10:56:52          From Claudia Ruiz : Welcome to the AFRALO Monthly Teleconference call on Thursday, 02 May 2019 at 18:30 UTC

10:57:08          From Claudia Ruiz : https://community.icann.org/x/aIOGBg

10:59:02          From haroun mahamat cherif : thank you

11:15:13          From haroun mahamat cherif : ok we are here waiting , tx u

11:19:05          From Ejikeme Egbuogu : hello everyone

11:21:56          From Raymond Mamattah : Hi, Raymond here. I suggest the host puts everyone's mic off, before we hear any unexpected sound. lol

11:22:55          From Claudia Ruiz : Hi Raymond, they are joining the Bridge, I cannot mute them myself. The operator has to do that. Thank you

11:24:31          From Sarah Kiden : Hi all, bonjour!

11:25:06          From Raymond Mamattah : Noted, Claudia

11:27:17          From Michel TCHONANG : Bonjour tous

11:27:39          From davekissoondoyal : Hello everyone

11:27:52          From davekissoondoyal : Bonjour a tous

11:28:25          From Raymond Mamattah : Hi Dave. You cool?

11:33:38          From Seun Ojedeji : kindly confirm the agenda URL, I am using this: https://community.icann.org/x/aIOGBg

11:34:12          From Sarah Kiden : That’s correct, @Seun!

11:34:17          From davekissoondoyal : Hello @Raymond. Yep.. Hope you are doing great

11:34:41          From yaovi.atohoun : Hello Everyone

11:35:17          From Michel TCHONANG : Hello Yaovi

11:35:37          From silvia.vivanco : Hello all

11:36:05          From Seun Ojedeji : @Sarah I used that but I don't see any content on it..... using my mobile

11:37:16          From davekissoondoyal : I have a conflict on my agenda as the NomCom Review Implementation Working Group call is at 19:00 hrs UTC.. Hope we end this meeting to the hour so that I do not miss a lot on my next call

11:37:17          From Sarah Kiden : On mobile you first have to render the page if it gives you the option

11:37:55          From Maureen Hilyard : Apologies for lateness..

11:38:12          From Christiane Anaky : Hello everyone

11:38:19          From Bukola Oronti : Hello everyone

11:38:37          From Maureen Hilyard : Hi everyone :)

11:38:37          From Christiane Anaky :  i have a problem with the audio

11:38:45          From Christiane Anaky : cant hear anything

11:38:48          From Bukola Oronti : I will suggest that the host use admin priviledge to mute all mic

11:39:54          From davekissoondoyal : Isabelle, Bakary and Adam not muted

11:40:05          From Sarah Kiden : There is also an option to mute on joining the call

11:40:11          From Nomsa Muswai : Noise from Adam

11:40:21          From Mohamed : Sorry for the delay, I had issues connecting

11:40:36          From Adam Ahmat Doungous : Sorry

11:40:39          From Sarah Kiden : Now Michel

11:40:42          From Adam Ahmat Doungous : Hello all

11:40:59          From Mohamed : Wow

11:41:15          From Sarah Kiden : What is happening?

11:41:17          From Michel TCHONANG : Thank Sarah

11:41:22          From davekissoondoyal : if you see the list of participants on Zoom you will see so many people not muted with their mics active

11:41:25          From Nomsa Muswai : Oh dear ..

11:41:30          From davekissoondoyal : moving up and down

11:41:57          From davekissoondoyal : Please mute Bakary on zoom

11:42:04          From Sarah Kiden : Phew!

11:42:20          From FSylla : this is really incredible

11:42:34          From Bakary kouyate ISOC MALI : il ya trop d'interference

11:42:34          From Maureen Hilyard : Yes we can hear you Mohamed

11:42:44          From davekissoondoyal : Raymond is unmuted

11:42:59          From Sarah Kiden : Haroun, Abdeljalil, etc

11:43:03          From davekissoondoyal : This time is Omar

11:43:09          From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : Hello ALL/ Bonsoir à tous

11:43:23          From Michel TCHONANG : Bonsoir mon cher Bachar

11:43:25          From Sarah Kiden : @Abdeljalil, please mute microphone

11:43:30          From davekissoondoyal : Song on Adam

11:43:46          From Seun Ojedeji : okay feedback to staff: agenda page does not display content when on mobile unless one switches to classic view.

