carry on that conversation with Paul?
  Jia-Rong Low: (08:55) +1 - i'm a little confused as to the new structure so better to take guidance from Heidi working with meetings team.
  Maureen Hilyard: (08:55) That would be great if you could do that... and putting it close to ICANN would help to allow locals to recognise that we ARE part of ICANN
  Maureen Hilyard: (08:56)  Ican talk to Paul if you like..
  Maureen Hilyard: (08:57) About the funding for the social, no problem
  Lianna Galstyan: (08:57) thanks:)
  save vocea: (08:58) Agree
  Maureen Hilyard: (08:58) Agree
  Jia-Rong Low: (08:58) Sure. Thank you. Again will trouble Save to help keep the momentum going
  Heidi Ullrich: (08:58) Thanks so much! Great collaboration! 
  Kenn: (08:58) thank you everyone!
  Silvia Vivanco: (08:59) Thank you all!
  Gisella Gruber: (08:59) Thank you all! Looking forward to seeing you in Kobe

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