Date: Wednesday, 03 August 2022                           

Time: 06:00-07:00 UTC  (For the time in various time zones click here

Zoom Room: / Passcode: APRL-HTS01

*** Please note this call will be held on Zoom ONLY.***


EN: Justine Chew, Maureen Hilyard, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Satish Babu, Amrita Choudhury, Priyatosh Jana

Apologies: Mohan Raidu

Staff: Gisella Gruber, Yeşim Sağlam

Call Management: Yeşim Sağlam

Action Items:  EN

Zoom Recording: EN

Zoom Chat: EN


1. Roll Call - Staff (2 mins)

2. Project Status Update - Justine Chew (2 mins)

3. Discussion on Survey Design, Language etc - All (45 mins)

4. Discussion on Timelines - All (10 mins)

  • When to launch, close survey
  • Result analysis and reporting

5. AOB (1 min)

  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. HTS Small Team members present at the call, reviewed during the call, progress of the draft survey, including its design and content, and were comfortable with the status of it.  They also agreed as follows:

    • To undertake final review of the draft survey in order for Justine to finalize it for launch on 10 Aug
    • Amrita will help with the messaging to go out with the survey to the APAC-Discuss list on 10 Aug, including socmed versions for Shah to broadcast
    • Promotion of survey to be done in coordination with outreach efforts regarding networking event at ICANN75
    • Survey to run for one month (i.e. close on 9 Sep)
    • Allow at least one week for survey results to be tabulated and the outcomes to be reported on at the APRALO Monthly Meeting during ICANN75