11:44:03          From Sarah Kiden : @Seun, for mobile, you have to render the page first

11:46:03          From davekissoondoyal : Please mute Francis from Burundi

11:46:08          From Sarah Kiden : @Francis

11:46:17          From Hadia : Hello all

11:46:39          From Hadia : I lost the audio

11:46:47          From Hadia : got it back

11:46:53          From silvia.vivanco : Hello all welcome

11:47:02          From Hadia : Hello Fatimata

11:47:21          From Hadia : Yes

11:47:30          From davekissoondoyal : yes glad to hear you Fatimata

11:47:47          From Francis (Burundi) : @sarah: is my audio muted now???

sorry for inconvenience

11:48:12          From Mohamed : My apology as I might have to leave before the end of the call, I delegate Fatimata to lead the call as Vice chair, I will be in the call

11:48:21          From silvia.vivanco : https://community.icann.org/display/AFRALO/Action+Items%3A+2019-04-10+AFRALO+Monthly+Teleconference

11:48:57          From Maureen Hilyard : Can you zoom in on the page so that we can read the print?

11:51:44          From silvia.vivanco : AFRALO-AFRICANN wiki page with all the statements :

11:51:48          From silvia.vivanco : https://community.icann.org/display/AFRALO/Joint+AFRALO-AfrICANN+Statements+Workspace

11:52:06          From davekissoondoyal : Beep sound

11:52:12          From FSylla : what is this bip bip again?

11:52:44          From silvia.vivanco : Would this be a special teleconference? Or as one item for the Agenda

11:54:14          From Seun Ojedeji : @Sarah sure, that is if the rendering option was there to click ;-)

11:54:15          From davekissoondoyal : yes

11:55:39          From silvia.vivanco : Please be so kind to indicate if this would be an Ad-hoc single issue call and we will be happy to organize it

11:55:56          From Sarah Kiden : @Silvia, we shall confirm the details

11:56:12          From Sarah Kiden : Mohamed is on the call

11:57:45          From silvia.vivanco : @ Sarah, okay please let us know and I will take the AI

11:59:17          From Gabdibé Gab-Hingonné : Mon appel a été coupé !

11:59:52          From Gabdibé Gab-Hingonné : Prière me rappeler s'il vous plaît.  Merci

12:00:21          From Gabdibé Gab-Hingonné : @Claudia, call me back

12:00:41          From gisella.gruber : @Gabdibe - tout de suite!

12:00:52          From Gabdibé Gab-Hingonné : Merci

12:03:54          From Claudia Ruiz : @Gabdibe , we are dialing out to you

12:04:04          From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : FYI An Open Letter to the .ORG Community https://pir.org/an-open-letter-to-the-org-community/

12:05:10          From Heidi Ullrich : @All, please note that the ATLAS III prep webinars are ONLY required if you cannot completer the ICANN Learn courses in EN.

12:05:42          From Heidi Ullrich : The ATLAS III prep webinars are on the same topics as the ICANN Learn courses and are interpreted into ES/FR.

12:06:38          From Tijani BEN JEMAA : No

12:06:43          From Tijani BEN JEMAA : NO

12:06:50          From Tijani BEN JEMAA : nothing to add

12:06:58          From davekissoondoyal : Perhaps someone can update on the deadlines for applying to ATLAS III

12:07:02          From Sarah Kiden : :-) :-)

12:07:15          From Sarah Kiden : @Dave, there is an agenda item on that

12:07:26          From Michel TCHONANG : That is important Dave

12:07:39          From davekissoondoyal : OK Thanks @Sarah

12:08:21          From Heidi Ullrich : @Dave, all info for ATLAS III is available at: https://community.icann.org/display/ATLAS3/At-Large+Summit+III+Home

12:08:30          From Heidi Ullrich : Deadline is 31 May

12:08:46          From davekissoondoyal : @Heidi Thanks

12:09:35          From Michel TCHONANG : Thank Heidi

12:09:48          From Sarah Kiden : Yes, Aziz was on the call

12:10:01          From silvia.vivanco : ICANN 65 Marrakesh events: https://community.icann.org/display/AFRALO/AFRALO+ICANN+65+Marrakesh+Events

12:10:02          From Tijani BEN JEMAA : how to raise my hand?

12:10:24          From silvia.vivanco : Where you can see the progress of the organization of the various events

12:10:26          From Sarah Kiden : @Tijani, just below the participant list. Blue hand icon

12:11:12          From Hadia : @Tijani great

12:12:34          From davekissoondoyal : yes

12:12:42          From Beran Gillen  : I would like to give an ALS update

12:12:50          From Beran Gillen  : on behalf of ISOC

12:12:50          From Hadia : yes aziz

12:12:50          From Gabdibé Gab-Hingonné : Mon ALS vient d'organiser en collaboration avec le Ministère des TIC la journée internationale des jeunes filles dans le secteur des TIC à N'DJAMENA au Tchad.

12:13:55          From Sarah Kiden : Merci Gabdibé

12:15:32          From Sarah Kiden : @Gabdibé, quelle ALS?

12:16:40          From Maureen Hilyard : Great Prep work happening prior to the ICANN meeting Aziz..

12:16:48          From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : @Sarah son ALS : Action pour l'Éducation et la Promotion de la Femme au Tchad (AEPF-Tchad)

12:17:28          From Sarah Kiden : Merci Abdeljalil

12:17:48          From Gabdibé Gab-Hingonné : Merci @Bachar

12:17:50          From Alagie Ceesay : thanks for sharing that Beran

12:18:06          From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : avec plaisir @Sarah @Gabdibé

12:18:42          From Beran Gillen  : (thumbs up)

12:19:07          From Tijani BEN JEMAA : Sarah, please give a deadline for the call for topics

12:19:39          From Sarah Kiden : @Tijani, the deadline is 17 May. We shall send out the email today after the call

12:19:58          From silvia.vivanco : thank you Sarah and Tijani

12:20:19          From Alagie Ceesay : we (ISOC Gambia ALS) also hosted Initial registry operators' course (IROC) training on ccTLD  operations in partnership with AfTLD and NIC .sn Registry of Senegal. we'll share the reports soon accordingly

12:20:51          From Tijani BEN JEMAA : you have to make backward count to see if we will have enough time

12:20:54          From Katambi Joan : can u send us the email address for the ministry

12:20:55          From Sarah Kiden : Thank you, Alagie!

12:21:01          From León : Hello everyone. My apologies for lateness

12:21:06          From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : https://meetings.icann.org/en/marrakech65

12:21:31          From Aziz Hilali : thanks Abdeljalil

12:21:34          From Tijani BEN JEMAA : 5 days to select among the proposed topics

12:22:17          From Tijani BEN JEMAA : 2 weeks to form the drafting team and draft

12:22:28          From Tijani BEN JEMAA : ok, I will unmute

12:22:29          From Sarah Kiden : Noted @Tijani

12:22:45          From Gabdibé Gab-Hingonné : C'est un événement qui a eu lieu le 25 avril 2019. C'est Girls in ICT Day.

12:23:12          From davekissoondoyal : this is for the AFRICANN Meeting topic statement

12:23:17          From silvia.vivanco : Tijani’s remark in the chat refers to AFRALO-AFRICANN statement not to ATLASIII

12:23:38          From silvia.vivanco : Noted Tijani :)

12:24:16          From silvia.vivanco : ATLAS III : https://community.icann.org/display/ATLAS3/ATLAS+III+Application+Guidelines

12:25:49          From Hadia : deadline for application 31 May

12:26:02          From Maureen Hilyard : I support Tijani's request for AFRALO applicants to attend the webinars or carry out the ICANN Learn courses and to complete the application form before May 31

12:26:05          From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : ICANN LEARN : https://learn.icann.org/courses

12:26:11          From Hadia : Do not wait for the last day

12:26:53          From Maureen Hilyard : As Tijani said, please read through the pdf in French or English to understand what is required of the applications.

12:27:19          From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : at ICANN LEARN we have some QUIZ at the end of any course :-)

12:27:53          From Maureen Hilyard : Fatimata has already been selected by Mohamed for the AFRALO Selection candidate

12:28:18          From Sarah Kiden : Yes, Fatimata as well!

12:28:40          From Michel TCHONANG : Oui merci Tijani

12:29:26          From Michel TCHONANG : Il faut avouer que les conditionnalités pour être NomCom pour ATLAS III est aussi compliqué

12:29:58          From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : Cliquez ici pour accéder au formulaire de candidature à ATLAS III en Français en pdf : https://community.icann.org/download/attachments/108331122/ATLAS%20III%20EOI%20Form%20VERSION%206%20-%20FR.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1555531579000&api=v2

12:30:00          From Hadia : AFRALO we should be able to get more than 10 seats - attending and understanding the webinars is not difficult   

12:30:12          From Michel TCHONANG : Le seule critère d'exiger qu'on puisse être un ancien du NOMCOM m'a semblé discriminatoire

12:30:28          From Michel TCHONANG : Mais bon

12:31:32          From Michel TCHONANG : En effet, il va falloir qu'un travail serieux sur la diversité culturelle anime la communauté en vue d'une perspective plus juste et inclusive

12:31:46          From davekissoondoyal : I mentioned on my email that I can step in should there be no other volunteer for the ATALS III selection committee

12:31:48          From Sarah Kiden : Pastor Peters as well

12:32:08          From Claudia Ruiz : Yes, Pastor Peters is next, thank you

12:32:14          From Sarah Kiden : @Dave, your email was noted. We shall discuss further after the call

12:33:12          From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : they need how many people for AFRALO TO ATLASIII selection panel ?

12:33:15          From Sarah Kiden : I’m trying to raise my hand

12:33:59          From Abdulkarim Oloyede : Seun is not eligible based on the rules

12:34:14          From davekissoondoyal : I mentioned earlier on the chat: “I have a conflict on my agenda as the NomCom Review Implementation Working Group call is at 19:00 hrs UTC.. Hope we end this meeting to the hour so that I do not miss a lot on my next call”..

12:34:35          From Tijani BEN JEMAA : I didn’t oppose

12:35:02          From davekissoondoyal : Sorry i need to join the other meeting now.. I will catch up from the wiki as from now

12:35:12          From davekissoondoyal : Bye to all

12:35:27          From Sarah Kiden : Thank you Dave!

12:35:44          From Jules isoc Rwanda : Thank you ! bye

12:38:14          From Tijani BEN JEMAA : I raise my hand

12:39:12          From Sarah Kiden : @Staff, please dial out to Ramanou on 0033 6 05 50 76 83  on the French channel

12:39:49          From Claudia Ruiz : thank you Sarah

12:43:18          From Sarah Kiden : @Tijani and Pastor Peters after

12:44:07          From Abdulkarim Oloyede : Tijani Can you please clearify who said Nomcom should be a requirement cos it seams  things are now changing. 

12:44:45          From Tijani BEN JEMAA : give me the floor and I can tell u

12:45:59          From Michel TCHONANG : MErci de cette précision Tijani

12:47:30          From Abdulkarim Oloyede : I have nothing else to say. My hand is lowered

12:47:40          From Sarah Kiden : :-)

12:48:49          From Sarah Kiden : Dave’s EOI was noted

12:50:00          From Seun Ojedeji : @Pastor peters from the announcement I saw this "....No one who was on an ATLAS Working group is eligible to stand for this regional position...."

I thought Dave indicated he was on ATLAS III WG.

If indeed he is not on the committee then there should be no reason to look for someone else.

12:50:39          From Maureen Hilyard : Tough meeting manager!!

12:51:31          From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : 10

12:51:35          From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : mAY

12:52:32          From Maureen Hilyard : Yes thank you Abdeldjalil nominations close on  May 10

12:52:43          From Katambi Joan : @sarah which people are eligible for voting

12:53:43          From Sarah Kiden : :-) :-)

12:53:50          From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : Can we have a list of AFRALO ALS Rep on wiki

12:53:53          From Sarah Kiden : Aziz is back

12:54:08          From Hadia : @Fatimata great team manager :)

12:54:11          From Katambi Joan : thanks for Communication @Sarah

12:54:13          From Sarah Kiden : @Abdeljalil we have the list on the wiki

12:54:29          From Sarah Kiden : @Aziz’s sound is so low

12:54:30          From Maureen Hilyard : @Hadia... I agree!

12:54:31          From Janvier Ngnoulaye (ISOC Cameroon) : +1 @Fatimata

12:54:37          From Hadia : I can't hear aziz

12:54:46          From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : Please share the link

12:54:49          From Ejikeme Egbuogu : cant hear

12:54:50          From Maureen Hilyard : Aziz is very faint

12:55:02          From Michel TCHONANG : Well I'll leave you because I have another commitment in minutes. Have a lovely day everybody.

12:55:16          From Sarah Kiden : Thank you Michel!

12:55:33          From Seun Ojedeji : @Abdul it's always been on the wiki: https://community.icann.org/display/AFRALO/AFRALO+ALSes

12:55:34          From Maureen Hilyard :  We have the CPWG meeting in 5 minutes if anyone wants to join us..

12:56:04          From Bram Fudzulani : @Maureen share the link

12:56:27          From Ejikeme Egbuogu : +1 @Maureen

12:56:28          From León : Thank you everyone

12:56:34          From Beran Gillen  : thank u all

12:56:34          From León : and again my apologies for lateness

12:56:34          From Bukola Oronti : Thank you all

12:56:36          From Sarah Kiden : Thank you everyone!

12:56:38          From Janvier Ngnoulaye (ISOC Cameroon) : Thanks Fatimata,

12:56:40          From León : greetings from Istanbul

12:56:40          From Janvier Ngnoulaye (ISOC Cameroon) : Bye

12:56:40          From Beran Gillen  : good bye

12:56:43          From Hadia : thank you all bye

12:56:47          From silvia.vivanco : Thank you all !!

12:56:49          From Maureen Hilyard : Thank you Fatimata

12:56:49          From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : Bye

12:56:54          From Raihanath GBADAMASSI : Thank you everyone. bye

12:57:04          From Gabdibé Gab-Hingonné : Thank  you all!

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